Feeling like too much of a failure to start over.



  • I feel so overwhelmed and frustrated, and I feel like such a failure. I need some serious support here. I desperately want to get back on track but I just can't get over the mental hurdle of feeling like I'm too far gone. :(

    I can completely relate to your story, and I have to say you are being so incredibly brave by your post that I think you should be proud of yourself for making such a positive step forward

    I was the same, I have a relaxed approach to MFP and I lost the weight slowly, I went from 165lbs to 140lbs

    Then I stopped using MFP as my life got too busy for me to focus on calorie counting, I had some issues at home that made me turn to food for comfort and then I got made redundant from my job where I have been for 7 years so I started drinking as well as comfort eating. I went up to 170lbs my heaviest in my life

    None of my clothes fitted me, I had to buy new interview clothes in a size 14 (I have always been a 10 - 12) and I was devastated,

    Then I decided that enough was enough and I needed some control back in my life and I needed to stop making excuses to myself

    My current weigh is 160lbs so I still have a journey ahead of me, but having been on here for just over 2 weeks I have noticed a big difference already. I go cycling for an hour every night and I come home feeling really positive and happy, I have noticed my body starting to tone up, I feel better on the inside as I only drink at weekends and I am sticking to my food plan

    I have also added quiet a few new people on here who are posting positive messages on my updates every day and this is really keeping me going

    You have made the hardest move by posting your message, the next steps are the easiest and with time when you get that first 1lb that comes off it will get easier

  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    You didn't fail at weight loss, you failed at maintenance, so now you know and can take steps to prevent it from getting too out of control once you are back at maintenance. There is no DONE for people who cannot effortlessly maintain a normal weight, there will always be at least a little work involved. Set a range that your weight can vary in, weigh on a regular basis (perhaps weekly), and take action if you get outside of your range. You don't gain back all your weight overnight, and you can't just think oh I got this and completely ignore what you are eating until you've gained everything back plus another 10-20 pounds. When people talk about permanent lifestyle changes, monitoring maintenance needs to be part of it.

    The preceding paragraph is a conversation I have had with myself from the very beginning of weight loss this time, because I never want to be in that spot again.