Am I "technically" starving myself? Open diary.



  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    From the looks of yesterday and today's diary....I don't know how you have the energy to move at all. You really need to eat more. If you don't then your body will stop burning calories.
  • MissRavenD
    I've looked through your food diary and u are going from one extreme to another, one day 3, 500 calories then the next like 600!! This isn't healthy and u won't lose weight from doing it. I'd stick to your 1750 cals a day for a few weeks and see how u get on. If your losing then stick to it, if your maintaining then drop to 1650cals and try that for a while. You need to find a balance with your food intake as it should be a lifestyle change, not a diet, especially as u plan on losing so much! Good luck!!

    this is the way! yes!

    I absolutely agree...I shouldn't have let my partner convince me to do the stupid "Last Awesome Ihop Breakfast" as it was called. While eating, each bite was filled with regret!

    That's why I said the official day was yesterday- because i'm not giving in like that again. The keyword to the above statement is "LAST".

    I MIGHT get a treat ONCE a week...and it sure as hell wont be as horrible as that IHOP meal was! o.o

    Thank you very much. :)
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I've looked through your food diary and u are going from one extreme to another, one day 3, 500 calories then the next like 600!! This isn't healthy and u won't lose weight from doing it. I'd stick to your 1750 cals a day for a few weeks and see how u get on. If your losing then stick to it, if your maintaining then drop to 1650cals and try that for a while. You need to find a balance with your food intake as it should be a lifestyle change, not a diet, especially as u plan on losing so much! Good luck!!

    I am wondering if she could average these extremes and be healthy?
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    You need to eat your 1750 a day. Since you have a problem with eating meals that have enough calories to do this, I would suggest not eating low calorie/diet-friendly foods. Stick to full flavor, full calorie foods, and each meal should be in the neighborhood of 400-500 calories.
  • jenniferbeck560
    I eat a clean food diet, I eat 6 small meals a day...never hungry, I even find it hard to eat sometimes because I am still full, but I keep food in my body to fuel it and constant calorie burning mode. A very important thing to do as well is to PLAN your meals for the whole week and stick to that won't stray and you know you're within your daily limit because you planned it out before hand. It's a life saver! And water, water, water!
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    If you're getting adequate protein daily, you are not starving yourself. I asked my doctor the same kind of question. This was his response.
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    If this is something you're doing every day, then yes. Especially if you're working out. Your body needs more fuel then you are giving it.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Consistently eating so restrictively will ultimately lead to you bingeing, which I don't think you want....but is what I see when I look at your diary. There is no reason you need to eat so little, and I'm also referring to your 1200/day idea. It's not necessary and not really the best way to go about losing weight at your current weight. You've got to realise your fat loss isn't going to be over in a year's time--taking a longer view on things will help you greatly. I can't emphasise that enough. Make sustainable changes to both your diet and your activity levels. Do things in a reasonable way that you can carry on doing for the rest of your life. That's the best advice. Eat your 1750/day and move about a bit more. The fat will come off, and you won't have to feel deprived or like you're one step away from a full-on binge.
  • dsexton81
    Hey there,

    I just started here yesterday as well tracking my foods and exercise. To answer your question, I suppose it could be called starving yourself, but if you're eating until you're full and getting enough water, I would think you're doing okay. That's what I did: I ate until I was content, waited a bit, got in my water for the day, exercised normally without overdoing it, and I came in waaaayyyy below my recommended calorie intake. To give you an idea, I came in at 500 calories for the day. That's super low, but I'm a vegetarian (NOT vegan lol!) and I absolutely love salad. Let's face it: greens (even with a light dressing) only have so many calories and you can only eat so much. I had my eggs as usual for the day and I had my birdless chicken salad for lunch. I drank a ton of water. I had my coffee as usual. But at the end of the day it all came in at only 500 calories according to the food tracker on here. There was simply no way in hell though I was going to be able to stuff my face with more food. I literally would have threw it all back up. So I say listen to your body, eat until satiated, and then stop. If it's under the recommended amount then it's under. If you feel like you need a snack then do so.

    I used to be a bored, emotional snacker - that's how I gained my weight. Not only did I graze like a cow, I did so on really bad food choices. Hypertension and pre-diabetes have quietly snuck up on me so I figured it was time for a change. I keep busy these days, I get my exercise in, and the biggie for me is sleep. I have to have it. There are times when I feel like I'm not running on all four cylinders and I know for me this is a lack of carbs. So I have a small snack. A handful of granola or some muesli soaked in a little whole milk - does wonders for me.

    Bottom line: to lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit. If you're not consuming as many calories as you used to then there will be a calorie deficit. If you're burning more calories than you consume in a day, there will be a calorie deficit. Everyone's body is different. Find what works for you and don't stress the little things.

    This is just my two cents. I hope it helps to alleviate your concerns.

    Have a good day! :smile:
  • MissRavenD
    I eat a clean food diet, I eat 6 small meals a day...never hungry, I even find it hard to eat sometimes because I am still full, but I keep food in my body to fuel it and constant calorie burning mode. A very important thing to do as well is to PLAN your meals for the whole week and stick to that won't stray and you know you're within your daily limit because you planned it out before hand. It's a life saver! And water, water, water!

    I did notice, however, that when I had only had 626 calories, I wasn't hungry once during the day...I did a little bit, but that was because I skipped out on my 24 Almonds snack before dinner... xD

    That's another reason why I was worried, because I was so comfortable eating so calories!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Hey there,

    I just started here yesterday as well tracking my foods and exercise. To answer your question, I suppose it could be called starving yourself, but if you're eating until you're full and getting enough water, I would think you're doing okay. That's what I did: I ate until I was content, waited a bit, got in my water for the day, exercised normally without overdoing it, and I came in waaaayyyy below my recommended calorie intake. To give you an idea, I came in at 500 calories for the day. That's super low, but I'm a vegetarian (NOT vegan lol!) and I absolutely love salad. Let's face it: greens (even with a light dressing) only have so many calories and you can only eat so much. I had my eggs as usual for the day and I had my birdless chicken salad for lunch. I drank a ton of water. I had my coffee as usual. But at the end of the day it all came in at only 500 calories according to the food tracker on here. There was simply no way in hell though I was going to be able to stuff my face with more food. I literally would have threw it all back up. So I say listen to your body, eat until satiated, and then stop. If it's under the recommended amount then it's under. If you feel like you need a snack then do so.

    I used to be a bored, emotional snacker - that's how I gained my weight. Not only did I graze like a cow, I did so on really bad food choices. Hypertension and pre-diabetes have quietly snuck up on me so I figured it was time for a change. I keep busy these days, I get my exercise in, and the biggie for me is sleep. I have to have it. There are times when I feel like I'm not running on all four cylinders and I know for me this is a lack of carbs. So I have a small snack. A handful of granola or some muesli soaked in a little whole milk - does wonders for me.

    Bottom line: to lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit. If you're not consuming as many calories as you used to then there will be a calorie deficit. If you're burning more calories than you consume in a day, there will be a calorie deficit. Everyone's body is different. Find what works for you and don't stress the little things.

    This is just my two cents. I hope it helps to alleviate your concerns.

    Have a good day! :smile:

    Word of advice: Don't listen to anyone who advocates 500 calories a day. Regardless of how full you feel, you're not getting enough nutrients.
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    Homemade - Sandwich: Whole Wheat Bread, Ham and Gouda Cheese, 1 sandwich
    190 cal
    I think you get it wrong as white roll is around 250 cal, slice of cheeses 75-150cal ham will be similiar
    Kids in Africa are starving, you are on diet.

    lol - sorry!
  • kowajenn
    kowajenn Posts: 274 Member
    Yeah, eat more. 1200 is my daily goal and often (several times a week) I come in a little under it. It's hard to stay within a 100 or so (for me) and not go over. On the days I'm significantly under 1200, I feel like poo and the days following are the hardest ones for me to stay on track. I really feel best at 1300-1400 calories a day.

    You need to eat enough to feel satisfied and nourished. If you don't, this will not be a long term effort for you.
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    Hi, you are screwing yourself. You might drop weight fast at first but it's water weight and as soon as you start eating more you'll pack it right back on. Weight loss is heavily mathematical. Stick to the numbers and have some patience. Don't F up your metabolism.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    Some days I like 2,500-3,000 calories. Some days, I eat like 1000. I go by weekly numbers, not daily, cause that is what works for me.

    So long as your weekly deficit isn't more than 1-2 pounds (3,500-7,000 calories) you are fine.
  • rachvr531
    rachvr531 Posts: 2 Member
    yes, do not strive to eat under your calorie goal. This is how I developed a very serious eating disorder. I ate under 1200 for months and yes I did lose 35 lbs but I also developed a very serious eating disorder that still haunts me to this day, and eventually I was forced to eat and gained it all back. That type of weight loss is not maintainable, don't let this happen to you. Be comfortable eating around 1800 a day, or more! your body needs the fuel!
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Hey there,

    I just started here yesterday as well tracking my foods and exercise. To answer your question, I suppose it could be called starving yourself, but if you're eating until you're full and getting enough water, I would think you're doing okay. That's what I did: I ate until I was content, waited a bit, got in my water for the day, exercised normally without overdoing it, and I came in waaaayyyy below my recommended calorie intake. To give you an idea, I came in at 500 calories for the day. That's super low, but I'm a vegetarian (NOT vegan lol!) and I absolutely love salad. Let's face it: greens (even with a light dressing) only have so many calories and you can only eat so much. I had my eggs as usual for the day and I had my birdless chicken salad for lunch. I drank a ton of water. I had my coffee as usual. But at the end of the day it all came in at only 500 calories according to the food tracker on here. There was simply no way in hell though I was going to be able to stuff my face with more food. I literally would have threw it all back up. So I say listen to your body, eat until satiated, and then stop. If it's under the recommended amount then it's under. If you feel like you need a snack then do so.

    I used to be a bored, emotional snacker - that's how I gained my weight. Not only did I graze like a cow, I did so on really bad food choices. Hypertension and pre-diabetes have quietly snuck up on me so I figured it was time for a change. I keep busy these days, I get my exercise in, and the biggie for me is sleep. I have to have it. There are times when I feel like I'm not running on all four cylinders and I know for me this is a lack of carbs. So I have a small snack. A handful of granola or some muesli soaked in a little whole milk - does wonders for me.

    Bottom line: to lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit. If you're not consuming as many calories as you used to then there will be a calorie deficit. If you're burning more calories than you consume in a day, there will be a calorie deficit. Everyone's body is different. Find what works for you and don't stress the little things.

    This is just my two cents. I hope it helps to alleviate your concerns.

    Have a good day! :smile:
    500 calories is not enough for anyone!!! Holy crap, food is not the enemy here! It is fuel. Please look for information on creating a healthy and sustainable calorie deficit.
  • matthewsism
    Are you hungry? If you are hungry, then eat.
    If you aren't hungry you can't be starving. Starving people are most definitely hungry.
    I'm no Dr. If you are really worried ask your Dr. But seriously, are you hungry?
  • MissRavenD
    Are you hungry? If you are hungry, then eat.
    If you aren't hungry you can't be starving. Starving people are most definitely hungry.
    I'm no Dr. If you are really worried ask your Dr. But seriously, are you hungry?

    No, i'm not starving.

    Like I said previously, I felt completely satisfied with very little hunger, on 626 cals.

    I am only referring to it as "STARVING" because I was wondering if i'm starving my body of what it needs.
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    It appears that you've averaged 2200 calories per day for the past 4 days (not including today), so if you're goal is 1750, I'd say you're still overeating. The 1200 calorie mark, to me, is better looked at as an average, because it gives you a better overview of what you're REALLY taking in. So, I think more consistency would be easier on your body than wild fluctuations every other day. Now, personally, I still have days that I totally blow it, but, for the most part, I'm consistent the rest of the time; however, I do think this accounts for my slow weight loss.