How do you gain weight after urinating?



  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    It's the scale. With a lot of scales, if you move them, or if you don't stand in the exact same place, they will give you different readings. This, of course, means that it is less accurate for your regular weighing in, not just the curiosities like today. So don't take any small fluctuations too seriously, just watch for a general downward trend to know you're successful (and do other measurements!)
  • annakow
    annakow Posts: 385 Member
    My weight is different in different parts of my house:) I travel with my digital scale between bathroom and living room and rest of the house lol I pick the lowest results hahaha
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    This anomaly is unexplainable. Stop over thinking this.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    OK then.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    My barbell lost 0.2lb overnight, according to my scale. Scales are not that accurate.

    Ignore what's after the decimal point, or round it up/down.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    My barbell lost 0.2lb overnight, according to my scale. Scales are not that accurate.

    Ignore what's after the decimal point, or round it up/down.

    great advice.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    good lord....
  • AmoreCouture
    AmoreCouture Posts: 255 Member
    That's why you don't take the scale so literally. It will drive you mad. :laugh:
  • Sashoi
    Sashoi Posts: 295 Member
    It's not your scale it's your body... Lol just saying you can weigh up a 6lb different during the day. Weight fluctuates especially if your a woman.
  • arathena720
    arathena720 Posts: 449 Member
    While you're peeing or popping little fat cells that have been hiding underneath the rim of the toilet fight against the flow and worm their way ack inside your body.

    You're welcome.
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    weigh yourself as often as you like. There is no good reason to do it more or less often that what you want to... all data is good data. just know that home scales aren't the most accurate. It's normal and it's not a big deal.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    My barbell lost 0.2lb overnight, according to my scale. Scales are not that accurate.

    Ignore what's after the decimal point, or round it up/down.

    great advice.
    :laugh: about the barbell. And, MB_Positif's right. That's great advice and I'm glad that you posted that. It just reinforced that scales are not always accurate.Thanks. :smile:
    OK then.
    3,178 posts in less than 90 days? Wow.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    You definitely are obsessed with the scale and a cheap one at that. Weigh once a week, that's what counts, not minute by minute fluctuations.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    I dropped 0.6 pounds after pooping this morning.....totally logged it. And yes, pun intended :happy:
  • jaecamp1
    jaecamp1 Posts: 120 Member
    It will fluctuate quite a bit during the day. Mine will fluctuate around 4 lbs each day. For me knowing the cycle helps me to not freak out when it is up, but if it freaks you out more seeing that then don't do it so often. How you're standing can definitely effect it too. I can lose a couple pounds just be standing straight and dispersing my weght evenly instead of leaning way over to get a good look.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    It sounds like you are using a digital scale... If so, I would suggest getting a mechanical dial scale. I know it sounds crazy but most digital scales are not as accurate as you may think. I have had a few different digitals and I have yet to find one that is dead on. I've weighed and stepped off the scale then step back on and get 2 totally different readings. In my opinion even the expensive ones after a while just aren't as accurate as a dial scale.

    You reduced the precision/increment of the measurement device...

    ...and concluded that the result was more accurate? You were probably subconsciously smoothing the inherent volatility when you read the approximate result.

    As for OP, the obvious answer is that you make anti-gravity urine.

    Well, that or perhaps you're standing off-center. Try weighing yourself standing in the center, then towards an edge, then try distributing your weight unevenly, etc. and evaluate the results.
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    Is your scale always in the same place and on hard and even ground?

    Being on uneven floor can change things, or weighing with the scale on carpet.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,000 Member
    Scale is off, albeit not by much so no real concerns.