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We are pleased to announce that as of March 4, 2025, an updated Rich Text Editor has been introduced in the MyFitnessPal Community. To learn more about the changes, please click here. We look forward to sharing this new feature with you!

MyFitnessPal Community Update to Rich Editor Format (3/4/2025)



  • Nova
    Nova Posts: 10,484 MFP Staff

    @k9kiddie This is a current bug, so we're waiting on a fix for this. The shift enter is what you can use in the meantime.

  • Nova
    Nova Posts: 10,484 MFP Staff

    Hey all,

    We are reporting the bugs as they are coming in, and they are being assigned to their dev team. Currently, they’re working on the mentions bug, the spacing bug, quotes in private groups, and dates on threads before May 2024, and they’re still asking for info from some specific folks on certain bugs. We totally understand the frustration and are doing what we can to smooth them out as quickly as we can (given that we are working with a different company in another country).

    Hang in there with us; we hear you.

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,696 Member

    I don't know whether this is a side effect of the attempts to fix the May 2024 bug, or just personal weirdness, but I'm reporting it here in case it's helpful/general:

    When I click on the Recipes section's title on the Community home or on the top of a thread from that area, I get this:

  • Nova
    Nova Posts: 10,484 MFP Staff

    Hi, yes, we have this one in there with the Vanilla team too. Hopefully, this one is a quick fix! Thanks for sending in @AnnPT77

  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,862 Member

    Since yesterday, the community is now too big on my phone and side scrolls, loads at random places in the list of topics, and going to Discussions defaults to All and not just my followed forums.

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,696 Member
    edited March 14

    Is it part of that same issue that when I try to create a link to one of the Community topic areas right now, all I can get is a link to that same empty "categories" page?

    In this case, what I pasted was the link to Motivation and Support.

    I'm sure you realize what a dissatisfier all these Community bugs are, coming on the heels of eliminating the Newsfeed closely enough that people are still peeved about that.

    I understand the issues of dealing with upgrades from an external software provider similar to what you're going through here with Vanilla . . . but from the user side it's bound to feel like inattention or worse to the social side of MFP as an important issue, as I'm sure you know.

  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,862 Member

    Quoting myself because it's too late to edit - I used the "discussions" tabs on both desktop and Android to go to the most recently posted in topics, it's pretty much the only way I navigate the community, I use it to exit the post I'm in to go back to the list. I have had it set to "followed communities" forever, and it's great because I have the fun & games and Chit Chat communities unfollowed. Now, clicking discussions defaults to "all" and not "followed communities" every time I click it, which clutters up my recent posts list with all the stuff I very much do not want to see. It's super irritating.

    As Ann says, with the newsfeed disappearing, these community glitches are all the more annoying.

  • katestayslim
    katestayslim Posts: 1,726 Member


    One of the women in my group asked why there is no spell checker any more. I didn't even know there was a spell checker before so I can't answer her question. Can you tell me if there is and how to turn it on?

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,696 Member

    If there's been a spell checker anytime in the nearly 10 years I've been on MFP, I've never seen it. Depending on what device I'm using to type, I may get corrections/suggestions of words I'm typing, or even predictions of how I might want to complete a phrase, but those are a function of a device, not the app. I don't remember there being a spell checker built into MFP.

  • katestayslim
    katestayslim Posts: 1,726 Member

    Thanks. That was my experience so I didn't know how to answer her.

  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,862 Member
    edited March 16

    Adding that when browsing though recent posts on the community, the back button no longer takes you from page 3 back to page 2, for example, but takes you back from 'recent posts' out to the community landing page.

    SUPER annoying, especially since the navigation buttons (next page etc) for the community are now all messed up too. I'd post a screenshot but that's not working either.

    This is way beyond changes to the rich text editor, and the updates to the community completely suck.

  • durden
    durden Posts: 3,841 MFP Staff

    I'm not able to replicate any part of this and have a suspicion you're dealing with something local to your device. Please feel free to reach out to support with more details if you'd like us to take a look.

    We are equally dissatisfied with how upgrading forum infrastructure has gone. I'm actually probably more mad about it than ya'll are, believe it or not. It's very frustrating.

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,696 Member

    Another thing I'm noticing recently in the Community, though this may be device specific - though I think I've seen it both on my Samsung Android phone in the app, and in web browser MFP on a Windows laptop - is that when I go back to a preceding page, or sometimes when I go into one of the Community topic areas, it seems to position the resulting page scrolled down much further than it should be, often close to the bottom of the page.

    I'm also wondering why I'm seeing this, and definitely seeing it in both environments though the screen cap is from the app:

  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,862 Member
    edited March 17

    Are you saying you can replicate none of my issues including the recent discussions defaulting at All instead of just my followed communities, the recent posts loading at the bottom of the page and not the top? Or are you just not able to replicate the back button issue?

    Related to the back button issue, since the update, there's no way to go back when you've paged through to the 2nd, 3rd page etc from Discussions/Recent Posts, just the "Next Page" button, a thing telling you what rage of posts you're on and a "jump to end" button - see below.

    When I then use the back button on my phone to try and go back, say from page 2 to page 1, it kicks me back to the front page of the forums showing the various communities.

  • durden
    durden Posts: 3,841 MFP Staff

    @AnnPT77 That should now be fixed. Super weird.

    @Alatariel75 I was referring to the Back button issue, which I am still not able to replicate on mobile or desktop. Right now the only issue I can replicate is Recent Discussions defaulting to All posts and not sticking to Followed categories, which is annoying for sure, but may or may not be a bug.

    The "Next Page" issue you brought up is actually just a bit of confusing UI; that button to the right actually opens a "Jump to page" option, it doesn't take you to the last page.

  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,862 Member

    Ugh, so it is. Not only is that a confusing piece of UI (that symbol has been 'last page' since moses was a boy), but that's a terrible way to navigate. Why on earth would they do away with a "back" button and instead force you to type numbers in a box?

    If the "all" instead of followed posts for recent is a feature, not a bug, that might be the death knell for me. Why would I want my recents cluttered with dross I've gone out of my way to unfollow?

  • durden
    durden Posts: 3,841 MFP Staff

    We're meeting with Vanilla tomorrow; i'll add that to our agenda and see if we can't fix that.

  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,862 Member

    Also, regarding quoting - I just went to respond to a very small part of a big post, am I correct that you can no longer edit the post you're quoting - as in I can't bold a particular part, or delete the parts I'm not responding to? That seems like another step backwards…

  • durden
    durden Posts: 3,841 MFP Staff

    That's correct, but you can instead use the button to the side of the reply box and select Quote

    to do this

  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 7,028 Member

    Regarding the back button issue: I can confirm there is an issue. In my case: when navigating the different pages of the overview of recent discussions, the back button sends me back two pages, whether that's a page on the MFP boards or a different website altogether.

    Tech details: Android phone, using the Samsung browser (not the app).

  • durden
    durden Posts: 3,841 MFP Staff

    @Lietchi Please reach out to support so we can get some further details and not clog up this thread.

    @Alatariel75 I spoke to Vanilla regarding your concerns (among a lot of other stuff) and have confirmed this behavior is expected. I think explaining why it behaves like this will help a lot.

    If you're using an actual browser, you'll notice that the URL of the page changes when you switch to "Followed Categories". This is actually a really neat feature I wasn't aware of that not only lets you bookmark that page (regardless of your site settings) but also share your followed categories with other users. This is why the "All Categories" sticks- because our site navigation points to that URL and not the Followed Categories page. Given this is expected behavior with a number of ways to work around- i'm going to call this issue closed.

  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,862 Member
    edited March 18

    @durden with all due respect, aren't upgrades generally supposed to mean improvements? What was touted as changes to the reply box have turned out to be wholesale changes to the community which are buggy as all get out, and remove long standing features and reduce UX.

    but also share your  followed categories with other users

    I cannot think of a single instance where I would want to do this. However, going to 'recent posts' and NOT seeing all the dross from the categories I have deliberately unfollowed? Not that's a feature.

    It seems like a small thing, but adding clicks to remove the clutter that is unfollowed communities makes unfollowing largely pointless... Kind of like how adding friends now is pointless without newsfeed. Taking away a long standing feature and adding steps as a "work around" isn't an improvement… very much the opposite.

    Is there logic or a business plan behind the seeming devolution of MFP? I don't remember the last time anything was added or improved, just cut or change for the worse.

  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,862 Member
    edited March 18

     This is why the "All Categories" sticks- because our site navigation points to that URL and not the Followed Categories page.

    Just to add… wouldn't an easy fix be to amend the site navigation to point to

    rather than


    People could still navigate back to "all" using the drop down if they want to see all the categories they follow, as they always have been able to.

    The way I see it, this is just restoring the same (better) functionality that MFP community has had for years.

  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,862 Member
    edited March 18

    I'm sorry you do not find value in the feature as it exists- I think it's pretty cool.

    What exactly is the "feature"? Being able to send someone (who? why?) a link to the community as you want to see it? How is that in any way an improvement over ACTUALLY seeing what you want to see (posts from the communities you choose to follow), which is a feature that has always existed, until now?

    Now, in order for Recent Discussions to only have the communities a user has chosen to follow showing, there's extra steps - this is the removal of a feature the community has had for YEARS. Removing a feature isn't an improvement, and I'm not sure how you're saying it is?

    As a tech dev are you really trying to say that the removal of a convenience used multiple times a day, every single day, is an improvement because now it's easier to do a "once in a blue moon" (if that, I still can't think of a single instance where this would be useful) is a UX improvement?

  • Nova
    Nova Posts: 10,484 MFP Staff


    We understand your frustration. We’ve had to make the change to Rich Text due to BB Code being sunsetted by Vanilla. This comes with changes and bugs that are inevitable, as there is no such thing as perfect software, and merging old tech and new tech is bound to find a few kinks. It’s not forever, but it is for now until their team can correct some of these. Durden, Betty, and I are not tech devs; we are part of the Customer Happiness Team. Currently, we are also passing information back and forth from the users to the Vanilla team (which is a different team in another country), which is responsible for the forum software. Please hang in there with us while we are working out the bugs. Their team is aware of our bugs, and not all of them are quick fixes. Some of the processes we are all used to will need to be adjusted. Not so much that they are workarounds, it’s just done differently under this new software, which is more so a growing pain than a bug.

  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,862 Member

    So, the defaulting to All is a bug? Because Durden says above that it's supposed to work like that, and that's how it is going to be from now on:

    Given this is expected behavior with a number of ways to work around- i'm going to call this issue closed.

    It's also not anything to do with Rich Text, it seems to be a fundamental change in the way the community works, so can you confirm that the changes aren't just in the way people reply, but in the way the community works overall?

  • barbsduck
    barbsduck Posts: 185 Member

    @Nova — about adding hyperlinks…. I do not see how I can choose the simple hyperlink. My iPad defaults to the card and I don’t have any option to change it. What do you mean when you say “when the hyperlink is blue”??? I hit Cmd-k and put in the hyperlink and I’m stuck with the card.

  • Nova
    Nova Posts: 10,484 MFP Staff


    Paste or type your hyperlink, click space (spacebar) (no cmd-k needed), then once it turns blue, click it, then pick which way you want the link to show up.




  • Nova
    Nova Posts: 10,484 MFP Staff


    Correct, this is a change in how that part of the app works and not a bug. We had a conversation with Vanilla about this specific setting.

    The change for this specific feature is to open a browser, click the followed categories, and then save that as a bookmark, so you'll never see the other option. Since we don't make the software, it's not a process we can change.

  • Nova
    Nova Posts: 10,484 MFP Staff

    @Alatariel75 We will also submit a feature request to the Vanilla team.