What do I mean by JUICE?

When I was a young man, just out of college, I took a sales job in the Chicagoland area. It was door-to-door sales and I learned a lot. Not just about sales, but about motivating people.

My manager/trainer was a guy named Pat. He was the most motivated guy I had ever met, until years later when I discovered Anthony Robbins. Every morning we had a sales meeting at the office before going out to our territory and knocking on doors. Every morning Pat would greet each of us with a big smile a hearty handshake and "Juice to you!"

After about a week I asked one of the other salesmen who had been around a while, what did Pat mean by "Juice" to us. The man told me J-U-I-C-E was an acronym and stood for Join Us In Creating Enthusiasm! It's been nearly 40 years since I left that job, but I still remember Pat and I still remember J-U-I-C-E!

Why JUICE!? Because I know from years of failing what it's like to battle your weight. I have fought my weight for nearly all of my adult life. Now, at 60 years old, I was chronically obese (more than 140 pounds overweight), had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, borderline COPD, achy joints, and worst of all I had developed Uncontrolled Diabetes. My wish, for each of you, is to create enough enthusiasm for losing weight and getting fit as I have.

My JUICE is eating right by creating recipes that are healthy and will help me to lose the weight I need to lose and improve my overall health. I have lost more than 40 pounds in 4 months and I'm still losing weight.

So, won't you join me and share my JUICE?

Sailor Jon
