What foods/drinks/habits have you given up for your 'diet'?



  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I've given up giving up on anything.

    I have totally relaxed into being me.

    If I want it, I have it.

    I trust myself not to have too much of it if I wish to continue to make fat loss progress.

    And if I waver, that's OK too, I'm good.

    I want to be where you are!! I'm working on it. Working HARD. But I'm not there yet. I don't trust myself around certain foods, so I just don't keep them around.

    I've cut back on alcohol, sweets, bread, and pasta. I honestly don't miss them much. I'd say that 90% of the time I'm eating well and not overdoing it. It's the other 10% that's killing me...mostly sweets: cookies, cheesecake, ice cream, cookies, chocolate, cookies! Did I mention cookies? I've never liked sodas or fast food, so that hasn't been a problem.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    I do not like it when people say they habe not given up anything. If we did not make changes, we would stay the same.
    Sorry you don't like it, but for some of us, it really is true! I didn't say I didn't make any changes, but I haven't given anything up. I may choose not to have a blizzard or a milkshake right now, but I haven't given them up. If I wanted to work it into my macro budget one day, I would do so and it would be absolutely fine. I haven't given up cheeseburgers and sweet potato fries, but I've only had them a couple times in the past 10 weeks, instead of the at-least-weekly it probably was before.

    I find that when I focus on what I have to put into my body to meet my macro targets, I don't even have to worry about giving anything up for my 'diet'. Which in my case, is a lifestyle change. I don't get to go back to the diet I used to eat, so I have to find a way that I can live with forever.
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    Foodwise, nothing. I eat what I want by working it in.
    Drinkwise, soda and juices and stuff like that. I use half a lemonade packet in the morning but that's because I mix it with my psyllium husk powder. Other than coffee in the morning and that, all I drink is water! :smile:
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Since late July:
    All soft drinks, including soda, tea, and slushies (yummm on the slushies. I drank soda and tea everyday since I was a teenager. SMH. And, I'm from the South, so I put tonnnns of sugar in my tea. My poor body)
    Fast food (except maybe two times, but it's still been over a month since the last time). I used to eat fast food for breakfast/lunch/dinner everyday for at least the past seven years.

    Since mid-August:
    Just drinking plain water

    The only thing I've truly given up are energy drinks.

    1) I don't need that much caffeine anymore.
    2) I'd rather use my calories for more yummy options. Like ice cream, pizza, etc. Nom.
  • mallen404
    mallen404 Posts: 266 Member
    I didn't give up anything.. I just eat more in moderation now and focus on getting in my fruit and veggies every day.

    I still eat Pizza but I have cut back on not having it more than once a week (usually a goal of mine to only have it once a week maximum)
  • Sbrn_
    Sbrn_ Posts: 351 Member
    To all those people who've given up alcohol.... you poor, poor things.
  • Natalie511
    Natalie511 Posts: 75 Member
    I have given up soda...and started to make all of my food from scratch...that has helped the most I believe...so not as much fast food and good close to the farm food...
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I gave up foods that I don't really like. I was never crazy about soda, chips, or popcorn, so I don't eat them, even if they're there. I try to spend every calorie I've got on something that tastes good to me.

    then you really didn't give up anything. It's a fact, you said you were never crazy about them. So what was the point?

    Posting to say that I made a priority of food that I love is far more constructive than posting just to criticize someone else's post.
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    None. I just fit it into my calories.

    It's when I spot counting the calories and eat that stuff, and then some, that I lose track. When I do count, I lose weight. Why would I want to give up good food? I tried that. Didn't work.

    However, more power to the people that can. I think we all just have different styles.
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    I used to eat an entire medium pizza for myself because on campus they're like $8 on the weekend. I would eat the entire medium pizza as a SINGLE meal.. Im glad that phase is over!
  • fallingken
    fallingken Posts: 98 Member
    Give up? not going to happen. Cut back, chose other option sure. I eat what I want, in sometimes limited quantities, but I can have anything I want, just fir it into my available calorie space. Seems to be working ok for me.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    None, I just changed the amounts. I don't believe in restriction, for me that's not a sustainable lifestyle decision.
  • lucystacy71
    lucystacy71 Posts: 290 Member
    The only thing I've really given up is soda. I have other health problems that soda wasn't good for anyway. Now I drink only water.

    Well, I also gave up fruit juices and milk, but that wasn't for a 'diet.'
  • sriley7682
    sriley7682 Posts: 48 Member
    I get why some people are saying that they just eat stuff in moderation and haven't "given anything up," per se. Moderation is good and probably works for most people who aren't truly addicted to the foods they were eating.

    Also, I saw where a couple of people mentioned "trigger foods" and I definitely have some of these that I've "given up" as a rule, but that's not saying that I would never eat it again, I just probably would have it maybe 1x a year, if that. I used to eat cheese dip and chips frequently. I would eat it for dinner, snacks, etc. I could live on it. Also, any kind of chips are trigger foods for me, but I found "Pop Chips" and I occasionally eat those now but not very often. I also stopped eating bread, white potatoes, rice, and pasta. I just think that no one ever died from a lack of eating those foods :)... so I won't either. It also goes without saying that desserts and sugary substances are not in my eating plan anymore either.
  • melissaerrington3
    I've given up Soft drinks, Coffee and alcohol
    As well as White bread, pasta, rice and potatoes
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    Like many of the posters, I didn't give up any foods, but I did definitely cut down on portion sizes and made choices based on my calorie allowance rather than eating it all and letting my body sort it out.

    The biggest thing that helped me is when I gave up sitting on the couch when I could be exercising.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I haven't 'given up' anything. I've cut back on some things and I'm more aware of my portion sizes. I never really ate fast foods and had given up soda years ago. Other than that, I just got more active. My eating habits were never really the problem, it was my lack of motion.
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    Hard liquor and soda. I have totally given these two up for a few years now.

    For my birthday or any other occassion to celebrate, I'll have red wine.

    As far as food, I love trying new foods and eating in general so I have simply cut back on the usual processed foods, like chips, cookies, and bread. Bread is my weakness! Oh and I miss cheez its and cheddar chex mix.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Diet Pepsi (low cal I know but full of bad stuff) and potato chips
  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    Totally gave up soda pop (seldom drank the sugary stuff before but won't even touch the diet junk now), and am adding nothing to my coffee anymore (those flavored creamers add a ton of empty calories). Also haven't have a fast food burger or order of fries all year long either.

    Cut way back on desserts, but will occasionally have a piece of birthday cake or similar snack on a special occasion.