Constipation help?

I know this is really personal, but I am really struggling with constipation and the only thing that works is Magnesium Citrate in a bottle that you drink before surgery! I have tried supplements, more fiber, more water, more activity even laxatives and NOTHING works. I do not want to take something that is addictive. I think this is also part of the reason my weight lose has stalled which is making me really discouraged. Does anyone have any long term advise? I have had this issue for years and I need something natural that can help me be truly regular. Thanks for any advise you can provide.


  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    Have you talked to a doctor about it? When you take laxatives or magnesium citrate on a regular enough basis, your body can become dependent on them, and can actually make constipation worse.
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    Basically the only thing you can do is increase your fiber and water intake like you've been doing and GO SEE A DR! This happened when I started on protein powder. I ended up having to add flax seeds to my smoothie every morning just to counter act this problem. Maybe drop your protein level by a little bit for a week and see if that makes a difference.

    Edit: Just looked at your diary, it's definitely the protein powder! Add some flax seeds (1 to 2 tbsp) or maybe some oats to your smoothie. You need to get non-soluble fiber in with the smoothie.. eating it later won't help as much.
  • mooie70
    mooie70 Posts: 70 Member
    Following. I have the same problem. Mine is a result of meds I'm taking. Had it for over 20 years now :(
  • BoomstickChick
    BoomstickChick Posts: 428 Member
    Have you tried taking miralax daily? I was constipated after having my baby and I took that for a few days... it works, to say the least. I kept taking it after and it doesn't make you go violently or anything, but helps you go every day. I don't have the best luck going all the time anyway because of my thyroid.
  • Coffeeplz_123z
    Coffeeplz_123z Posts: 29 Member
    Hi there! I have the same problem...I have been known to go up to two weeks between bathroom stops! Here's what I use. About 4-6 oz of raw apple juice..blend in 2tbsp of chlorophyll and 2 Tbsp of aloe vera juice (innerleaf fillet) mix with 1 heaping tsp of psyllium husk powder shake well and drink up! Follow with a tall glass of water. It works really well for me and everything can be bought at a healthfood store. It may take a couple days to really get things going, but I find if I keep up on it it keeps me regular.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    I find that taking acidophilus with pectin has a beneficial effect. I don't really have this problem, but I know it can be miserable. Hopefully your doctor can help.
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    Try adding more fat to your diet. Remember, eating fat doesn't MAKE you fat. Your body needs some to function properly. Research good vs bad fats and enjoy :)
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Try adding more fat to your diet. Remember, eating fat doesn't MAKE you fat. Your body needs some to function properly. Research good vs bad fats and enjoy :)

    ^^^ This. Glanced through a week of your diary and I can't see your fiber but I saw you got close to your fat goal on only 1 day. On the other days it was low. Working in some more fats might help.

    eta grammar
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Lots of water (or other drinks without caffeine or alcohol), fiber and healthy fat... and drink senna tea every night. I have struggled with the same issue.

    At least 20% of calories from fat daily. Closer to 30% is better.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    More fat, flax seed, mandarin oranges, sunflower seeds, a big cup of strong coffee, cherries. A stool softener, not a laxative.
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    Not sure if anyone mentioned this yet but try prunes. They are very good tasting. Start with 6 and work up from there. You should have a BM by the next day.
  • MelStren
    MelStren Posts: 457 Member
    Forming a habit may be helpful. Go in and sit down everyday at the same time and just try to relax while there. Pick a time of day or night when you can afford the time to just chill there.

    If you are taking supplements, eating enough fiber, drinking enough water and getting enough exercise and still having issues it may help.

    adding a little more fat to your diet may help too.
  • nour_a
    nour_a Posts: 10 Member
    The thing with fiber supplements is that if you don't drink enough water, they can be constipating. I eat fiber1 cereal at some point during the day as bfast or a snack, and I drink a 500ml bottle of water. On days I don't meet my 25 g, I take metamucil with an extra glass of water after.
  • ashandstuff
    ashandstuff Posts: 442 Member
    I say increase your water intake, flax seeds are a great idea when doing protein powders, and increase fat content (meet that goal each day if you can.)
  • snejkaxo
    snejkaxo Posts: 91 Member
    My doctor recommended glucomannan, when I had similar issue, and increase in water intake. I haven´t had this problem ever since I got on this regimen. I hope this would work for you also. Good luck!
  • KoRnKraZy
    KoRnKraZy Posts: 69 Member
    Psyllium husk! I take 2tbls in a glass of water every night before I sleep. Works every time!
  • PowerfulHunt
    PowerfulHunt Posts: 281 Member
    I have this issue too & so many doctors have told me to "drink more water" which does not help at all. You may have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and there are certain foods that people with it should avoid (such as excess dairy). Look it up to see more food recommendations. You can also dry drinking "Smooth Move" tea by Traditional Medicinals which I do every few days. I also take one tab of Shaklee's Herb-Lax every couple of days. You can order it on their website: All of this together seems to help.
  • tlou5
    tlou5 Posts: 497 Member
    Looking at your diary I see a lot of apples, but not many veggies. I would increase your intake of veggies- I have the same problem and one of the things that helps me most (naturally) are prunes (YUK), apple juice, and vegetable soups (homemade with LOTS of veggies) and also dishes made with lentils or dried beans/peas.

    Agree with other posters about the protein powders.

    Google yoga and constipation and they have some recommended exercises to get things moving that help me out if things get stuck too.

    Good luck!
  • susan420
    When i feel constipated........ I take a half shot of extra virgin olive oil.

    120 calories
    14 grams fat- but 10 grams is mono-saturated(healthy fat)

    Does the trick every time.

    Sometimes 50% of my daily fat intake is olive oil
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Eat more FAT.