If your dog died & you got another would it be same breed?



  • norrishbex
    norrishbex Posts: 35 Member
    I thought about this, and my next dog will be a different breed.

    My last dog was a rescue greyhound, she was a 1 in a million type of dog. Unfortunately she was mauled so badly by another rescue greyhound that she had to be put to sleep. I would never have another greyhound, or a rescue, I just don't trust them.

    Registered, reputable breeder for me.

    My next dog is going to be a German Short-haired Pointer.
  • PaulHalicki
    PaulHalicki Posts: 576 Member
    I'd get a rescue dog. I'd have to see what is available. When I say rescue, I most likely mean going to the pound or PetSmart or something like that, not a rescue organization tied to a breed. But if we didn't find the right dog, I might go to one of the specific breed rescues.

    In fact, I really couldn't get the same breed as two of our three current dogs because they're mutts and I'm not sure what they are. We have a 16-year-old who's kind of halfway between a Pekinese and a Golden Retriever (in size and looks), an 8-year-old beagle (or maybe beagle-basset mix), and a 3-year-old shepherd-hound (we think) mix. They were all strays that we took in.
  • FourIsCompany
    FourIsCompany Posts: 269 Member
    If you get another iggy, it's very possible to get a completely different personality. You may see "reminders" of your other dog, but my two Shepherds could not be more different in personality, and they are half siblings! I would say if you want another one, get another one. They are unique and interesting little dogs. If you're undecided, take your time. The answer will come to you.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    yes. after fostering and rescuing many dogs while I worked as a vet tech, I will from here on only own a German Shepherd.