Hello...I am so lost and scared



  • joycehostetler
    Baby steps....one thing at a time....You can do this....
  • Rai007
    Rai007 Posts: 387 Member
    We all are with you!!
    see a doctor and see if you are healthy enough
    get the right dozez of what ever medicines u require
    then make small changes in diet
    then small changes in exercise
    u will be amazed by your endurance in a few months.
  • Patzycakes
    Patzycakes Posts: 175 Member
    Welcome and way to go on your introduction post. I knew that must have been difficult.

    Sounds like a lot of good advice pouring in here. So i'll keep this short. Just be honest with yourself, track, and start small. And remember not all exercise has to be walking. You can start small. Do small leg lifts in your chair. Or just stretch your arms up over your head hold a book and lift that. It doesn't have to be fancy, the idea is just to get your body moving again.

    If you want another friend, feel free to add. One of things I like about MFP is being able to log in and see a board full of people who've accomplished small goals every day. :)
  • KristinNicole82
    KristinNicole82 Posts: 164 Member
    There is nothing to fear but fear itself!! You (and anyone else on this site) can do anything. Always remember that.
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    Of course you can do this.

    Look at this woman's success story...


    My best advice to log whatever goes in your mouth to realize how many calories you are consuming. Then find healthier alternatives to your most eaten foods. I replaced cow's milk (about 120 cals) with unsweetened 30 cal almond milk last year.

    Don't worry, you got this! Don't look back. And so what if you mess up a day or a meal, just get back on your horse and move on. Someone said it like this, "If you were horseback riding cross country and fell off, would you go back to the starting point or just hop back on and continue to ride?"
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Hey mike - you're not alone and I'll do anything I can to help. I've lost 262 pounds.

    If you'd like my cell phone number please send me a private message, we'll get this fixed.


    This is why this site exists. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Welcome Mike! :flowerforyou:
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Hello Michael,

    Congrats on taking this first step. I know that this is scary for you. As others have mentioned, take baby steps.

    You didn't mention if you have been treating your sleep apnea or hypothyroidism. If not make those your first goals. It is hard to feel like doing anything if you feel tired all of the time. If you can,t stand having a mask on your face, there are other kinds developed called nasal pillows and it looks more like a nasal cannula. You still need to adjust to the pressure of the air, but it is worth it to get a good nite,s sleep and you will feel like a new man. Also get your thyroid issue checked out. The good news is that thyroid replacement meds are cheap. I am hypothyroid as well and before meds had noooo energy!

    Also I know that you don't like the taste of water but it is important to drink it for many reasons too numerous to list. Treat it like taking medicine. Fill up a glass, drink it fast, make a face and repeat. Not like its cod liver oil, you know. I was a big coffee drinker and never drank much water ad it was really difficult but I know that you can do this.

    On a positive note I think that it is wonderful that you are still able to do something that you love to do. How exciting to be able to interview for a living!

    I'll send a friend request .
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    Hi Michael!

    You can do this. Make this man your friend here on my fitness pal: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/thedean1td1. He used to weigh over 700 pounds, now he's your weight. If he can't inspire you, check your pulse. And make me your friend and soyum who also responded. Search the message boards to find friends who are or were at the same starting weight as you and are at various stages of loss, from just starting to already there. Some of my best inspirations on mfp are the ones who have been sticking to it for two years and more. Having friends on mfp has really made a difference for me.

    Make sure your diary is visible because that's one of the ways others can help keep us in line. And be ruthlessly honest with yourself in your diary because your body is being ruthlessly honest with you. You may have heard the adage, what we eat in private, we wear in public. The only person we are fooling is ourselves, and only in our head because the rest of our body is not fooled, so be honest.

    Congratulations on joining!

    He's my friend:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Avarindria
    Avarindria Posts: 70 Member
    Reading this hit so close to home.. My father is going through a similar situation. Definitely see a doctor about your health. Take baby steps and know that it can be done. You have to find your "why" and let it motivate you! Good luck to you!!! :smile:
  • juliabutler
    juliabutler Posts: 4 Member
    Michael--look how much support you have! You can't give up! Agree with all the encouragement to start with tiny goals. When I first started on this journey, I made a commitment to floss my teeth everyday. Doesn't seem to be related really, but I need to know I could follow through with a personal commitment and it had to be something I knew I could do.
    I don't know if you can find professional support and help where you live, but seems like from the postings, so many people are on your team. Keep on posting and get up today and walk a minute or two. Whatever you commit to even the smallest goal will point you in the right directions. And, this is for me too. So thanks....and keep on keepin on!
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    You're awesome for wanting to make this change for yourself and you should feel so proud of yourself for taking the first step towards becoming healthy. I won't add any advice because everything I would have added has already been said, so just know that there are a lot of people here rooting for you and seriously, take advantage of that and ask any and all questions you may have to the community. Some people don't know how to answer without being rude or sarcastic, but if you wade through the responses you will find some honest people who are willing to help you. Good luck and feel free to add me :heart:
  • alpdexplorer
    alpdexplorer Posts: 251 Member
    Hey mike - you're not alone and I'll do anything I can to help. I've lost 262 pounds.

    If you'd like my cell phone number please send me a private message, we'll get this fixed.


    This made me tear up.

    We need more people like you! <3

    As for the OP (Michael).. GOOD LUCK! You can do this. Baby steps (as everyone is saying). (:
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    My heart goes out to you, Michael. I hope you can find a way to change your lifestyle. You are welcome to add me as a friend if you would like some support!

    You can do this!!
  • Vicki8524
    Best of luck to you!
  • Jogger46
    Please stay positive ( I knowt that is easier said than done. But, you have already done the hardest think by acknowledging your weight issues and you are now taking steps to correct it ! Not many people take that step even though they desire to. So, you are in my thoughts and I am rooting for your success. Be determined and don't give up. You can overcome this. Pray if you are spiritual, reach out as you have now, read information that promote your goals, even when you are in a seated position move your arms, drink lots of water.
  • Lavidarachel
    Lavidarachel Posts: 16 Member
    Good luck Michael, it seems you are on the road to making some amazing changes (and starting is the hardest bit). I am sure you aren't short of friends on here, but if you would like to add me as a friend, please do.

    Would also like to echo what somewhat else said - excellent beard!

    Rachel xx
  • cactuswren55
    cactuswren55 Posts: 6 Member
    One day at a time Michael. Check out Sit and Be Fit exercises by Mary Ann Wilson. We have her on our local PBS station o/o Dallas/FT. Worth but you can find her on youtube. She also has a site under sitandbefit.org. That's how I got started. My top weight was 305 but was at 262 when I started with MFP. Good luck & hang in there bud.
  • ElizabethObviously
    ElizabethObviously Posts: 380 Member
    My heart is breaking. I'm sure you have family who wants you around for years to come. I really hope you can beat your battle with your weight. It is a very hard thing and a lot of people learn as they go.

    I weigh about 490 pounds. I have lost about 40 already which means I started out at over 500. I am 31 so I luckily I am catching this before my knees and back go out. Honestly I have no idea how they have not done that yet...

    You say you can only walk a little bit at a time. Walk 50 steps. That is all. Then start adding 10 steps at a time. If your sciatica starts hurting, focus on doing arm exercises if you can, anything to get your heart rate up a little. As the weight starts to come off, your sciatica will probably stop hurting as much.

    Stay positive and focused. Find good people on here who will help you and listen to you and encourage you along the way. And do not beat yourself up when you fall off track. Just understand that everyone makes mistakes and you can only change today and tomorrow so forget about what happened before.

    Good luck! I am rooting for you!
  • Sugarhiccup03
    Sugarhiccup03 Posts: 88 Member
    One day at a time. You just making this post just shows a lot of courage. You can lose weight without exercise and there are sitting exercise programs as well if you are interested in them too. This site has a lot of information and plenty of people for motivation along the way. Just take it one day at a time and you will reach your goals. By the way awesome beard dude!