Negative effects of weight loss - your experience?



  • xraygal84
    xraygal84 Posts: 13 Member
    I have experienced the same thing in the past, from both family and friends. I now have very supportive friends, and it makes a world of difference! Best of luck to you!
  • StripedSmoker
    StripedSmoker Posts: 104 Member
    Loose clothes, stupid comments, tiredness. Trying to gain a bit again... Yep the positive outweights the negative but in the end the balance is what to strive for for me :)
  • xraygal84
    xraygal84 Posts: 13 Member
    sometimes people are very insensitive! I'm sorry you've experienced some of them at a time when you need all the positive support you can get. All I can say is, you can definitely find support here!
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Lots of loose skin in stomach, thigh, arm and chest area. Bruise more easily in hip area. (no more padding) It bothers me a lot less then it did at first.
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    Two words: tail bone.
    I hate it when I sit, I hate it when I do ground exercises.

    Althought I guess it doesn't pop-up as bad... I feel that it seems better over time. I guess that I'm not used to sit on a less fat *kitten*. :laugh:
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I've gone from morbidly obese to "normal" sized. The world is a very different place for someone who is morbidly obese vs someone who is normal sized. Very different. I am not having an easy time making the adjustment. I feel like I'm living in a stranger's body, not in mine. I don't recognize myself in the mirror, or in pictures. I presumed that as I lost weight, I'd think "yay, I'm smaller" and that would be that. But that isn't what has happened at all. Psychologically, it's an enormous shift and I applaud those who can make it with ease. Maybe it's different if you've been smaller at some point and you're just returning to that smaller size? Idk, but I'm struggling a great deal with adjusting to life as a normal sized person.

    This was not my experience at all, but I do like your honesty.

    I've noticed a difference in meeting new people who never knew me as heavy. They are nicer, easier to get a long with, and overall it's a more pleasant experience. It could be my own increased self confidence, or it could be people overall react more positively to a thin person than an overweight person. Maybe it's a little bit of both.

    People who never knew me that way tell me that they never would known I had lost 90 lbs.

    I have also had people that did know me during my journey, and told me to flat out stop, even when I was at a BMI of over 25. This was out of sheer jealousy masked as concern, and for awhile it bothered me, but then I used it as motivation knowing I could do something they couldn't.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Oh, and I am cold all the time. That's about it. Everything else has been positive.
  • TammyVieu
    TammyVieu Posts: 121 Member
    Cold all the time and also shaving is really a lot harder now. Plus the loose skin.
  • SummerSmiles07
    SummerSmiles07 Posts: 23 Member
    Loose clothes, stupid comments, tiredness. Trying to gain a bit again... Yep the positive outweights the negative but in the end the balance is what to strive for for me :)

    ^^Stupid comments is one of the worst things for me.

    I have never felt soooo self conscious about how I use to look until after I lost the weight. Comments about how fat my face was, how big my back side was, the broadness of my shoulders. Things I didn't even think were a problem I now am conscious about.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    My boobs now suck :grumble:
  • Okapi42
    Okapi42 Posts: 495 Member
    My main problem is my immediate boss, who's skinny as a rail, yet apparently having a slimming contest with *her* boss, who's also at the lower end of normal.

    She's terribly insecure anyway, but what she's been doing lately is nothing short of harrassment. She orders my uniform several sizes bigger than I ask for, then claims she doesn't believe I've lost over 25 lbs because "it doesn't show" and makes me "prove it" when I tell her my clothes size by showing her the tag - then orders stuff that's too big anyway.
  • LumpySpacePrincess1
    Other than stretch marks, people like to tell me about how fat I used to be and how much better I look.
    Even though I know they're trying to compliment/congratulate me, it hurts a bit to know they thought I was ugly. Especially since these people encouraged me to lose NOTHING.
    Of course there's always the bright side of ex-crushes who want me now, but I'm so over them it's glorious. :laugh:
  • beckieboomoo
    beckieboomoo Posts: 590 Member
    i cant stop talking/thinking of losing weight, addictive to MFP (cant stay off it xD) and when am out clubbing i get more attention..... its nice guys notice me but they still try it on even though they can see am with my mr....... i also get dirt looks off of girls when am out..... only started happening since i started losng weight.. maybe i just have a Bi*ch face :L
  • NordicAlien
    NordicAlien Posts: 110 Member
    I first went from fat to slimmish-with-curves when I was 17. Over a period of six months I lost a lot of weight and went from being a shy bookworm who'd had a couple of serious boyfriends who loved my personality, to being someone who looked good and attracted attention on the street. Unfortunately all this weight loss happened while I was taking gap year with my mom on a tiny island, so I had no gradual acclimatising process. The day I stepped off the plane back in London, I started getting attention and it was utterly terrifying. My friends (who I hadn't seen in six months) would take me to nightclubs and bars, as 17-year-olds generally do in London, and while they went and flirted I'd stand there paralysed with fear while men came and made crude remarks about the things they wanted to do to me. (I know not all men are like this - even most 18-year-old boys aren't like this, but Saturday nights in clubs you don't see people at their best.) I felt like I was having a breakdown, and nobody could understand why. "You can't possibly be shy / introverted / inexperienced! Look at you! Surely you're used to this?"

    I adjusted. I'm reasonably good with people now, and comfortable in my skin, despite the weight that's gone back on. But it was a hard adjustment.
  • NordicAlien
    NordicAlien Posts: 110 Member
    My main problem is my immediate boss, who's skinny as a rail, yet apparently having a slimming contest with *her* boss, who's also at the lower end of normal.

    She's terribly insecure anyway, but what she's been doing lately is nothing short of harrassment. She orders my uniform several sizes bigger than I ask for, then claims she doesn't believe I've lost over 25 lbs because "it doesn't show" and makes me "prove it" when I tell her my clothes size by showing her the tag - then orders stuff that's too big anyway.

    Ugh, passive aggressives are the worst. One of my family members (who I love dearly, and is mostly a nice person who just happens to have weight insecurities that make her act *****y at times) has almost always been the same clothing size as me, to the point that we often borrow each others' things - but at Christmas or birthdays she inevitably buys me stuff that's four or five sizes too big. Her response, when I gently point out that I'm a 16 instead of a 24? "I just want you to be comfortable!" She also lays claim to items of clothing any time I mention on Facebook or somewhere that I've bought something new. I can't count the amount of "If it doesn't fit, I'll have it!" posts that I've gotten. (Um, no. If it doesn't fit, I'll exchange it for a different size. My student self cannot afford to clothe your *kitten* as well as my own.)
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    My main problem is my immediate boss, who's skinny as a rail, yet apparently having a slimming contest with *her* boss, who's also at the lower end of normal.

    She's terribly insecure anyway, but what she's been doing lately is nothing short of harrassment. She orders my uniform several sizes bigger than I ask for, then claims she doesn't believe I've lost over 25 lbs because "it doesn't show" and makes me "prove it" when I tell her my clothes size by showing her the tag - then orders stuff that's too big anyway.

    Wow that's terrible that she dresses you so you LOOK bigger! Is there anyone you can report her to?
  • MikaMojito
    MikaMojito Posts: 680 Member
    Remembering the times when I was slim after my first BIG diet... the worst thing was that suddenly people who had shunned me before decided I was worthy of their attention. They were so narrow-minded that they couldn't accept me when I was overweight and my 16-year-old self was just happy to have "friends".

    Now I have friends who really don't care what I look like. They've known me a little slimmer and now I'm fatter, trying to become slimmer again. They've supported me throughout the past years without considering my looks&weight.

    Since I have a very poor judgement of people, I'm scared of finding "friends" again who would never consider hanging out with me if I were overweight.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Loose skin, which is especially evident at your new pole dancing hobby where you wear booty shorts and throw your legs up over your head doing headstands (this also causes your shirt to flip up and show off your awesome, floppy stomach).

    Having clothes you love, including several expensive corsets, which no longer fit and *must* be replaced (because life without corsets is simply unthinkable).

    Being a bit of an awkward introvert and feeling uncomfortable when people remark on your weight loss. Sometimes your discomfort is visible and they feel the need to say, "Not that you didn't look good *before*, but..." which makes you feel even more awkward.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Yeah, mostly just the uninformed comments people make. I always get stuff like this,
    "How did you lose so much weight?"
    "Eating at a deficit, exercising, that's it."
    " But you cut carbs, right?"
    "No, I didn't."
    "But you can't have junk food/chocolate/butter/ice cream any more right?"
    "NO! I'm eating all that, I'm just eating less than what I burn."
    "But you're not eating after 6pm, right? What green coffee beans/ketones/drops/suppressants are you taking?"
    :explode: :explode: :explode:
    Then, to top it off, I often get a lecture about what I really should be eating (clean, unprocessed, organic) and when, (10 times a day, apparently) because clearly I am doing something wrong, despite having lost 120lbs in 14 months. :huh:
  • lucystacy71
    lucystacy71 Posts: 290 Member
    I haven't really have any negative experiences except now I need some new clothes. Maybe I'll have more when I lose more - but I'll happily take the negative with the positive.