How did you gain the weight?



  • eloisenetball
    I have been overweight since age 5... But at 18 lost over 100lbs which made me underweight. I was depressed which made me lose the latter part of the weight, and because it wasn't picked up I think that is what made me turn to food. Now aged 21 with 70lbs back on I finally realised how unhappy I was and that it was time to start living/loving life as this is the only chance I may have. Also I come from a family were everyone is overweight/obese, and nutrition and exercise aren't seen as a priority.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    ... I was also never taught proper nutrition!

    Same here! :mad:
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    40+ a day smoker, junk food...crisps, lots of fizzy drinks and late night snacking...on top of 'regular' meals.

    and no exercise...I was on my way to a heart attack and or diabetes
  • chalkychalky
    Too much delicious tasty cake and salty crisps!
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    I spent my entire adult life taking care of others, while neglecting my own needs, wants and dreams. My husband is a recovering alcoholic, sober 2 yrs now. He also suffers from PTSD , he's an Army Veteran. So I ate a lot do to stress, depression and feeling alone. He got healthy, found some awesome doctors, so since he didn't need me to care for him anymore, I figured it was my turn to care for myself.
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    Always was a big girl and just got bigger with age.
    I was an unusually big child, Teen, and adult.
    I've got a body build for a swimmer or linebacker as people say haha
    Needless to say it was the cause of much bullying.

    What also didn't help was the amount of medical problems i had which make it extremely tough to lose weight and even makes me gain a bit.

    Even at my highest because of my heigh and just natural big bone build i've never looked extremely big as people say... but i did start getting a tummy and arm flab and that's when i noticed that i had been letting myself go a bit. Because I couldn't do the sports i loved and i had gained freedom from home so i started living as a child and eating what i wanted anytime. I've grown into adult hood now :) and trying to slim off those pounds but i know that i'll never have that tiny tiny look since i've always naturally been 'buff' haha
  • Majda1234
    I stopped training ballet and started eating abnormal amounts of unhealthy foods and gained about 20 kg in a matter of months. Lost those 20 when started eating healthy and training again.
    Then i started being so anxious about food and eating and life became so stressed and i was really anxious and started emotional overeating(6000 a day) wich led me to gain back about 10 kg in two months of binge/restrict so now i am trying to lose those with healthy eating and exercising though it is hard to put the binges behind me :/ As i feel the need to "make up" for them.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I had no idea how to eat right.

    Now I do. yay!
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    All you can eat buffets, and not having a problem eating alone. Conversation while eating gives the stomach time to realize it is full before it is overfilled.
  • OregonRunner5
    OregonRunner5 Posts: 404 Member
    I was a little heavy - being a Mom and middle aged it just snuck up on me. I was losing weight when i was injured plantar fascittitis (spelling on that?) and had to stop running. I was also assigned three weight gain medications, one so notorious it is given to serious anorexics. I gained 25lbs in a couple of months. I also worked next door to McDonalds.

    I moved my office to where now I have to drive if I want a Mc anything and I'm off the weight gain meds except for one.
  • phred_52
    phred_52 Posts: 189 Member
    Eating appx. 30 big bag of potato chips a month. Now I don't (dang exercise).
  • ice1200s
    ice1200s Posts: 237 Member
    I was raised in a VERY Italian family, where family get togethers were frequent, all day affairs. I had an older brother that I, my mother and aunts admired greatly. They always praised him for his good appetite, and, of course, I wanted to be just like him. So, at fourteen, I was finally able to eat as much as him, and then I started getting praised for my appetite too. Well... I just kept on eating like that and you know the rest.
  • luciebam88
    Moved in with my fiancé, got a desk job which all started the slow road upwards. Lost 21lbs last year, but depression caused me to binge and I put that all back on in 5 months. So now starting again!
  • Ltcartwright76
    Ltcartwright76 Posts: 7 Member
    Two pregnancies, first one 80+lbs gained (wasn't even aware that I was pregnant up until 3rd month), lost weight after baby but before I got to my goal, got pregnant again. Gained the same 80lbs which almost put me in the 300's (well 30lbs away, but it was close enough!!!)

    The kicker is that I gained the weight drinking gallons of juice, cream crackers, salami and cheese. These were the only things I could keep down. Poor diet, coupled with "at risk" pregnancy that left me partially bed-ridden, my juice habit (pure sugar) has me at 260lbs. I plan on bf until my little one reaches 10-11 months, then it's go time. (I happen to be in that small percent that does not loose weight when bf.) :sad:
  • bernied262
    bernied262 Posts: 882 Member
    I let some things screw with my head, and started to comfort eat. Now, I have dealt with those issues (in the main), took some time of work to sort my head and body out.
  • JustYandy
    JustYandy Posts: 221 Member
  • jenswan70
    jenswan70 Posts: 40 Member
    Long-term depression associated with pregnancy and being stuck as a stay-at-home mom due to finances. It cost more for child care than I would make.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Eating too much and exercising too little brought on by working 80+ hour workweeks and my inherent love for excess
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    To get to 180lbs as of 2010 was simply my eating more than I burned with two lost pregnancies and a lot of emotional eating. As of january 1st 2011 i started actively trying to lose weight but i had another three lost pregnancies since then (which caused caused me to emotionally eat while being in to much physical pain to exercise vigorously.) it has taken me a couple months to recover from each one and i usually gain about 10lbs during the pregnancy and after so all together in my weight lose journey I have only lost about 30lbs in just under 3yrs. I am now back to the weight I was prior to my last pregnancy (149lbs) and we have been advised not to try any more so I think I can steadily keep up the loss till I reach 135lbs!
  • mick5000
    Just too much junk food so decided when I gave up smoking to try and lose weight at the same time before the giving up put the weight on
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