Biggest Loser Interview



  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    I never believed a doggone thing off that show anyways. Anyone on TV who is being paid, does NOT have your best interest in mind. And it is quite clear who is being paid. With all the in script ads, Jillian and her "products", the BL approved Frankenfoods. Its all crap. Eat vegetables and go for a walk. It doesn't take a Hollywood Trainer to figure that out. But the "Media" will not make it look so simple.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Great article. I was actually bummed out that I only lost 1 1/2lbs this week but I feel better now. Thanks,

    1.5 pounds is wonderful!!!! I will take a half a pound.....:-) Keep up the good work!
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    unfortunately, reality TV shows aim to shock and stagger! A steady and slow weight loss is an amazing achievement. I think most shows (like this) in the UK, are introduced with a medical warning!

    Don't worry about shows like this...use them for your entertainment and nothing more...You guys are all doing amazingly!

    The quicker it comes off....the quicker it goes back on....we are all aiming for a healthier lifestyle..not a quick fix diet plan! we are all doing amazingly :flowerforyou:
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    None of that info surprises me and of course you would dehydrate yourself before a weigh in, it’s a $250,000 prize on the line and YES, the contestants were lucky to be there. If you were to add up the cost of personal training, food, hotel and gym 'membership' fees it would easily be over $50,000 and they got all that ‘expertise’ and help for FREE!

    Working out to the point of injuries sucks but these people caused this problem for themselves. THEY made themselves morbidly obese to the point that they became or convinced themselves a healthy body was in fact hopeless and so in turn no humane effort like Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers etc could save them.

    The producers preyed on the fact that the contestants already saw themselves as worthless and they used that to make money.

    Thanks for sharing!
  • Yeah but there are also articles our there from contestants that dispute this. Of course they lose a lot of weight because they workout 8 hours a day. Heck im sure if we were given the time to most of us would do it to lose the weight quicker. It isnt unhealthy if you eat the right amount of calories.

    My football coach was a contestant three or so years ago on the red team (the year they had the three trainers, he was on the red team with the Blond girl that disappeared after jillian came back) and he lost over 170lbs, most of it while he was on the show and said he never felt better during the whole process. Obviously 60 year olds and what not may be less physically able to handle these kind of results (he was a 27 year old, former Divison 1 football player for Ohio State) but just because you lose big numbers, with the right dedication and education it is safe.

    Now with that being said, for the average person with mediocre willpower, 1-2 lbs a week is great.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    Wow, B.L. was one of my favorite shows but I am never watching it again!!! OMG, dehydrating people sounds like slowly torturing people. I was already starting not to like the show anyway because the whole show seems like one big ad anymore and the trainers are always soooo dramatic. It is WAY too dramatic of a show.
  • ktanderson05
    ktanderson05 Posts: 207 Member
    Personally I think this was her way of trying to stay in the spotlight. If it was so terrible why didn't she leave? As for the dehydration part I doubt it because I always see the trainers pushing them, and then saying take a break and drink some water. Also they are still living a "normal" life in a sense....When they make there meals they choose to have good or bad foods, and they choose how much effort they will put into a workout. So I think she just needs to get off her high horse, and get a life, and be thankful for the amazing opportunity she had.
  • daddyratty
    daddyratty Posts: 305 Member
    There was at least one other thread on here that dealt with Kai's interview.

    I'm not quite sure why people read ONE complaint from an embittered former contestant and let that completely change their opinion on the show. If you didn't like it before, you probably don't care, but personally I find a lot of motivation from the show. I know that it's not the norm. Clearly most of us can't work out 5 hours a day. If we could we probably wouldn't be in this position (assuming most of us are *over*weight and not on the other side of things).

    And Moses lost 41 pounds the first week ... unrealistic? No way. Uncommon? Yes. When he started eating healthy and moving around, he started losing weight quickly. It takes a lot of calories to move a body that size from Point A to Point B.
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