Three weeks on my fitness pall not lost a single pound



  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    Hi there,

    Well after looking at a few days of your Diary low carb might be something you want to try. your eating a bit of bread and bananas and these are high glycemic. That means it could trigger your insulin which removes sugar from your blood and puts it into fat

    Less bread and more vegetables would certainly be something I would try. Also low glycemic fruit like berries would give you a better low calorie and low glycemic alternative to some of your snacks. Look at your macros and be sure to eat at or under your carb levels.

    It took a long time for me to fine tune my diet and MFP was a huge help. Good luck!

    ^^^^^^ Agree with the above. You are high on your calories, and eat way too much starchy carbs (breads mainly). You have very high values on your carbs too. I also see nothing in the way of veggies. Eat more broccoli, spinach, lettuce, tomato's etc and less of the breads. If you put sauces on your foods (BBQ, salad dressing etc, really watch and list all that you eat, these have many hidden calories, carbs and sodium in them.
  • elsdonward
    elsdonward Posts: 81 Member
    It is harder for some than for others If you keep going even whilst demotivated - you body will not be able to stand it. I am like you and eternally struggle. Yesterday I bought a new scales - and guess what four pounds heavier. But I must keep going.

    You must not go on a low carb diet because this makes you lose weight through ketosis which effectively is making you ill. Robert Atkins died with heart disease (this is not what killed him). Don't do it - the elephant has strong bones and tusks and is subsists on thorns. People in China eat rice and do not get fat. People who eat potatoes as staple do not get fat. It is the rich western diet that gets us fat. Another thing - if you are drinking drinks with sweeteners of any kind - drop them immediately in favour of water. After a day or two you will wander why you drank that sweet slush (I am convinced that this stuff stops you from losing and bloats you out)

    So eat mainly starches , fruits, vegetables get rid of dairy and meats, and oils if you can

    For us it is not so much the food as the type of food we are eating

  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    Hi there,

    Well after looking at a few days of your Diary low carb might be something you want to try. your eating a bit of bread and bananas and these are high glycemic. That means it could trigger your insulin which removes sugar from your blood and puts it into fat

    Less bread and more vegetables would certainly be something I would try. Also low glycemic fruit like berries would give you a better low calorie and low glycemic alternative to some of your snacks. Look at your macros and be sure to eat at or under your carb levels.

    It took a long time for me to fine tune my diet and MFP was a huge help. Good luck!

    ^^^^^^ Agree with the above. You are high on your calories, and eat way too much starchy carbs (breads mainly). You have very high values on your carbs too. I also see nothing in the way of veggies. Eat more broccoli, spinach, lettuce, tomato's etc and less of the breads. If you put sauces on your foods (BBQ, salad dressing etc, really watch and list all that you eat, these have many hidden calories, carbs and sodium in them.
    none of those things you quoted stop weight loss. Also, what that quote says about insulin, sugar, and fat is wrong. Especially in obese people, whose fat cells are more insulin-resistant. The low-carb diet can be very effective, for different reasons than what is quoted, but given OP's penchant for pizza and burgers, that may not be an option for him.
  • hussain79
    misterwah you are reading my calorie wrong, I am not going WAY OVER OR EVEN OVER. Are you delibrately trying to paint a wrong picture or you are just confusing my goal target with calorie requirement.

    My calorie goal target is 1000 calories per day deficit and except "3" days out of 21, I have met my target calories give or take a few.

    My excercise all happen on treadmill, I write walking dog and equal out the "net" calories, easier for me this way on ipad app.So If i burn 475 calories in an hour then to input 475-100=375.

    I made home made pizza and put dominoes thin crust because that is what i could find:). Most of food i put is this way, I search database and input highest calorific value available. Also as i said, I was over calories for 3 days but for other 18 days I was eating 55% carbs as per my target.

    I do not have penchant for burgers, I was away from home for the 3 days, and it was during those days that I was over my calorie target and ate burgers etc but even in those days i consumed less than my daily calorie requirement.

    I am tending to agree with advice here that maybe I should reduce carbohydrates and go for more proteins.

    Is there any thing as a fat burning resistant body?
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Up your calories? Isn't 1400 & something a tad low for a male? I dunno, I'm not an expert. Keep going, don't give up.
  • terrygreenwell1
    measure everything that passes your lips and make sure it measures at the correct amount by purchasing some electronic scales, also make sure your person scales are reliable , We measure our weights in a store where they have a very accurate scale with a paper output to show weight.If you get the measurements right and you are feeding your body less than it needs to sustain current weight then you will lose.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    You Irish?
  • lollypop114
    Why don't you just use the recipe function in MFP and build the recipe using ingredients YOU use and how many servings it makes? Then it will be accurate and not an approximation. I get the impression its all assumptions and not actual calorie counting....
  • rob_base
    I'll hit this a little differently than the other posters......

    well here's the first thing I will say to try to cheer you up

    you have not GAINED any weight (at least you didn't say you did)

    I would consider that a victory since before you started this 3 weeks ago you were probably gaining every week (in slow increments, but probably gaining nonetheless)

    your body doesn't turn on a dime

    now you have 3 weeks of tracking and can figure our what else you can modify to start losing (amp up / increase your exercise, cut a few more calories here and there or a combination)

    also like other posters said- how are your clothes fitting? maybe you have gained some muscle and muscle is more dense than fat so a lb of muscle takes up less room than a lb of fat (so maybe you weigh the same but your bod is tightening or biceps are getting bigger, whatever?)

    small steps, just keep going!
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    misterwah you are reading my calorie wrong, I am not going WAY OVER OR EVEN OVER. Are you delibrately trying to paint a wrong picture or you are just confusing my goal target with calorie requirement.

    My calorie goal target is 1000 calories perday deficit and except "3" days out of 21, I have met my target calories give or take a few.

    They're not reading them wrong or trying to paint a wrong picture. You have gone over your calorie goal several times, with some of those days 500+ over. Those are the facts. And 'give and take a few' can add up and slow weight loss. They're only pointing out the facts because you want to know why you're not losing weight.

    Personally, I think you're calorie goal is too low. 1800 is generally accepted as the minimum for a male and your BMR is probably around 2000 (it's hard to know exactly without your height). If you think you're not losing because of a medical problem you need to see your GP, as no one on MFP is in a position to give that kind of advice.
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    bump for later :)
  • sarahmctaggart
    sarahmctaggart Posts: 24 Member
    These are things that have helped for me:

    - Resistance training (stability training mostly)
    - Running (I started with walking, then run/walk then running)
    - Reduce consumption of high fat content foods like cheese and takeaways. Also avoiding high sodium processed foods
    - Eating as much clean (non-processed food as possible)
    - No more then 4 slices of bread a day
    - Have a goal of losing .5kg a week - not anymore (ie. be realistic, it is not going to happen overnight!)

    Hussain, I can see you have set your goals quite high but are not doing a huge amount of high calorie burning exercise which could be a big issue. Have you thought about using a heart rate monitor to give you an accurate indication of the calories you are actually burning?

  • hussain79
    Snazzy Jazzy:
    I have 16000 less calories than my required in 21 days. So it that regards, I am right on target. Just one issue, no weight loss.

    As I said, I am worried that my body is slowing down my metabolism to a crawl as I am suffering from hot flashes and weakness bouts.

    To the the link you posted, I say complete bs. Specially the starvation mode does exist.

    I am a muslim and fast during each ramadan. All my meals are same.

    Two brown bread, half cup yogurt and two scrambled eggs in morning. Anything else and i either have acidity or am thirsty.

    5 glasses of water (because i am so thirsty) and 1.5 cups of fruit salad without any mayoo etc in the evening.

    If you count these are hardly 1000 calories. However, every ramadan i don't loose weight. Not even a single pound.

    A very interesting bit is that last ramadan I had my routine medical and my heart beat was 47. The doctor got so worried that he put me on heart monitoring for 24 hours but as soon as i broke the fast my heart beat was back at 72. So starvation mode is real.
  • Snugglzz
    You are going to get a ton of advice on here but only you know your whole situation. Calories in calories out blah blah blah. I can eat the same amount in calories but a higher content of carbs and maintain. Same amount of calories but change my macros to less carbs (NOT no carbs) more protein and viola. I drop the #'s. I have had stagnant weeks that are frustrating as can be and successes when I didn't think there would be. Try some adjustments an see if it helps but keep moving forward.

    I agree...I don't count any more..i swore off boxed food, soda and drive throughs. Cook for yourself and watch your portions. Easy money if you are contcious .

    Ps to this post where did you get the hawks back drop ticker
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    Hey there,
    I made home made pizza and put dominoes thin crust because that is what i could find:). Most of food i put is this way

    If someone else is cooking for you then you're not going to be able to log your calories accurately, if it's a dish with a number of ingredients. If you're cooking for yourself, then you can use the recipe calculation and that will really help you with accuracy.

    If you get into the habit of weighing and measuring and logging every single piece of food you eat you'll soon find the system will begin to work. Promise. :smile:
    Is there any thing as a fat burning resistant body?

    No, there really isn't.

    ALSO if you use the TDEE-20% calculation to find out the appropriate calorie intake, then you can stop logging exercise - which will also reduce the margin for error.

    Good luck and stick with it! :-)
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Sorry OP but I do think that you are reading the calories wrong. To maintain the deficit that MFP has set you want the number for the calories remaining to be green not red (a minus means you are over eating not under eating) I randomly picked 7 days from the first of September and logged your calories remaining at the end of the day and got this:

    01/09/2013 -184
    02/09/2013 -193
    03/09/2013 87
    04/09/2013 61
    05/09/2013 -956
    06/09/2013 -624
    07/09/2013 -934


    This means that for the week you ate nearly 3,000 calories above your goal so it isn't really surprising that you are not losing weight if other weeks work out the same.

    I understand that you are logging everything but you really need to change to weights, I mean what does 0.6 eggs actually mean? What size is the egg, how much does the shell weigh (not the same on every egg). I do think that you need to move to weighing accurately.

    For example I found out the nutrition for a whole egg per 100g without shell and if I want 2 egg scrambled eggs I crack the eggs into a cup zeroed on the scales and log the amount by weight. This has got to be far more accurate than even saying 1 egg.

    Try changing your eating a logging habits for a couple of weeks, reduce carbs and increase healthy fats, proteins and fibre to help you feel fuller for longer and make sure everything is logged by weight and see how it goes.

    I am certain you can make this work.

    Also send me a friend request if you need some encouragement
  • Snugglzz
    Snazzy Jazzy:
    I have 16000 less calories than my required in 21 days. So it that regards, I am right on target. Just one issue, no weight loss.

    As I said, I am worried that my body is slowing down my metabolism to a crawl as I am suffering from hot flashes and weakness bouts.

    To the the link you posted, I say complete bs. Specially the starvation mode does exist.

    I am a muslim and fast during each ramadan. All my meals are same.

    Two brown bread, half cup yogurt and two scrambled eggs in morning. Anything else and i either have acidity or am thirsty.

    5 glasses of water (because i am so thirsty) and 1.5 cups of fruit salad without any mayoo etc in the evening.

    If you count these are hardly 1000 calories. However, every ramadan i don't loose weight. Not even a single pound.

    A very interesting bit is that last ramadan I had my routine medical and my heart beat was 47. The doctor got so worried that he put me on heart monitoring for 24 hours but as soon as i broke the fast my heart beat was back at 72. So starvation mode is real.
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Ok been back to the start of your diary on 25th August and looks like I chose a particularly bad week calorie wise
  • Snugglzz
    Sorry hussain eating 1000 cals a day is not fasting its called being on a diet. That's like four 7-11 burritos a day. Just sayin
  • DeeDeeMee
    DeeDeeMee Posts: 133 Member
    Guys and Gals,

    I am 34, Mal, and 218 pounds. I am at 1000 calorie deficit (2 pound per week) and in three weeks i was over by 500-1000 calories only 3 days (as i was not able to excercise in those days)

    I am logging everything that goes into my mouth. I am obsessed about it that's why you see 1.2 bread and .6 egg. I count everything that reaches my stomach. With home made things I count all the ingredients e.g. if i took potato-cabbage cooked in oil (pakistani food). I count oil, potato and cabbage separately to be exact.I even put excercise calories as net calories as opposed to gross( i subtract 100 from whatever treadmill shows).

    I drink water like a fish. My wife actually makes fun of me in this regards. During normal days when i am not weight watching, i drink 10-12 glasses but during weight watching, i go upto 16-18 glasses to supress hunger.

    Is it possible that i have some medical condition which is stopping me from loosing weight. Because i suffer from hot flashes and weakness occassionally during following a diet plan.

    How big are the glasses of water you're drinking? You can actually kill yourself by drinking too much - you can dissolve all the salts in your body. You could be flushing away all your nutrients (literally). I'm not sure that scuzzling water is such a great way of suppressing hunger given how much of it you're drinking. Maybe seeing a doctor would be a good idea, have some blood tests and things done.
