Scared of gyms!!!!!!!!



  • CMB1979
    CMB1979 Posts: 588 Member
    I used the original Firm video with Susan Harris in college. It's kinda' old but it's a killer workout! It took me a couple weeks of doing it before I even could incorporate the weights.
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    I was concerned about going to the gym too. As it turns out a lot of people are. I wrote about my experience here
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    then don't go, I don't
    do your own thing
  • Jim_1960
    Believe me when I say I had the same feeling very recently.
    However, I then thought, hold on, I am as entitled as anyone to go to the gym as I pay the same subscription.

    Best thing I did. Got a programme set-up, reviewed in 6 weeks and even though nervous on day-1, that soon disappears up it's own *kitten* as you focus on what you have to do.

    Go for it....
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    So, don't go to the gym. A lot of people don't.

    There are tons of workouts you can do at home. Google and Youtube are your friend.
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    I'm a big fan of walking! And you can try the Couch to 5k program too, and get running! I love the Winsor pilates dvds too, but you'll need more cardio with that.

    I don't go to the gym either. Partially for financial reasons, and partially because I don't want to deal with crowds/ think life is too short to be closed up indoors. I love getting out and seeing the neighborhood. That said, no one is looking at you, really. Everyone is busy doing their own thing. Good luck!
  • missiebk
    I used to think everyone was watching me at the gym and it took several months to even a year before I realized nobody was looking at me!!!!!!! Only two kinds of people get looked at: those with super hot bodies working out really hard and those doing something completely moronic or unsafe. Everyday people doing some free weights and using the elliptical are not looked at twice. Believe me. I have a good 40 lbs to lose and I work out farily hard and have received a few compliments from people (usually newbies) for working out hard and that makes me feel good. And it reminds me that I'm going pretty much unnoticed and occassionally noticed for a good thing.

    Invest in a few personal training sessions if it's in your budget (at least two if not more) so you get a foundation for proper moves and workouts. See what other people are doing and even ask a few questions. People are willing to share their success stories and ideas.

    If you cannot get over your fear, walk outside! I love walking and get a good calorie burn. I even walk in the winter and bought a pair of Yak Trax to fit over my shoes in snow and ice to prevent slipping.
  • laddibugg
    laddibugg Posts: 25 Member
    I go to Planet Fitness, and they are very big on 'No judgement'. Perhaps there is one near you, or gym with a similar slogan? Or go with a friend if you can.
  • missiebk
    Oh, you could also try one of those ladies fitness places like Curves. I think it's supposed to be really fun and not at all intimidating from what I've heard. (Never tried it.)
  • waltcote
    waltcote Posts: 372 Member
    I've done the gym and there are plenty of people there in the same shape as any of us. I was doing the community rec center's gym. It's kind of a good social place too because you see alot of the same folks all the time. right now I'm mainly not using the gym just because like to be outdoors so doing alot of walking and also i play golf so I burn alot of calories lugging my clubs for 9 or 18 holes. And my game is actually improving! slightly it couldn't get much worse. :wink:
  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member
    If you are not comfortable with it to the point that it impedes your progress or your goals, then it would be your personal choice not to go to the gym. There are so many forms of exercise that can be done without having to set one foot in one.

    However, to me personally a fitness journey involves getting outside of your comfort zone in all respects (and not just physical). My motto in life is from Eleanor Roosevelt: "You must do the thing you think you cannot do." I guess you have to ask yourself what can be gained from conquering this particular fear.
  • laddibugg
    laddibugg Posts: 25 Member
    I will admit i was a little self conscious because I was worried the equipment was going to be hard to use, not because I'm fat (which I am). I did have some trouble but the gym staff was very helpful and didn't sound judge-y at all .
  • eksero2k
    eksero2k Posts: 83 Member
    From my experience, nobody there cares about anyone except themselves/their gym buddies (This goes for most people anyway!)
  • butterflies02875
    butterflies02875 Posts: 12 Member
    I just joined Planet Fitness and it's not so bad.. I look at it like this , there a reason there looking and there a reason why they are there too..
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Oh, you could also try one of those ladies fitness places like Curves. I think it's supposed to be really fun and not at all intimidating from what I've heard. (Never tried it.)

    Curves is fine for someone who never works out to get started, but there isn't any way to progress really. The machines do not have adjustable weights, and it is just a generic routine for all, no real way to make it harder or personalize.
  • jess135177
    jess135177 Posts: 186 Member
    I was the same way. Do they have personal trainers at the gym? I did a few sessions just so I can learn the equipment and get more comfortable. And like everyone else one is going to be watching you. Good luck!
  • ksandy1224
    ksandy1224 Posts: 35 Member
    I admire the heavy guys more than the skinny ones.

    And seriously, no-one is looking at you. Meat heads are looking at themselves; the serious ones are absorbed in their own world. Nothing at all to worry about.

    Seriously, this is how I feel too. I look at the people that have lots of weight to lose and I have so much respect for them that they're willing to come and face their fears. There is a girl at my gym that lost over 100 lbs., she was in my Step class and after a few months you could just see the weight dropping off of her. I liked complimenting her on her success, and she sure enjoyed getting the compliments. She was very proud of herself, which she was entitled. You should see her now, I hardly recognize her, I thought she had graduated and moved on!!!!

    You can find just about anything for free on YouTube. I attended my first Les Mills BodyCombat class on Monday. Wow, talk about sweating. I'm pretty sure there would be the entire hour class from an instructor on YouTube. A few months of that and you'll be proud to go to the gym, if you didn't already decide to go before then. And after one class I would have no hesitation to use what I learned to protect myself, a swift kick, if you know what I mean. :)

    Good luck!!! I wish you the best! Congratulations for getting inspired!
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    JUST DO IT!!

    They are not me they are there to get their workout on. The only thing I have run into is men checking me out. While it is annoying!! I just ignore it I mean what can you do. Just bring an ipod some headphones and go to town.... LOL.

    But for real you have to just face your fear even if you lose a bunch of weight that insecurity will still be there. You just gotta get over it and face it head on.

    I love my gym and it was awkward at first but now its like my second home. I know myself if im at home I will always have the excuse of finding something else that needs to be done and my workout will get pushed to the back burner. If I go to the gym no kids no interrupt me no husband, no house chores, no homework. nothing.. I know when Im there this is my hour to myself and working out is all I need to do at that moment.
  • salsera_barbie
    salsera_barbie Posts: 270 Member
    I think this is really common fear but the reality is NOONE cares. As long as you are working out, noone care. When people care is when you go and do a light stroll on the treadmill for 10 minutes, then sit on the weight machines without using them. As long as your not taking up space NOONE cares about you, they are there to workout.
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    I joined the gym a week yesterday and I still feel like everyone is watching me. I'm just ignoring it and thinking that we're all there to work out, so what if I'm the largest person in there?! (also this isn't always the case, people of all shapes and sizes go to the gym). Also, you'll probably find that the people you are convinced are watching you are actually having the exact same fear! :)

    When I see a rather large person working out I am inspired. I am amazed and I think good for them. I bet noone is watching you thinking bad things probably just thinking wow this guy is awesome and is getting healthy good for him.

    Hope this helps.
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