Why do I have to run Races to be a runner?



  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    You know in your mind that you are a runner. However running outside and running on a treadmill are very different, and I encourage you to try it. You have to adapt to wind, temperature, elevation changes, etc and it will help to improve your athleticism to practice on different terrains. But if you run, you are a runner.

    As far as earning a title, you have to compete in an actual race. The titles of half-marathoner, marathoner, triathelte, ironman, etc are awarded to those who successfully complete the race for which it's named. Take the Ironman for instance. Even if you finish the whole race, you aren't a finisher unless you complete it within 17 hours. If you try your hardest and miss the cut off, does it take away from your badassness? No. But you didn't earn the title of ironman.
  • ZenInTexas
    ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member
    I like to race because it brings out my best performance. I like to push myself to see what I can do and that just doesn't happen during everyday training. But racing doesn't make you a runner, running does!
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Why do you care if anyone else calls you a runner?

    Do you think you're a runner? Then you're a runner.

    Easy peasy. Anyone who gives you a hard time doesn't need the time of day, much less your 10k Pb time.
  • madworld1
    You don't. I'm definitely a runner. I've been running for about 7 or 8 years now & I've never been in a race.

    Main reason: They have them too damn early in the morning.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    You don't have to do races to be a "runner". If you run, you're a runner. And if you ran 13.1 miles, you've run a half marathon. That's the definition, and it really doesn't matter if it's "official" or not. The beauty of running

    Now, if you've never run a race, then you're simply not a "racer". You're a runner who doesn't race.

    Which really isn't a bad thing. I don't know why people put so much stock in running races for defining who is or is not a runner.. I mostly do races with friends because it's just a fun way to celebrate big life things for me. I've also discovered the fun awesomeness of relay races, which makes running more of a teamwork thing. Definitely a lot more fun than dealing with traditional races.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You're a runner if you run. Period.

    I would strongly encourage you to just do a half marathon, though. The experience is totally different than 13.1 miles alone or on a treadmill, it's really really fun. Plus, you'll shut everyone up. Just do one.

    As far as it 'counting' as a half marathon, I don't think you can call yourself a half-marathoner until you actually participate in a race. Like, I wouldn't get a "13.1" sticker for your car unless you participate in a race, or you'll be having this argument with everyone for the rest of time.


    i could swim bike and run all i want in training, but until i actually DID a triathlon, i couldn't call myself a triathlete.


    I missed the "I ran a half" well you are training for a half- but I would definitely not say I was a half marathoner... I'd just say I ran 13 miles LOL.

    And I would start running outside it's totally different- longest I every did on the dead mill was 8- god I almost feel down when I finished my legs were so confused.
    So boring
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I was not aware of this rule.

    Yeah, me either. When I started running, no one sat me down and told me that I had to sign up for a bunch of races.

    Granted, I do run a ton of races. But I do it because I enjoy it, not because I have to.
  • JenRun1
    JenRun1 Posts: 212
    I'm a lone ranger runner myself. I don't like races unless it is for a cause very close to my heart for almost all of the reasons you stated.

    They take the enjoyment out of running, I run for me, not for competition with strangers.
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    For me, it's like taking the test after all the studying. The proof that I know the material. Some people don't test well. Doesn't mean they don't know the material.
  • nlehmann
    nlehmann Posts: 164 Member
    I like to race because it brings out my best performance. I like to push myself to see what I can do and that just doesn't happen during everyday training. But racing doesn't make you a runner, running does!

    Agree! I love racing, it is a different environment and sence of accomplishment when you are done. But you do not need to race to be a runner!
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    Anyone else de-motivated when thinking about races?
    Now, why do people tell me that I haven't run a half marathon then? It doesn't count? Apparently 13.1 miles on my treadmill isn't a real half-marathon either according to my husband. Don't understand why I have to be in the cattle stampede to be a runner!
    I dont know. Ask them. When I make a beer run does that count?
  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member
    You're a runner.

    That said, just because you've run 13 miles doesn't mean you've run a half marathon.


    Wikipedia: The marathon is a long-distance running event with an official distance of 42.195 kilometres (26 miles and 385 yards),[1] that is usually run as a road race. The event was instituted in commemoration of the fabled run of the Greek soldier Pheidippides, a messenger from the Battle of Marathon to Athens.

    So by definition to run a marathon is to be in an event/race.

    That said, just because you haven't run in one (or a half-marathon) does not mean you're not a runner. You run, therefore, you're a runner. By the way, mega props to all you runners that can go for that long of a distance!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    You don't have to do races to be a "runner". If you run, you're a runner. And if you ran 13.1 miles, you've run a half marathon. That's the definition, and it really doesn't matter if it's "official" or not. The beauty of running

    Now, if you've never run a race, then you're simply not a "racer". You're a runner who doesn't race.

    Which really isn't a bad thing. I don't know why people put so much stock in running races for defining who is or is not a runner.. I mostly do races with friends because it's just a fun way to celebrate big life things for me. I've also discovered the fun awesomeness of relay races, which makes running more of a teamwork thing. Definitely a lot more fun than dealing with traditional races.

    You've run the distance of a half marathon, but you haven't run a half marathon. And I don't think anybody here is saying to be a runner you must run races.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    You don't have to.

    I run races purely for the hoodie.
  • LisaGNV
    LisaGNV Posts: 159 Member
    You don't. The end.

    If you run, you're a runner.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Anyone else de-motivated when thinking about races?
    Now, why do people tell me that I haven't run a half marathon then? It doesn't count? Apparently 13.1 miles on my treadmill isn't a real half-marathon either according to my husband. Don't understand why I have to be in the cattle stampede to be a runner!
    I dont know. Ask them. When I make a beer run does that count?

    Re being in a cattle stampede - not all races are like this. I did a half marathon in February that had less than 100 runners. There are tons of small races that offer a more relaxed race atmosphere.

    I don't think anyone thinks you aren't a runner but I kinda agree with the points on whether or not your ran a "half marathon". As someone already pointed out, it's an event, not just a distance.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    You don't!
    Do what you want!
    You get out and run from time to time? Then you are a runner! Don't let anyone tell you any different.

    What I have found is that as I have become more involved in running, it becomes about some improvement from one time to the next. ie I ran 10k last summer @ 1:03:00, This summer my 10k time is in the 0:55:00 range. When you race, you get some form of "official" verification of this. Aside from that, I get as much if not more pleasure from getting out and running with my group and/or by my self as I do on race day.

    Do what works for you and enjoy the experience and health benefits!
  • Raclex
    Raclex Posts: 238
    You know, one of my favorite things about the running community is this strong sense of acceptance. It doesn't matter if you run outdoors, up and down mountains, on the sidewalk, in the bike lane or on a treadmill. As long as you get up off the couch and lace up those shoes, you're a runner. Races can be fun, but they're not for everyone. I think anyone who thinks you're only a runner if you compete has, unfortunately, missed the WHOLE EFFING point of being a runner.

    You know what 13.1 miles on a treadmill is? Mental training. If you can run that long in one place on a treadmill, you can run 13.1 anywhere else. It takes tough mental discipline to stare at the same environment for that long. So kudos to you.

    I disagree with comments that say you can't be called a "X-distance runner" without having competed in a race. A half marathon is simply a distance - 13.1 miles. Half the distance run by that famous Greek solider. A marathon is 26.2 miles. Does it matter where? Does it matter that you're the only one running it? NO.

    I hate that people have tried to make running into this elitist, hierarchy. Pace, distance, "races" or non-races. It doesn't matter. What matters is you got up today and made a choice. And that's what makes you a Runner.

    ^^This. Oh, and this again!!