My friends want me to drink?!

Okay first hi :)

This may sound weird but my friends don't really get my non-drinking attitude. This could be understandable since I am in university and all the student life ya-da ya-da ya-da. I get really annoyed at parties when I don't have a drink and like 5 people periodically ask me why don't I drink. I answer with "I don't want to" and then they start pressing me about it. I mean I wasn't always a non-drinker but I started a particular workout program 7 weeks ago and decided to stick to clean eating as much as I can while doing it and even though sometimes I would have a cookie or two I totally cut out alcohol, since this is absolutely no problem for me.
Even my close friends pester me about it. They say they do understand my motives but when I tell them that I would party with them just not drink they start whine about it and I am like "really?!" :huh:
The whole thing turned into a reason for me to stay away from social events and gatherings but I am still a young person and I would like to go out and dance the night away from time to time.

Does any of you have any idea how to make them get it or at least make them stop pressing me about it? Some of you would say that they are not good friends and so on but I think that they just don't give a fffff about clean eating, working out and so on.

So yeah sorry if I ranted a bit but I am interested in your opinions :)


  • AlwaysanOptimist
    AlwaysanOptimist Posts: 15 Member
    Hi :-)

    I know people who can be like this too... but you just have to be strong :-) Dancing is amazing fun and you don't need to be intoxicated to enjoy it. I would know - on nights out, I'm usually the one making all the silly and embarrassing moves on the dance floor! :laugh: One way that you could get them to stop pestering you about it is to prove it to them. Prove to them that you can still party whilst sober :smile:
    I enjoy drinking, but I get awful hangovers and it's really put me off. If I have a night when I've been out drinking, I'd usually need the whole of the following day to recover. I can't be bothered with this anymore :O

    (I'm a student as well :smile: )
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    Well, you can certainly keep doing what you're doing... eventually, people (at least those in your close circle) will figure out that nagging you about it doesn't work and move on. And, I hate to tell you this, but it doesn't necessarily stop when you get out of college! I'm 40 and drink from time to time, but when I'm in training, I rarely drink anything at all. One thing I've done when I think it's going to be an issue (aside from informing anyone I got over drinking shots when I was ~17 :laugh:) is just get one drink (or something that looks like it could be a drink... a glass of water with a lime in it sure could look like a vodka tonic!) and just keep it in my hand. But, more often than not, I tell people to do themselves, and I'll do me.

    But definitely don't miss out on the social events just over this!!!!
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Unfortunately I don't really have any suggestions that aren't 'find better friends'...
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Well, you can certainly keep doing what you're doing... eventually, people (at least those in your close circle) will figure out that nagging you about it doesn't work and move on. And, I hate to tell you this, but it doesn't necessarily stop when you get out of college! I'm 40 and drink from time to time, but when I'm in training, I rarely drink anything at all. One thing I've done when I think it's going to be an issue (aside from informing anyone I got over drinking shots when I was ~17 :laugh:) is just get one drink (or something that looks like it could be a drink... a glass of water with a lime in it sure could look like a vodka tonic!) and just keep it in my hand. But, more often than not, I tell people to do themselves, and I'll do me.

    But definitely don't miss out on the social events just over this!!!!

    This. It doesn't change as you get older.

    I do have friends that don't drink/stopped drinking. It takes some time but eventually your close circle will get it and drop the subject.

    I always have a non alcoholic drink in my hand to avoid the question sixty million times from others. I just don't make it obvious it's not a "drink".
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    Just walk around with a solo cup full of coke zero/juice/water. Then tell them you are drinking a mixed drink or something
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    In all likelihood, they keep pestering you about it, because you NOT drinking makes them think about how much THEY are drinking, and they definitely don't want to think about THAT (especially if your friends are part of the drink til you're stumbling drunk type crowd).

    So...if you don't want to find new friends (although trust me, other people who don't drink or who may go out and only have one or two drinks DO exist, even in entire group from friends all through college were of the non-drinker/light drinker crowd) could always do as others have suggested and make sure you have something that could pass an an alcoholic drink in your hand (ie club soda with lime - aka vodka tonic, or club soda with cranberry juice - aka vodka and cranberry).
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    they just want you to have fun too.

    So just say no thank you, and smile, and maybe change the subject.. no explanation.. thats where you get hung up in explaining yourself. without explanations they have nothing to argue it back to you.

    You could have a glass of ice water with a slice of orange or lemon in it, they dont know its not vodka!
  • poma91
    poma91 Posts: 181 Member
    Thank you all for your suggestions. I'll try the masking my drink so it looks alcoholic. I think you are right, they are probably thinking that they drink too much when I don't drink at all. Don't get me wrong my friends are not alcoholics :bigsmile: I still have to figure out how to get out of a situation when someone literary puts a drink in my hand.
  • alehundrah
    alehundrah Posts: 156 Member
    Thank you all for your suggestions. I'll try the masking my drink so it looks alcoholic. I think you are right, they are probably thinking that they drink too much when I don't drink at all. Don't get me wrong my friends are not alcoholics :bigsmile: I still have to figure out how to get out of a situation when someone literary puts a drink in my hand.
    You don't need to mask your drink and pretend it has alcohol. Your friends prob aren't used to seeing you not drink at parties. Just give it time. Eventually they will get used to it. Me myself I'm not a big drinker. I go out to clubs often and have fun without drinking. At first my friends would keep *****ing that I needed to drink but eventually they got used to the idea and now they know to order water or sofa for me instead. Drinking is a personal choice and nobody can make you do something you don't want to do.
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    People are just strange with addictive substances. They really like to push other people with it.

    I haven't had a drink in over 10 years and don't miss it a bit.

    You save tons of money not having vices like alcohol, drugs, smoking, gambling

    I have more fun I believe because i remember what i did.

    Just hold the glass of coke in your hand or whatever. People will think you have a mixed drink.
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    Years ago I went from partying every weekend with hard drinking friends to not drinking at all. In the end, I lost all of those "friends" because time showed they were drinking buddies, and if I wasn't going to drink, nobody thought it necessary to invite me over anymore to what in reality was their weekend drinking party. Even my (ex-)husband started leaving me at home because he said I made everybody uncomfortable drinking in front of me. I never said a word to anyone; it was their own mindset that they were doing something wrong and I was watching.

    After the divorce and the slow process of meeting new friends, I thought I needed to hide that I don't drink alcohol anymore, so I would order a cranberry and seltzer and tell people it was vodka and cranberry. If someone bought me a drink, I'd say it tasted bad and would take it to the bartender to remake, then tell the bartender my friend doesn't grasp the concept of designated driver so could she/he please refill my "Jack and Coke" or whatever with straight Diet Coke.

    Eventually, I became stubborn enough in my opinions that I just told people I don't drink. Why? I don't like the taste or the way it makes me feel. That way I knock down the two most common rebuttals (Oh, well you haven't tried THIS one! and Oh, well only drink a little so you don't get a buzz!).

    Since you're not drinking because you're making a change in dietary lifestyle, your "sobriety" may or may not be long term. I would suggest you get ready to stand your ground with a smile and say, "No, thanks."

    All else fails, tell them you only drink Louis XIII Cognac. I'd be willing to bet they don't have a $45,000 bottle around. :laugh:
  • HelllYeaHH
    HelllYeaHH Posts: 56 Member
    I usually just tell them that I'm trying to lose some weight and that I'd prefer them supporting me rather then giving me **** for it. Friends usually stop then. Another thing that helped me is saying that this doesn't mean that i'll never drink again, just not for the next 4-6 weeks or so. Follow this up with some short term results "I've lost 3kg already!" and they will back of or even complement you on doing a good job.

    Being in an environment with students and used to drink till 4-5 am this can be though but people also need to get used to your new attitude. A similar thing happened to me when I tried to quit smoking. People still come up to me and ask me to out for a smoke. Not because they're giving me a bad time for it, but just because they're used to me going with them for a smoke.
  • AllyCatXandi
    AllyCatXandi Posts: 329 Member
    "Sorry, but I'm on this special skin medication and I've been forbidden from drinking because of the way it reacts with alcohol."

    I'm not, but medical conditions tend to be seen as valid reasons and simply accepted :tongue:

    Or like other people said, you can very easily pretend a glass of soda is a mixed drink. That's what my mum used to do back in the day - she was never a heavy drinker and got away with it every time :laugh:
  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    Be aware, some 'friends' may offer you a spiked drink.
  • HealthyVitamins
    HealthyVitamins Posts: 432 Member
    I don't drink either, I just tell people who question 'I don't drink' simple. If they push me to drink I just walk away or tell them to F off. Imagine pushing someone NOT to drink, they would go nuts!
  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    I am exactly the same - I do not drink :bigsmile: But I am also proud of it; sure, sometimes its hard but life isn't meant to be easy...
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    If they're friends, then tell them to leave you alone, if they value that friendship.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    You can always discreetly pass off the unwanted drink to someone else. Theres bound to be somebody who would like a freebie!

    If all else fails, put your hand on their arm, look deep into their eyes, and ask them if they would like help exorcising the demon liquor from their lives. :wink:
  • JaneAero
    JaneAero Posts: 94 Member
    I dont drink except the odd glass at xmas , so when I was younger and out at parties I would just tell people I dont drink thanks and if I was pressed for an explanation, or repeatedly badgered, I would say Im not discussing it, im out to have a good time not argue, then walk away. Basically hold your ground, laugh it off if you can, dont bother justifying or explaining yourself, the best line if people persist is to imply their weird & have the problem, ok this doesnt work on friends lol
  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    I wouldn't mask it, personally I would just be firm and say no thanks I don't drink. Eventually people will get used to it. As you said, it probably makes them feel uneasy about their drinking habits and they are probably worried you won't be much fun. Once they realise you are not going to start lecturing them and that you can still have a great time when sober they will lay off (hopefully!)