Beautiful Blues 7/31/10



  • UltimateLover
    UltimateLover Posts: 306 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm not going to weigh in this week due to really bad eating habits and see a big loss only for me to gain it next week. I'm taking each day slowly and hoping to make it a day yet without crying.
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Holy Crinoly... I have been MIA and didn't even realize it, I missed the new thread and was still watching for updates on last week's... What a lame brain...this has been an extremely crazy week. I am soooooo ready to get away this weekend!

    Weigh-in time...

    August 1st- 183.5
    August 6th- 182.5

    1 LB!! A pound is a pound the world around!! I thought I had gained this week but WOW I'm down a pound. Looking forward to getting those next 3.5 LBS off Peter!! I'm a little worried about the coming camping reunion, but have already packed lots of fruits and vegetables.

    Keep up the great work everyone- you are all such an inspiration!! Have a beautiful weekend.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Ohmyweigh- so glad to hear from ya! Awesome job on the loss this week.

    I got my workout in today and did Insanity Plyometric Cardio circuit. I also did really well with logging my food today. Had the day off from work today- due to summer fridays. Had tons of plans for the day, but time escaped me on the phone, but I feel happy.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Great job Randi.

    I thought I actually lost this week. Another week of not weighing myself throughout the week. I've been watching my choices this week, but not logging my food. My watch is loose on my wrist, and I can tell my ring is sliding a bit more on my finger (won't go over the knuckle, whew).
    I even noticed that my upper stomach seems to have lost maybe an inch or so.

    I'm starting to ponder (like lots of other people). Am I taking in enough calories. I don't think I take in too many at all, but I sometimes think I might be eating 1700-2000 and some days approx 1300 calories and think that might be too low for me. I also think I am going to go back to macro ratio 40-30-30. That's where I had more success in losing.

    I'm looking back, when I thought I had hit a plateau, was also when I started P90x, and had a month without losing, then I upped my calories and I lost weight. Was it because I ate more calories, or was it because of 4 weeks of P90x, the body finally started to shed some fat.
    The human body, mysterious it is. :laugh:
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I have had a busy couple of days. Met with my doc yesterday about the test I was supposed to have, before I got pregnant. It turns out it is safe during pregnancy but really not worth doing until after. Why do the test if the treatment can't be done!?! Today I am going to go help my brother move. I actually am feeling pretty good this morning. I have been plagued with all day sickness but had macaroni and cheese for dinner which actually made a huge difference! Corn flakes for breakfast, hmmm the blander the better I feel. Obviously I am not caring about calories right now!

    Peter I know how you feel, I gained 10 lbs between moving and starting p90x--I don't lose when I start strength training...
    Randi welcome back!!
    Maneyes keep taking one day at a time.
    Mayra, I am glad you feel happy. That says a lot! It is good to be on the right path!

    I will hopefully work on the chart later today... Have a great day!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    So much for working on the chart! I hope everyone is doing well. I will get to working, but if it isn't up soon, I may just do two weeks at once, next Friday...We still have tons of room on the board for chatting....:wink:
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hey all,

    Going to be catching up on posts very soon. Had a birthday party for my daughter who turned two. Continued the exercises through the weekend by walking and today did a 30 minute run in the treadmill.

    Take care all!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Keep up the great work Mayra! I bet it is hard to believe your daughter is already 2! I am having a hard time with the fact that my daughter is turning 8 this year! Time just goes by way too quick!

    The board sure has been quiet! Everyone ok??
  • UltimateLover
    UltimateLover Posts: 306 Member
    Hey Everyone:

    I'm taking things one day at a time. There are days when it's harder than others but I'm trying to keep busy. The friend support that I've been receiving has been awesome though. Food and exercise is not up to where I was before but I'm slowly getting there. A lot of the time when I am eating, I have to be forcing myself to eat which is highly unlike me. I will be going to ultimate this week again so that'll help with things.

    In good news though, I saw a friend yesterday and she has said that I have lost a lot of weight and that she had to take a double look at me to make sure it was me (I still don't find that I've lost that much). A couple of my friends have also said that I have a lot more confidence so that is a good thing to hear. Oh and my cousin and sister thinks that the person that I was buying a phone from last night was hitting on me (yeah right!).

    Hope everything is going well with everyone else. :happy:
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hey all,
    Doing ok here Deb.
    So, this is my dilemma from last week. I had some bad food this weekend, a few beers. Last week I had bagel/sausage/egg for breakast a few mornings. I lost 1-2 lbs and was 190.0 again by Monday.
    I'm also the same this morning, so hoping again I can hit 18x by Friday. My point though, I think when I was eating the healthier stuff, I wasn't getting enough minimum calories, so my body was holding on. Now that I'm eating some "regular" stuff, but not as much, I guess I'm getting more than minimum calories. (I think that makes sense).

    Well, I'm wearing those previously tight 34" jeans to work. I had put them into the "daily wardrobe" a few weeks ago, but still haven't worn them as I thought they might have been a little tight. I had worn some 36" pants last week and yesterday and they were just getting too loose.
    Next mini goals.
    To stay in the 180's for more than a week.
    To fit into those 32" pants.
    I'm just being patient.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Oh and my cousin and sister thinks that the person that I was buying a phone from last night was hitting on me (yeah right!).

    Why don't you think he was hitting/flirting with you?
    You go girl. Rock it.
    Maybe you should go back to the place that you bought your phone tell them that you forgot how to do this or that, or need some instructions. If he's smiling away when he see's you then maybe even offer him a coffee if he explains how to use the phone better. (of course you know how to use the phone, but he doesn't need to know all that). :laugh:
  • UltimateLover
    UltimateLover Posts: 306 Member
    I didn't think he was hitting on me. I just thought that he was doing his job. According to them along with some of my coworkers, they seem to think that I was hit on. I'm supposed to go back today and get a refund anyways. I don't think I'm gonna keep the phone seeing as it is a crackberry (ie. Blackberry) and I'm not away from the computer long enough for me to justify me paying like double my phone bill now.

    Needless to say, I'm not ready to move on and date anyone else anyways. So I think if he were to ask in the first place, I would have to decline. However, I purchased a couple of revealing shirts yesterday, now I just hope I have the confidence to wear them in public and they don't just sit in my dresser.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Keep rocking it guys, I'm definitely reading all your posts, and you amaze me each day. Just been a little busy getting settled in and my class starts next week. Today I got in 30 minutes at the gym bike during lunch. So far, the gym workout is working awesome. I'm expecting losses this week...!

    Take care all.
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    I'm sorry about being so on and off over the past month... I have been going through some nasty stuff with my step-kids and their Mom... I have been reading all of your posts but haven't had much time or motivation for posting. The goods news is that for the first time in my life I'm not stress eating. I am eating right and making a point (although I haven't logged everyday) to stay within my calorie range.

    Today my baby girl turns 7, I'm sure glad her favorite dinner is shishkabob and not Pizza or burgers!!! Shishkabobs and Strawberry shortcake!! It could definately be worse!

    I love and miss you all! :heart:
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Randi, happy birthday to your daughter! It is nice to have kids start wanting the "healthy things" I am sorry for the trouble you are going through right now, but I am very impressed that you are not stress eating. That is something that I still have not figured out. I am so proud of you!

    Keep on Keepin' on!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Randi- Wish your daughter a happy birthday!

    I have to catch up on a few posts. I unexpectedly got my period today so didn't feel like working out during lunch but I did stay on track with eating today and got in about 1200 calories. Funny thing is I walked outside during lunch and there was a yoga class outside in a little area and I did some with them in a little park area in the middle of the city.

    I had this thought in my head today: Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels
    while I was tempted to go over my calories.

    Take care all,
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Kati's birthday yesterday was awesome the kabobs were amazing and my Mom did a great job on the strawberry shortcake...she even did some of the strawberries with splenda rather than sugar for me!! yum, yum, yum!!!

    Hoping for a good weigh-in tomorrow!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Did 20 minutes of the gym bike in the "strength" mode, and got a 180 calorie burn. Had to do it this short, b/c I had a meeting, but I'm glad I got this in.

    Night all!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I don't think any of my friends would enjoy this short tale as much as my friends on MFP.

    A short tale about a messed up scale.

    I weighed myself every morning this week.
    It displayed 190.0 Mon, tues, wed, and Thursday. Not 190.2 or 189.8 - Nope 190.0

    By thursday I thought, this is weird, maybe my scale is going bonkers.
    I got a new battery, (new battery is no good as it displayed "Lo". so I knew the other battery had power, put back in other battery.

    Jump on the scale 186.5....... Wow, can't be right can it?.. Take off my clothes 183. Ok no reason to get excited yet.
    Take the battery out again, re-weigh myself 232..... :noway: Got off, jumped back on 232... :laugh: Ok, dam scale, are you ready to go into the garbage, where does it get 232lbs from.. :noway:

    Took my shower, and I thought, ok time has gone by, and I'll weigh myself with a wet towel. ........ 192.0. Hmmmmmmmmm
    Ok, got dried off, and before putting on clothes, thought I would jump on scale again 190.0
    Today 190.0 again.

    Moral of the story. Don't mess with the scale, because it'll mess with you. :laugh:
    Hope everyone gets a good chuckle from this. Have a great weekend.

    We're hosting a post wedding party this saturday, inviting friends and family that could'nt make it to our wedding in Florida.
    Some Jerk Chicken, glazed sweet potatoes, jamaican beef patties, beef kabobs, lots of fruit and vegetables. One bad thingI will be staying away from will be the desserts.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Gee Peter the scale really was messing with you!! I am glad that it stopped by the weighin...:wink:

    I will start working on the chart a little later today so keep sending your weights.

    Last night a 9:30 and then again this morning I got a call from a lady a few houses down from us asking for donations to help relandscape her front yard. She has decided it would be good to do but she can't fund it herself...Her husband is an electrical engineer working for a big company and she has a job and they rent a few rooms in their house too. My husband said that if he knew about her before moving in he might not have. I didn't answer the phone either time, I know what she wants, and first I was getting kids in bed and this morning we were just waking up! I am a little surprised I guess because I never in a million years would ask for donations to help with my front yard. Interesting. Am I off base for not answering? How would you feel if someone asked this of you? We barely even talk to them. Anyway...

    Have a great day!