Fast Food?



  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I like Chipotle, Subway and City BBQ for healthier choices..
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    McDonalds southwestern chicken salad. So good. I think it's 320 grilled without dressing (or 390...). And then a small fry for added deliciousness.

    I was going 2-3 times a week in July; it was that good.

    Whatever they put on the southwestern salad makes it really tasty. I always take the dressing, but I've yet to use it.
  • XTSH
    XTSH Posts: 129 Member
    I usually help myself to a hearty McDonald Breakfast on weekends, that's knowing I will be spending my afternoon burning lots of calories at the gym.
  • amandarawr06
    amandarawr06 Posts: 251 Member
    I still eat it occasionally. I have to be careful though because its easy to fall into trap of wanting more and more and more. But if I have the room for it, and really want it, I won't force myself to be unhappy with something else. But I do try to order the options that will fit in my calories.

    So if I have 500 calories, I am not going to get a burger and fries. But you get the idea.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    I like the grilled chicken sandwich at Chik-Fil-A - it has plenty of protein and less than 300 calories.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    McDonalds southwestern chicken salad. So good. I think it's 320 grilled without dressing (or 390...). And then a small fry for added deliciousness.

    I was going 2-3 times a week in July; it was that good.

    Whatever they put on the southwestern salad makes it really tasty. I always take the dressing, but I've yet to use it.

    The chicken has a lime glaze I think, which makes the dressing unneeded mostly (i used half a packet at most). I'm not really sure why it tastes so good but it does. And now I want one. So good.
  • SomeGirlSomewhere
    SomeGirlSomewhere Posts: 937 Member
    Speaking of Chik-fil-a, their grilled chicken cool wrap is only 330 calories and also contains 15 grams of fiber. Their chicken salad sandwiches are also good, but a bit more fattening at 500 calories. And the grilled chicken sandwich the other poster mentioned only has 310 calories. I personally prefer to eat a whole grilled chicken breast with a fork and knife instead of on a bun, but I am sure that anyone who enjoys grilled chicken sandwiches would enjoy Chik-fil-a's version.

    I also agree with what some of the other posters said. If you REALLY want it and can't stop thinking about it go ahead and have it. But I would recommend checking the calorie count of whatever it is you want BEFORE you go out and buy one. Sometimes just knowing how many calories are in something in advance makes me want to choose something else!
  • Donald_Dozier_50
    Donald_Dozier_50 Posts: 395 Member
    Before this I ate fast food very seldom. Now I eat fast food seldom. The difference is when I get that hamburger I remove the bread and it nearly cuts the calories in half and I skip the fries and drink a Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi.
  • nainai0585
    nainai0585 Posts: 199 Member
    I eat what I want. Most of the time, I eat pretty healthy but if I'm craving a burger, I eat one. This is not a diet, this is not a temporary situation. How I eat now is how I intend to eat for the rest of my life. And there is ZERO chance that I will avoid burgers or pizza or hot wings for the rest of my life. Go eat fast food if you want to. Just make sure it's the exception, not the rule. But completely avoiding things you love is a recipe for disaster.

    Fully agree.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Options food. Yep I sure do still eat it. I do have to watch carbs (type 2) I pre plan what I'm eating in advance so no shocker at the end of the day.

    At BK, I've gone with Whopper Jr and value fries or rings. At Wendys their salads work, I'll get a lg and bring half home for another meal (or small chili no cheese or crackers or their baked potato with chives & one buttery spread). Wendys ultimate grilled chicken (no sauce, I use some ketchup and no bun) .At Subway I'll get their chopped salad, no croutons and lite dressing.

    There are a lot of phone apps for fast food and of course most restaurants post their stats in the store. I just try to make better choices than I did 100 lbs ago.
  • lovejonz82
    lovejonz82 Posts: 8 Member
    i still have fast food occasionally. You can basically have whatever you want, in moderation, as long as it doesn't completely through you off track (calorie wise) and you're willing to sacrifice some calories from other meals just to splurge on the fast food. There is nothing wrong with having cheats here and there. I go to mcdonalds or burger king from time to time. Instead of a medium fry I will either get a small or I will split the fries with my bf. I always have water as a beverage so that calories aren't wasted on my drink.
  • stevepax
    stevepax Posts: 86 Member
    I eat fast food quite a bit, honestly. If you are searching for <400 calorie meals at a fast food restaurant, I ask you why you are eating less than 400 calories for lunch? I shoot for 600-800 or so, which easily fits most places.

    My favorites are Panda Express (I get the veggies as the side dish, and just have to avoid the Beijing Beef to bring it in reasonably. Also, forget about sodium there. It's high, but if you don't have a blood pressure problem, you'll probably be fine. I am not a doctor.)

    Taco Bell - I love the grilled steak soft tacos, and usually get a couple of them, fresco style, and a volcano taco on the side. Only 550 calls or so for all this, so probably need an apple on the side here...

    Burger King does great with a Jr Whopper and medium french fries.

    McDonald's gets you a McDouble with Big Mac sauce and lettuce added for like $1.30 (it's the same as a Big Mac with no center bun, but like a third the cost) and a medium fries.

    Wendy's has a ton of options. Tasty chili on the side makes room for a nice big burger.

    I guess my point is, yes, you can go nuts at fast food places and eat 1500-3000 calories in a single sitting if you want, and I used to do just that, which is how I got fat. But if you just get smaller sized stuff, you can eat it just fine.

    A good homemade cheeseburger can be done for fewer calories, and be absolutely delicious as well. It's just the issue of having to prepare and clean up that gets me there.
  • BIRD0
    BIRD0 Posts: 74 Member
    I've never really been a fan of the big 3 (mcdonald's, burger king, taco bell) so I don't eat those. McDonald's is only good for their sausage egg mcmuffin and hashbrowns, and I'm rarely functional before 10:30 so I don't even eat those. Though if taco bell ever makes a salsa Verde Doritos taco, I'm going to try it on a constipated day.

    I eat subway now and del taco if it's bought and there's nothing else to eat. I like arby's and chick fil a, but they're too far. Raising caines is good, but a 3 piece meal is 1200 calories, and not worth that in my eyes.

    What I do like are local fast food joints. There's a burger place that has huge portions, and their burgers are so good, especially with avocado and bacon, but the last few times I've eaten there, I split a chef salad 4 ways. It's seriously like 10 lbs. Plus their fried zucchini is worth it. Living in a state with a very large Mexican population has spoiled me with Mexican food, although I don't eat there anymore because their portions are massive, probably 2 lbs of meat alone in their burritos.

    20+ years ago, I used to eat taco John's all the time, mostly because they gave free food if you got good grades. that, and I hadn't been introduced to real Mexican food yet. I was recently in the Midwest and decided to eat there. It was disgusting, the tacos, even after being drenched in cholula, were bland and the potato ole's had about 10 lbs of salt on them.
  • nathan6878
    nathan6878 Posts: 115 Member
    Now wed. I have a doctor appointment in the late morning and plan on grabbing some fast food, I will either be doing a subway low fat six inch sub, or grab a McDonald's grilled chicken wrap with maybe a kid size fries after the doctors!!

    Like to first look at how many calories I am going to have at the end of the day, so I plan my day around my lunch or dinner schedule if I am going out for a fast food meal!!
  • My favorite is the Chicken Santa Fe Bowl from Taco Johns. It is 350 calories and very filling, The shredded beef bowl is only 370 so both good options in a fast food pinch.
  • joannadalina
    joannadalina Posts: 112 Member
    The last time I had McDonalds (about 3 months ago) I ended up getting explosive diarreah at my local mall and then again at Taco Bell (TMI?).

    Let's just say my fast food days are over. My body can't take the grease now that I have changed my eating habits.

    I do miss their fries tho.

    Best of luck :)