Accepting friend request



  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    It's like Facebook - everyone uses it differently. There are no guidelines. And just like FB, if you don't like reading all their updates, you can hide them or delete them.

    If I don't like what someone has to say on a permanent basis then what's their point of being on my list?? :huh:
  • Nacima26
    Nacima26 Posts: 28 Member
    i do my best to interact and motivate the few ppl on my friend list!!! thats the reason i add them, to motivate them as well as myself =)

    feel free to add me
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I hate everyone.

    friend request sent !
  • crackur
    crackur Posts: 473 Member
    I hate everyone.
    that's what I'm talking about!
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I hate everyone.
    that's what I'm talking about!

    FR sent! again
  • RuleFive
    RuleFive Posts: 880 Member
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    I have a question, Would someone please tell me why people accept friend requests when they have no intention of corresponding with the person they accepted? They fill your page up with me, me, me, comments and that's it. Any body else getting this or is it just me?
    Funny you should mention that. I just realized today that a certain number of my MFP friends post about themselves but don't seem to do much in the way of boosting other people. But actually, I'm okay with that. People are alll over the map in how they use MFP. MFP "friendship" is a pretty low-level of commitment and I don't take it too seriously.

    I don't delete them, I just leave them alone and wait to see if they come around. If they do they do, if they don't they don't. No biggie.
  • Miss_Mabee
    Miss_Mabee Posts: 119 Member
    Hi there :) I dont know, but i accept friend requests. The advantage is that when you write in a note in your home page, it goes to all your friends, and so you all can check each others comments ,, its like a newsfeed type of thing. I dont answer everyone.

    So you don't feel like you're not there for them. I mean people want friends to support them, not just listen to them talk about what they did or how well they are doing. So, just reading about other people progress helps you? If so, then you don't need friends, all you have to do is read the message board and blogs.

    Well, i just dont make a big deal out of it, whether or not anyone sends me a message.. Frankly, Im a bit tired after a day of working on the computer, and I just dont have it in me to socialize much. I sometimes dont have anything meaningful to say to anyone. If I felt that I could say something, then i write it, otherwise, i dont worry about it. I have 2 kitties that I just adopted and they are taking a lot of time.. one of them came down with pink eye and then the other one caught it,, so i was at the vet a lot. i dont have a lot of energy either really.. sometimes its all i can do just to read stuff what others write, and mark down my food i ate in the MFP diary.

    So do you feel that I should be more involved with people here that are on my friends list? Do you feel I am missing out on something that I need to get more involved than I have been? Pls let me know :)

    I think that is a question you should be asking your friends.

    Well I thought I would weigh in on this one too. Truth is that I like the interaction but Im bored of the standard responses. I dont necessarily need to hear "Nice Burn" after every workout lol.
    I agree with another comment I read about having something valuable to contribute. I comment when I have something helpful to say. I have found on here that most people are commenting a generic compliment even if it was a terrible menu planning/workout day! There was a day I was almost 600 calories over and everyone was commenting "great job", "way to go" lol. You can kinda tell they didn't even look.
    But I also agree about this not being my real life. I have a mix who do and don't interact and i love them all the same. My diary is open to them to inspire meal ideas and theirs is open to me :) I am here for them when they post any questions or concerns and they have always done the same for me :)
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    I don't like to interact with others. At all.

  • RuleFive
    RuleFive Posts: 880 Member
    I don't like to interact with others. At all.


    Don't try to trick me into interfacing with you.
