Any exercise fitness gurus? Really gross belly pics*WARNED



  • ohmyjiggle
    ohmyjiggle Posts: 71 Member
    I can tell u the "high butt" comes from doing weighted squats and deadlifts. I had a flat bum until I started lifting....

    Thank you, I will look into that.
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    Oh you are FINE! I know you don't like the way it looks. You can definitely improve that. You want to do strength training. Kettlebells are a good all over body workout. You want to do squats. Squats will make an ugly butt pretty and a pretty butt sexy and a sexy butt even better. Squats make the muscles firm and they even helped my big ol' fat butt and thigh area start crawling right back up my body to where it all belonged instead of sagging. Cardio is good for burning calories, but strength training is going to really make everything look good for you. Promise. I just wrote a giant blog post about figuring out calories, proteins and macros this morning. Let me find it for you.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    you haven't seen a stomach until you've seen mine! I wish I had a tummy like yours seriously. I could send you pics but you would be scarred for life. please be happy with what you have. there are people who have worse tummys than that


    Everywhere I look I cant find any worse then mine, so am I just the only one showing... or WHAT?

    If I bend over its like a butt hanging of skin, yaaaah that's sexy?

    I will tell you that my son is 6 and I still have the flap of skin on my belly. I do have quite a bit of weight to lose but genetics play a huge role in post-baby body. My mom got in good shape and despite her low body fat, had a tummy tuck to remove the skin.

    I would do what others have suggested, find your TDEE using an online calulator and eat 10% or 15% less than TDEE. Do some weight lifting and keep walking!

    Most importantly, stop being so hard on yourself. Try to improve your body image. You've had a baby, enjoy them and take the slow and steady method of getting your body back.
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    I can promise you that your body looks way worse to you than it does to anyone else. I'd trade you in a heart beat. :) I imagine that it will improve, including the loose skin,with any kind of exercise--especially strength training. Keep doing Jillian's workouts. They seem to work pretty good for her, but then again she hasn't had a pregnancy either.
  • ohmyjiggle
    ohmyjiggle Posts: 71 Member
    I agree with all of the above....just wanted to add that looking like a "she-hulk" takes a crapload of work and dedication and would have to be DO NOT be shy about lifting! It is the best way to get to where you seem to want to be.

    Thank you. My boyfriend was telling me if I lift I will have arms like a "man" because I am "big boned" as he calls it. and my arms are flabby when I pik them up. "BATWINGS" if you will.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    You are beautiful! I am confident that most people look better with their clothes on anyway :) It Works has an AMAZING body applicator that you can apply right to your problem area. It tightens, tones, and firms the skin. I have seen unbelievable results on the post pregnancy belly. You have done all the hard work on your own. These wraps just help when exercise can no longer "fix" what you want fixed. Please check it out at

    Don't do this. These don't work and this person probably makes money off anyone they can rip off.

    Reported for spam.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I gained and lost 70 pounds twice in 2.5 years after the births of my 2 children.

    My stomach looked exactly like yours when I lost all my weight the second time.

    I tried low calorie dieting and tons of cardio, all that did was get me super skinny (down to 100 pounds) but flabby and what looked like loose skin.

    Then I smartened up, started eating more and lifting heavy 3-4 times a week, and now years later my body looks better than ever. I weigh 10 pounds more than my lowest, but my body fat is WAY lower, and my body is tight, and that tummy flabbiness is all but gone, along with the cellulite on the back on my thighs and butt.

    My advice? Stop wasting your time on the Shred, and other high rep/cardio based activities, eat more, and lift heavy weights. Within a year or two of doing this, everything got better and firmer. I'm also in way better shape all together. I hardly do any "ab" exercises, I depend on my eating and my lifting for this, and I have a visible 4 pack and the stomach definition (lines) too.
  • gamagem
    gamagem Posts: 87 Member
    I know what you are saying. I'm 5'6 and weigh about 150 but mostly muscle at this point. I have had 4 kids with a weight gain of about 50-75 per kid so my stomach has been stretched to the limits. What's really started tightening it up has been doing Insanity. I started the program last October and the difference in my body is amazing. My body is really beginning to tighten up with out being a she-hulk :). I don't think all of my extra skin will go away but the only time I can really see it anymore is when I do planks or pushup and it hangs. I'm now doing Focus T25 and my stomach has tightened up even more, the ab dvd's in them are really good. I like the insanity and focus workouts because you get a little bit of everything, cardio, endurance and strengthening.

    I try to eat about 135 g of protein a day and stay around 1850-2100 calories a day as i'm trying to lose a bit more body fat. I also walk about 3 miles 5 days a week on top of doing the dvd's.
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    Also, let me show you something. A friend of mine lost hella lots of weight and she's gone on to compete in figure competitions. Yes, she still has skin. But look at her blog. That is what skin looks like. It's thin, flexible, almost like the back of your hand or your eyelids. If it's got lumpiness and stuff, then honestly? That's still fat that you need to work on. Here's her link to her show pic and where she talks about self doubt.
  • 2013Jenn2013
    2013Jenn2013 Posts: 38 Member
    The 30 Day Shred is BRUTAL but Start at level 1 and stick with it! Do each level for 10 days and move on if you are comfortable. You will not be disappointed. It does wonders for love handles and thighs. I lost 6 inches just off my belly with my first round!
  • aimeedavids13
    If you're struggling with the exercise you might want to do Mari Winsor pilates. It may not seem like much at first but it's focused on toning your core/belly and it was amazing for me to see myself progress as I went through it and noticed how each move got so easy.

    BTW, I do agree with the others, you do look awesome.
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    Oh, one other thing. You CANNOT look like a she-hulk. Seriously. Women who have a physique like that do it deliberately. For whatever reason, it is something they want, and they diet down to sub-10% body fat, they do extremely heavy lifting workouts, and they often take steroids. Women are not capable of just throwing on muscle the way men do, and even a man who has that kind of definition is working his butt off to get it. It cannot happen to ANYONE, especially a female, by accident. Avoiding weight lifting because you don't want to "accidentally" get ripped is like avoiding jogging because you have a fear of "accidentally" winning the New York Marathon. It ain't gonna happen. You'll have PLENTY of signs along the way warning you. :)
  • caber_tosser
    Your hot...
    Lift clean, it will go away with time and dedication.
  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    I had a c-section so I understand having the "pooch." But honestly, you look beautiful! If it is any consolation, my stomach looks pretty darn close to yours. It is flat until the bottom portion where my scar is.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I kept waiting to see gross pictures. They never came. That's a pretty average post-pregnancy pic- don't be so hard on yourself! Just eat well and do some strength training.

    Exactly. I was all set to be sympathetic but when I saw what looks pretty much like a lot of post pregger tummies, I saw nothing unusual or gross. As a matter of fact, I'm almost offended by the use of the word 'gross' :blushing:

    What I see is far from it. ..

    OP; If what you are trying to portray does not show up in pictures, I would venture to say it doesn't quite exist anywhere but in your head :ohwell: I have a feeling the results you are looking for can be had through heavy lifting :wink:
    Good luck and really...meh...I don't see anything to get excited about. You my dear, are faaaar from gross :drinker:
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    I gained and lost 70 pounds twice in 2.5 years after the births of my 2 children.

    My stomach looked exactly like yours when I lost all my weight the second time.

    I tried low calorie dieting and tons of cardio, all that did was get me super skinny (down to 100 pounds) but flabby and what looked like loose skin.

    Then I smartened up, started eating more and lifting heavy 3-4 times a week, and now years later my body looks better than ever. I weigh 10 pounds more than my lowest, but my body fat is WAY lower, and my body is tight, and that tummy flabbiness is all but gone, along with the cellulite on the back on my thighs and butt.

    My advice? Stop wasting your time on the Shred, and other high rep/cardio based activities, eat more, and lift heavy weights. Within a year or two of doing this, everything got better and firmer. I'm also in way better shape all together. I hardly do any "ab" exercises, I depend on my eating and my lifting for this, and I have a visible 4 pack and the stomach definition (lines) too.

    Here you go! do this!! Also remember to give yourself time!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I think you are beautiful.

    To get the body you want, eat at a small deficit and lift heavy. Squats and deadlifts will help with the belly and make your butt even more amazing than it already is.
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    I gained and lost 70 pounds twice in 2.5 years after the births of my 2 children.

    My stomach looked exactly like yours when I lost all my weight the second time.

    I tried low calorie dieting and tons of cardio, all that did was get me super skinny (down to 100 pounds) but flabby and what looked like loose skin.

    Then I smartened up, started eating more and lifting heavy 3-4 times a week, and now years later my body looks better than ever. I weigh 10 pounds more than my lowest, but my body fat is WAY lower, and my body is tight, and that tummy flabbiness is all but gone, along with the cellulite on the back on my thighs and butt.

    My advice? Stop wasting your time on the Shred, and other high rep/cardio based activities, eat more, and lift heavy weights. Within a year or two of doing this, everything got better and firmer. I'm also in way better shape all together. I hardly do any "ab" exercises, I depend on my eating and my lifting for this, and I have a visible 4 pack and the stomach definition (lines) too.

    ^^THIS^^ enough said =)
  • AbbyCar
    AbbyCar Posts: 198 Member
  • LuLuChick78
    LuLuChick78 Posts: 439 Member
    Oh, one other thing. You CANNOT look like a she-hulk. Seriously. Women who have a physique like that do it deliberately. For whatever reason, it is something they want, and they diet down to sub-10% body fat, they do extremely heavy lifting workouts, and they often take steroids. Women are not capable of just throwing on muscle the way men do, and even a man who has that kind of definition is working his butt off to get it. It cannot happen to ANYONE, especially a female, by accident. Avoiding weight lifting because you don't want to "accidentally" get ripped is like avoiding jogging because you have a fear of "accidentally" winning the New York Marathon. It ain't gonna happen. You'll have PLENTY of signs along the way warning you. :)

    Just in case you all missed this the first time....please read!!!