Why do I have to run Races to be a runner?



  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    In order to be a "runner" you have to run.

    In order to be a "racer" you have to race.

    In order to be a backpacker, you have to backpack.

    And, in order to be a mountain climber you have to climb mountains.

    So, you are a runner, not a racer.

    You may be capable of running the distance associated with a 5k, 10K, a half-marathon, or even a marathon and may even run them routinely. But until you've actually signed up and then done it, with the bib, the timing chip, the time to be pulled up on a website and, yes, even a medal (if one is available and you want a symbol of your accomplishment), you can't actually say you've "run one."

    I am a runner (once again). But until I actually run a marathon, I can't call myself a marathoner even though I will have run the total distance at least once before the actual race.

    That's the distinction. You don't have to run races to be a runner.
  • guessrs
    guessrs Posts: 358 Member
    Says who? Good for you that you run that makes you a runner.
    I need races to keep me motivated to run. Right now I'm tired of racing so I just enjoy running and won't race till spring.