Negative effects of weight loss - your experience?



  • Achaila
    Achaila Posts: 264 Member
    Butt and tailbone hurting when I sit.
    Being cold!
    Last night I tried to sleep on my stomach and it was uncomfortable because my ribs.
  • RubyRunner14
    RubyRunner14 Posts: 148 Member
    - People (usually visiting family) criticizing, teasing and pushing my buttons when I refuse "unhealthy" food.
    - Lose skin around my middle, but it certainly beats having the belly.
    - Worrying about eating healthy all the time. Cooking and preparation time is usually high and accessibility to healthy food is poor, although eating high fat has helped with that a great deal.
    - I am a cold weather person born and raised, and having less fat on me makes me chill to the core so quickly now (although this is a double-edged sword, since my heart tolerance has gone up a lot... although I still don't like the heat), so cold weather is a little more troublesome now.
    - Needing to buy new clothes...

    But I'll take if it means I get to stay this lean.
  • Also boobs. Have never been big up top but they're like two little fried eggs when I slim down, I used to be able to do this trick where I lean forward in my bra and scoop all the back-fat forwards and create a cleavage that way, now I have no materials to work with lol.

    Psychologically weight loss is very demanding, little things can trigger unhealthy thoughts and behaviours. I will admit that my recent weight loss spurt was partly down to a nasty tummy-bug that triggered an unpleasant flare up of my IBS.

    The fact that I was getting compliments on my weight loss got me down a bit, and as I was trying to heal, I was overly concious of my diet because I didn't want to put the weight back on, but I also wanted to feel better (ie was craving bland stodge like mashed potato and cereal - and my usual diet of fruit and salad just went straight through me and meat was too tough to digest) so eating felt like a battle. In my younger years I had both problems with being very overweight, and then losing weight in my early 20s to the point of being skinny through unhealthy means (extreme dieting, laxatives, speed and slimming pills). Since my late 20s I've been a healthy weight, that fluctuates much less, but I find I'm always at risk of unhealthy triggers so I find it important to stay mentally as well as physically healthy. Yoga helps enormously with both of these aspects.

    All in all the best thing about being at a good healthy weight is that it means I can feel good in my body and do enjoyable things, like yoga and dance, enjoy eating well and having enough energy and health to work and play, and that's the main thing.
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    Having to replace 80% of your clothes with no budget for it.

    Same here :sad: And it's soooo frustrating now that I can fit nicer things. I've been at a lot of my clothes with a pair of scissors and my sewing machine.

    Also, I always did feel the cold but now it's worse - as the autumn rolls in I'm already wearing heavy woolly cardies and boots - what on earth I'll do in winter I dread to think :ohwell:
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    The only negative i have experienced in loss in breast volume not cool for someone who already had a small pair but hey there is always surgery right :)

    I could not come up with one negative thing and then I saw this post hahaha . Yes That would be it .
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    People thinking that if they compliment me on my loss ("You look good!") then that gives them the right to ask how much I've lost. And then not being satisfied with a vague answer like "a lot." It's embarrassing enough that I got to the point that I needed to lose as much as I have. I'm sure not going to give specific numbers out.

    I'm the opposite! I'm going to get a teeshirt printed up when I lose my next stone, broadcasting to the world that I've shed 3 stone! I'm proud of it. I've worked at it, it'll only happen if I make it happen, so when it does, I want all the credit for it!
  • SheilaG1963
    SheilaG1963 Posts: 298 Member
    Being cold and my butt doesn't fit my western saddle correctly when I ride!
  • ska41
    ska41 Posts: 15 Member
    Two words: tail bone.
    I hate it when I sit, I hate it when I do ground exercises.

    Althought I guess it doesn't pop-up as bad... I feel that it seems better over time. I guess that I'm not used to sit on a less fat *kitten*. :laugh:

    So glad to hear that it might get better! Now that I'm CAPABLE of doing sit ups and "rockers", I can't because it hurts my tailbone too much.

    Also, the loose skin. I'm so glad I'm healthier, but I was hoping to be able to wear a bathing suit without being so self conscious. Nope.

    I have nothing to wear. Slowly replacing wardrobe pieces as I can afford it.

    And the usual "loss of boob volume". I've been a C all my life, but not anymore. Rats. Still worth it.
  • nerakma
    nerakma Posts: 77 Member
    Bruising. I have never been prone to bruises, now I am covered in them after doing a bit of painting and decorating. My calves are horrendously bruised from my stepladder. Wasn't here to lose much weight, but guess I must be a bit short on some vitamins or iron.
  • DapperKay
    DapperKay Posts: 140 Member
    I have to admit, when I started the thread I was thinking more along the lines of actual damage done to the body by weight loss, but I appreciate all the inputs, very interesting answers.

    It looks like the psychology factor is big among some of you, particularly the females :) In my case, I actually LOVE these comments from people, its a stamp of a job well done, even if they don't say it you know you've done such a good job that random people at work or people who you've never spoken to before walk up to you and say something like "how the hell did you do it", and "please tell me the secret". Most are polite about it, some might delve into your recent history and ask you questions which might make you uncomfortable, but overall it is still great that you've made such a big leap that people just can't help but want to speak to you about it. I have to say, this is the sort of thing that has gotten plenty of ladies where I work almost OBSESSED with, they ALWAYS want to speak about my weight loss, the worst is when I'm at the kitchen making a coffee or grabbing water.

    Guys are better at this sort of thing, mostly because they are afraid of showing any emotion so the most they will say is good job or keep it up.
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    The wardrobe one is a huge one with me too. The other day I was on the elliptical and realized my underwear were slowly sliding down my butt. Every few minutes I'd have to nonchalantly pull them up. It costs a fortune to replace everything. Some things that don't fit anymore I really liked and can't be replaced exactly. :-(

    I can't sit as long, because of not as much padding as before.

    But the psych things are huge, too. Lasting weight loss is so much more in your mind, at least for me. My mind has almost caught up with my body in terms of seeing myself in a smaller body, but I'm not quite there yet. I have a pair of size large workout pants and every time I pick them up I can't believe they fit me. They look so small! Before I would go anywhere new I would always think, "I hope there are other bigger people there." WTH? I live in the upper Midwest, OF COURSE there are going to be big people there! But about midsummer I realized I hadn't thought that in months.
  • toad493lbs
    toad493lbs Posts: 39 Member
    Loss in breast volume, and now my stomach REALLY looks like a butt - I had surgery done in 2008 with a vertical scar from the belly button to public bone, now all of my loose skin makes the scar look like a butt crack.....I am not impressed.

    I guess some have a Public Bone but thankfully my wifes Pubic Bone is private
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    a body one: learning through a series of injuries that i was not configured to handle interval training or heavy weights :/
  • tjl2329
    tjl2329 Posts: 169 Member
    I agree. I don't like the way my neck shoulders and face look. Kind of skinny. Bony and feels weird. But I'm so much thinner. My stomache is smaller also but it looks bloated. Oh well ay least I'm healthier
  • jcmrax5
    jcmrax5 Posts: 133
    I havent lost enough yet, only 54 pounds, but loose/saggy skin would be a con.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Having to replace 80% of your clothes with no budget for it.

    Goodwill has become my favorite place in the world, I have had to cycle three times already and I am not done but at least at Goodwill it does not break the bank and I can just drop off the old clothes when I undergrow them.
  • tjl2329
    tjl2329 Posts: 169 Member
    How about my thighs. Inside they are gross. Black heads and a terrible rash. Maybe they were always there and I just couldn't see them.
  • tjl2329
    tjl2329 Posts: 169 Member
    One breast is larger than other. But now I notice
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    My boobs now suck :grumble:

    Mine do too :( I lost my boobs first. After I have baby #2, I'm def getting a boob job.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I can't think of a single negative physical effect. Even though I knew this was going to happen, I am fighting with my SO a lot more. He tends to wig out when I am able to do my thing, which right now is attending school. He doesn't like me not being out for most of the day and coming home "late" like at 9:30 when I have a class that is scheduled until 8:30 pm. Also I am asserting my personality more and lets just say there are some aspects of my personality that are difficult, especially if I think someone is getting in the way of me doing what I want to do or have to do for school. Long story short he prefers when I am sick and act like a B personality, but when I am not sick or as sick I tend to act like an A. I honestly don't think I will be able to live with him much longer if he keeps acting like a whiny... anyway that's that.

    The other thing is I am having a hard time buying clothes. I bought two pair of pants about a size and a half too big. They would be just one size too big, but I swear they are cut bigger for that size. I have some sweats that have gone to being way too big to not advisable to wear in public lest I have an unfortunate departure of the pants from my bum. I have a few shirts that I really like that are too baggy even for me. I have a pair of pants I won't be able to wear much longer actually they should already be gone. Clothes are expensive to replace and shopping for them confuses me now more than ever.

    I don't want to talk about how much weight I have lost, because it's apparent at least to me that I am only half or one third the way to goal depending on where my BF% ends up when I lose another 50 or 60 pounds.

    I see people all the time that I wish I could help. I don't want to say this is easy. But, I really haven't had too many days where it's been so difficult that I want to quit. I haven't had to cut so much out of my diet that I feel deprived and it's getting a lot easier to exercise and move. I had some breathing difficulties that I didn't even know I had til they went away. I seriously think anyone can do this. The only difference between success and failure is that the successful person has tried one more time.