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Am I "technically" starving myself? Open diary.



  • KathleenMurry
    KathleenMurry Posts: 448 Member
    Hey there,

    I just started here yesterday as well tracking my foods and exercise. To answer your question, I suppose it could be called starving yourself, but if you're eating until you're full and getting enough water, I would think you're doing okay. That's what I did: I ate until I was content, waited a bit, got in my water for the day, exercised normally without overdoing it, and I came in waaaayyyy below my recommended calorie intake. To give you an idea, I came in at 500 calories for the day. That's super low, but I'm a vegetarian (NOT vegan lol!) and I absolutely love salad. Let's face it: greens (even with a light dressing) only have so many calories and you can only eat so much. I had my eggs as usual for the day and I had my birdless chicken salad for lunch. I drank a ton of water. I had my coffee as usual. But at the end of the day it all came in at only 500 calories according to the food tracker on here. There was simply no way in hell though I was going to be able to stuff my face with more food. I literally would have threw it all back up. So I say listen to your body, eat until satiated, and then stop. If it's under the recommended amount then it's under. If you feel like you need a snack then do so.

    I used to be a bored, emotional snacker - that's how I gained my weight. Not only did I graze like a cow, I did so on really bad food choices. Hypertension and pre-diabetes have quietly snuck up on me so I figured it was time for a change. I keep busy these days, I get my exercise in, and the biggie for me is sleep. I have to have it. There are times when I feel like I'm not running on all four cylinders and I know for me this is a lack of carbs. So I have a small snack. A handful of granola or some muesli soaked in a little whole milk - does wonders for me.

    Bottom line: to lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit. If you're not consuming as many calories as you used to then there will be a calorie deficit. If you're burning more calories than you consume in a day, there will be a calorie deficit. Everyone's body is different. Find what works for you and don't stress the little things.

    This is just my two cents. I hope it helps to alleviate your concerns.

    Have a good day! :smile:

    If you think eating more than 500 calories a day is stuffing yourself, you have an eating disorder. (there is also some likelihood that you suck at logging calories properly, too). And it has nothing to do with being vegetarian. I was vegan for 10 years and had no problem eating 1800-2000 calories a day without "stuffing myself"

    Don't listen to this person!!!
  • Let me be clear here: I am in NO way advocating 500 calories!

    The original poster stated she had a day where she didn't eat much and was worried about being under her daily intake amount. She stated that she woke up later in the day (after 1PM) and simply didn't feel like eating much for that day. I would like to point out that I didn't go looking up her profile or anything else. I read her post here in the forum and simply replied.

    I told her I had a day where I simply didn't feel like eating much either. I did not tell her not to eat or under eat. I emphasized eating until content and not overdoing it. Moderation people! Isn't that what it's ultimately all about? Healthy choices and moderation?

    I'm sorry if I came off as something other than that. I just wanted to alleviate her worry about not eating much that day. Sometimes you simply don't feel like eating a lot. Like some people noted, you have up days and down days. One day of not making your daily goal is not going to destroy you. Stay on task and do what works for you. That's all.
  • Okay guys, this is supposed to be a place for advice and support...

    Not putting anyone down or getting snippy attitudes... :/

    Some people are really just learning about these things.

    Like me, I am literally just learning EVERYTHING.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    these posts just blow my mind. seriously. you didnt have any problem at ihop. so please eat more. 1200 is far too few calories. we didnt get overweight by not being able to eat at least 1200 calories. seriously.
  • Let me be clear here: I am in NO way advocating 500 calories!

    The original poster stated she had a day where she didn't eat much and was worried about being under her daily intake amount. She stated that she woke up later in the day (after 1PM) and simply didn't feel like eating much for that day. I would like to point out that I didn't go looking up her profile or anything else. I read her post here in the forum and simply replied.

    I told her I had a day where I simply didn't feel like eating much either. I did not tell her not to eat or under eat. I emphasized eating until content and not overdoing it. Moderation people! Isn't that what it's ultimately all about? Healthy choices and moderation?

    I'm sorry if I came off as something other than that. I just wanted to alleviate her worry about not eating much that day. Sometimes you simply don't feel like eating a lot. Like some people noted, you have up days and down days. One day of not making your daily goal is not going to destroy you. Stay on task and do what works for you. That's all.

    Honestly, i'd say not to worry about what's being said...
    It seems like...quite a few people kind of get on a high horse...and get snippy. They must be REALLY serious about their dieting views... But, they are "trying to help" all wrong.

    The point was, I understood what you were saying...and thank you. :)
  • these posts just blow my mind. seriously. you didnt have any problem at ihop. so please eat more. 1200 is far too few calories. we didnt get overweight by not being able to eat at least 1200 calories. seriously.

    Seriously, if you're going to be a pompous *kitten* you shouldn't be in a community based on support. :)
  • themanda04
    themanda04 Posts: 60 Member
    this sounds like a dangerous post to me. i really think that you're setting yourself up for a lot of disappointment and failure. you need to face some facts and realign your thinking.

    Fact 1: you are NOT going to lose 140 pounds quickly, no matter what you do.
    Fact 2: see Fact 1.

    It probably took you years and years to get this heavy. i know that was the case for me. it happened gradually over a long period of time because i ate crap and wasn't motivated enough to change my life.

    i'm prepared for it to take YEARS for me to hit my goal weight, and while i certainly would like it to be faster i know that it isn't going to happen that way. what i'm doing right now is teaching myself the right ways to deal with food. what a real portion size is. when to eat. how to eat. how to cook. how to deal with my emotions and stresses and happy times in healthier ways. how to recognize a want from a need and when it's okay to indulge and when i should walk away.

    i'm slowly modifying things and seeing the weight drop off as a result of those changes. each day i'm slightly closer to my goal, and that makes me feel powerful and accomplished and proud of myself.

    it's not hard or complicated, but it is slow. you have to be gentle with yourself and REALISTIC with your expectations.

    and feed your body.
  • jodyblanchard
    jodyblanchard Posts: 99 Member
    How can your goal be 1200 calories a day? Please reconsider that.
  • jodyblanchard
    jodyblanchard Posts: 99 Member
    You are absolutely right.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    How tall are you?
  • Honestly, i'd say not to worry about what's being said...
    It seems like...quite a few people kind of get on a high horse...and get snippy. They must be REALLY serious about their dieting views... But, they are "trying to help" all wrong.

    The point was, I understood what you were saying...and thank you. :)

    Thank you. At least you understood what I was trying to say.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member

    With that amount to lose there is no way it's going to happen as quickly as you want. If you stick with this through to goal you've got to factor in 2-3 years of your life. With this established, I recommend starting straight away, log accurately and try to eat your MFP set goal calories every day, earning any extras you may need through exercise. It's working for me, I'm now nearly 2/3s of the way to where I want to be after 18 months and don't feel especially deprived. If you're fasting some days and bingeing on others you really can't rely on your skewed appetite. Most people won't feel hungry the day after they've gone way over the day before. If you stick to what you are doing you're setting yourself up for failure. Slow and steady wins the race and at minimal cost to your health. Good luck!
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    these posts just blow my mind. seriously. you didnt have any problem at ihop. so please eat more. 1200 is far too few calories. we didnt get overweight by not being able to eat at least 1200 calories. seriously.

    Seriously, if you're going to be a pompous *kitten* you shouldn't be in a community based on support. :)

    im far from a *kitten*. thanks though. good luck. ;)
  • Yeah...kindly just take your "Yolo swag" self elsewhere...
  • No seriously, with the amount of weight you have to lose, coupled with a high calorie intake the day before 600ish is FINE. You CAN look at your calories weekly, if that helps you. You should always strive to meet your macros daily, but sometimes life happens. Sometimes I save up calories if I am NOT hungry and know I have something coming up where I want to indulge. Sometimes, I indulge and not hungry the next day, so I make up for the day before a bit. Sometimes I indulge but AM hungry the next day --- and I eat. So long as you are eating when you are hungry and your deficit isn't too severe, YOU ARE FINE.

    Do not worry about under eating as long as your weekly total deficit doesn't exceed 7,000 calories.

    Yes, it was not the best way to start things out, but I do not regret it...nor am I ashamed of it...

    The day after, is when the NEW ME is beginning...

    SO KINDLY take that in consideration before producing word vomit. Thank you. xD
  • BoomstickChick
    BoomstickChick Posts: 428 Member
    I wouldn't worry about a day or two. I just had a baby 2 weeks ago and my mom spent the night a few days ago. I didn't get out of bed til almost noon. I wasn't worrying about eating or drinking anything.. I was enjoying the peace and quiet without my little minions bugging me.
  • No seriously, with the amount of weight you have to lose, coupled with a high calorie intake the day before 600ish is FINE. You CAN look at your calories weekly, if that helps you. You should always strive to meet your macros daily, but sometimes life happens. Sometimes I save up calories if I am NOT hungry and know I have something coming up where I want to indulge. Sometimes, I indulge and not hungry the next day, so I make up for the day before a bit. Sometimes I indulge but AM hungry the next day --- and I eat. So long as you are eating when you are hungry and your deficit isn't too severe, YOU ARE FINE.

    Do not worry about under eating as long as your weekly total deficit doesn't exceed 7,000 calories.

    Thank you for your support and input.

    I just wanted to make sure that It wouldn't be bad to just eat when i'm hungry...I didn't want to "starve" my body of what it needs...because I've heard that doing so can actually make you gain weight. So. Didn't want any of that. :)
  • I wouldn't worry about a day or two. I just had a baby 2 weeks ago and my mom spent the night a few days ago. I didn't get out of bed til almost noon. I wasn't worrying about eating or drinking anything.. I was enjoying the peace and quiet without my little minions bugging me.

    Thank you. :)

    And congrats on the new baby! :D
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    It appears that you've averaged 2200 calories per day for the past 4 days (not including today), so if you're goal is 1750, I'd say you're still overeating. The 1200 calorie mark, to me, is better looked at as an average, because it gives you a better overview of what you're REALLY taking in. So, I think more consistency would be easier on your body than wild fluctuations every other day. Now, personally, I still have days that I totally blow it, but, for the most part, I'm consistent the rest of the time; however, I do think this accounts for my slow weight loss.
    I agree with all of this, look at your weekly average, it's what actually matters. No, you're not starving yourself with an average intake of 2200, but you are making weight loss a lot more complicated and difficult than it needs to be. Try to reach your 1750 goal each day, you will end up losing more that way.

    Also, like others said, log your food separately. If you aren't measuring portions, adding in each specific ingredient (look for brand names, check serving sizes against your portion), I can almost guarantee that your sandwich is a lot more than 190 calories. When logging, break everything down into ingredients, don't log anything generic or homemade if you know exactly what's in it. Use a tablespoon to measure, don't guess, etc. That will all add up as well.

    You'll also have to get over the idea of losing weight quickly, I thought like that when I first joined and it's taken me close to 2 years to get where I am. It's worth it though, time goes by faster than you think it will.

    Take the advice that people are giving you, they aren't being rude, most of the replies you're getting are accurate. If you have a lot to learn, don't be offended when people don't sugarcoat info, it's still useful info. and you might as well absorb it. Good luck.