Babysitting your child



  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Yes. I never felt the need to arrange for my husband to "watch" my daughter if I had plans/things to do. I'm leaving the house. He's there, she's there. End.

    Is this like a real thing??? I'd leave my kids with my husband, and he'd call me 15 minutes later asking when I was coming home. :huh:

    Just drop the kids with me. I'll watch them. They do chores right?

    Uuuh, yeah, sure they do!

    You're not sonding very convincing. I babysit for slave labor. I don't have time to train them.

    You can use my belt. They like it.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    I don't call it babysitting but IDGAF if other people do. I've never heard it said in a way that made me think the parent considers watching their kid to be a chore or something that's not a normal part of parenting. IMO, "Sorry I can't make it; I'm babysitting" (when talking about their own kids) is the same as "I'm on daddy/mommy duty" "I've got the kids" "I don't have a sitter" etc. If I heard someone saying it all the time in a sh*tty, complaining way, then I'd probably think they have issues, but I don't hang with people I don't like and I don't think I'd like someone like that.
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    Good grief...
  • RunningForeverMama
    Yes. I never felt the need to arrange for my husband to "watch" my daughter if I had plans/things to do. I'm leaving the house. He's there, she's there. End.

    Is this like a real thing??? I'd leave my kids with my husband, and he'd call me 15 minutes later asking when I was coming home. :huh:

    Turn off your phone, lol. When I manage to escape no one knows when I'll be back. :laugh:

    If it's your flesh and blood you are not babysitting.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Yes. I never felt the need to arrange for my husband to "watch" my daughter if I had plans/things to do. I'm leaving the house. He's there, she's there. End.

    Is this like a real thing??? I'd leave my kids with my husband, and he'd call me 15 minutes later asking when I was coming home. :huh:

    Turn off your phone, lol. When I manage to escape no one knows when I'll be back. :laugh:

    If it's your flesh and blood you are not babysitting.

    He got the boot, so I don't have to worry about it anymore. And my kids are older now, so that helps. :smile: He actually demanded that I turn around and come home immediately once. I told him what he could do with himself.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    Yes. I never felt the need to arrange for my husband to "watch" my daughter if I had plans/things to do. I'm leaving the house. He's there, she's there. End.

    Is this like a real thing??? I'd leave my kids with my husband, and he'd call me 15 minutes later asking when I was coming home. :huh:

    Just drop the kids with me. I'll watch them. They do chores right?

    Uuuh, yeah, sure they do!

    You're not sonding very convincing. I babysit for slave labor. I don't have time to train them.

    You can use my belt. They like it.

    All right. I have express written consent and several thousand witnesses. Bring them by!
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Watching your own kids is called parenting.

    Watching your friend's kids is called baby sitting.

    Watching kids at the playground from a panel van is called pedophilia.

  • soullightprisms
    In my home it's called being a Referee

    I so feel the same way!
  • Naomi0504
    Naomi0504 Posts: 964 Member
    He actually demanded that I turn around and come home immediately once.

    Yes, this has happened to me too....pathetic!
  • GypsyRoad2
    GypsyRoad2 Posts: 433 Member
    some people just are NOT pulling a full load.

  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    I have no children (by choice) but I know a thing or forty thousand about deadbeat dads (hence, my choice to remain child-free). I know it's a bit of an extreme reaction, but it drives me up the mutha freaking *wall* when I hear a man say he has to "babysit" his children. It's one of my biggest pet peeves.

    They didn't spontaneously appear in the cabbage patch one day. The mother is responsible for the children 100% of the time. The father is responsible for the children 100% of the time. One can assume the role for both temporarily by mutual consent. That is all.
  • IPAkiller
    IPAkiller Posts: 711 Member
    Babysitting, Parenting, Training... I don't care what its called. As long as you are positively interacting with your kids you're doing something right. Now, If you're ****ing around while you allow the TV (cable/movies/game systems) to babysit, parent or train you're child(ren), then you're just another sorry *kitten* breeder.
  • IPAkiller
    IPAkiller Posts: 711 Member
    Consider yourself lucky. I know a few deadbeat moms. The fathers are more mother & father than the birth mother could EVER be.

    Thanks for speaking against the stereotype!
  • just_Jennie1
    Who cares what someone else calls watching their child? If they want to call it babysitting who are you to get up in their face and tell them they're wrong? Would it be better if they said "No, I can't go grab coffee with you today. I have to parent my child." It's not directly effecting you or your life so . . . .:yawn:
  • LePetitCochon
    Who cares what someone else calls watching their child? If they want to call it babysitting who are you to get up in their face and tell them they're wrong? Would it be better if they said "No, I can't go grab coffee with you today. I have to parent my child." It's not directly effecting you or your life so . . . .:yawn:

    You call it babysitting, don't you?
  • just_Jennie1
    Who cares what someone else calls watching their child? If they want to call it babysitting who are you to get up in their face and tell them they're wrong? Would it be better if they said "No, I can't go grab coffee with you today. I have to parent my child." It's not directly effecting you or your life so . . . .:yawn:

    You call it babysitting, don't you?

    I don't have any children so on the off chance I am watching one . . . yes. :flowerforyou:

    I really couldn't care less if someone else called it baby sitting. But that's just me.
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    My brother-in-law was complaining about watching his own kids and I was like "they mare your children, your wife is going somewhere and watches them all the time, if you don't want them she could just take them away". Many men pull that crap and say its so hard, yes, yes it is so if it is hard for you, why wouldn't it be hard for your wife? Duh!

    The only reason I would ask my husband in advance when I made plans was to make sure he wasn't working or didn't have plans of his own. After all I can't memorize my schedule, his schedule and my daughter's schedule, so had to make sure I wasn't bumping into work, dr appts, etc.

    Funniest thing, I am work, DH is home with 8yo daughter because no school. She calls me "mommy can I have a play date" "what where is your daddy" "in his room, well he is home with you, ask him" He of course had no idea she had called me.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    It's not babysitting if it's YOUR baby.

    THIS! I get SO mad at my MIL when she says my husband is "babysitting" for me. HUGE pet peeve of mine!
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Who cares what someone else calls watching their child? If they want to call it babysitting who are you to get up in their face and tell them they're wrong? Would it be better if they said "No, I can't go grab coffee with you today. I have to parent my child." It's not directly effecting you or your life so . . . .:yawn:

    Have you tried decaf?
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    What about when Sesame Street watches them for you?
