Wow. You look like *kitten*....



  • amd724
    I understand completely how you feel.

    Instead of it being at work, for me its family. I recently decided to eat a vegetarian diet and my family was downright rude. I mean, condescending and rude. While at the same time calling me overweight and fat, telling me that I should still eat meat and that I ate fine.

    Told me I would be okay as the fat friend. I mean, who says this. I would say to you, don't mind them, if it gets worse, you should come with a doctors note and a note from your lawyer stating that this is harassment. Because this is definitely a form of harassment. I'm a bit disgusted that these are trained nurses treating someone like this because they're losing weight. They should know better.

    On a bit of a side note, how do you like insanity? I'm thinking of starting it at the end of the month, I need to buy all the equipment and videos. Keep your head up, you're doing fine.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I would start making rude comments back and when they look aghast and offended say

    "Oh I'm sorry I thought it was give out rude comments day to people who didn't ask for it??" I guess I must have mis-read the memo

    or "I'm sorry- I thought it was be rude to people for no reason today... guess I missed the memo"

    Or "I'm sorry... I don't recall asking for your opinion or approval regarding my personal wellness and fitness"

    or I'm sorry- I can dead lift 250 lbs... can you? no? Oh okay- maybe you shouldn't make comments about people appearances when you clearly have no idea what fitness looks like.

    There are plenty of ways to handle it.

    Be rude back. If it keeps up- go to HR. Document.

    And stop slouching and avoiding eye contact. If you truly are a healthy weight for your height (I'm guessing- I couldn't' tell you- from the picture- you appear to be) then you shouldn't' have to put up this and you definitely shouldn't' feel bad or retreat because of it.

    I would also suggest weight lifting if you aren't. Nothing staves off bad comments than pretty muscles. :D people are too scared to comment to me LMAO
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    People have a hard time with change and sometimes it manifests itself in unpleasant ways, such as this. I'm sorry your coworkers are being so negative.

    You're doing what's best for you. No one else can make those decisions for you. No one else SHOULD. You must live with the consequences of your actions, so who are others to judge? (Including those of us here on MFP.)

    If YOU are happy with your progress and your goals, then keep at it! Don't let others bring you down because of THEIR issues. Make this about YOU. You don't need to prove anything to anyone or explain yourself. Do they explain why they want to eat a donut or half a pizza for lunch? No? Then you don't need to explain why you workout and eat healthy things.

    Tune it out. It's nothing but white noise. Keep on, keepin' on.
  • mmouse90
    What they are doing at work is harassment. You don't need a doctors note to file a complaint or anything however it is a subtle way of telling them that they don't know ****, are idiots and that they can take their opinions and harassment and shove it up their *kitten*. I am 5'3" and 143 is considered overweight for me so I am sure it can be over weight for you too HOWEVER you are building muscles so I would look at your body fat percentage (do an actual body fat test) instead of your weight or BMI. Good look
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Flick the middle finger and tell them to swivel on it.
  • missfabulous
    missfabulous Posts: 5 Member
    I understand what your dealing with. Misery loves company. They are unhappy and miserable and they want you there also. They cant pull from down deep what you can to accomplish their own goals. Id say if you have a problem with my job performance, then document it and lets work together to improve. If your being unprofessional and bringing personal feelings into the equation, then ya'll can personally **** off!
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    Screw em, I think you look rather awesome!
  • FourIsCompany
    FourIsCompany Posts: 269 Member
    I am five feet tall. Weigh 143lbs currently. That picture was taken after I completed insanity. I have facebook for anyone who believes I am a "troll." Geez.

    I certainly wasn't implying that you are a troll. I was just gathering the information because it doesn't make sense that so many people are harassing you. You look perfectly healthy.

    I would tell the people to stop commenting on your body. If they don't, I'd go straight to HR.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    Isn't West Virginia one of the fattest states in the country? They are concerned that you are sabotaging the image that everyone else has overate so much to achieve!

    You look good, btw. Not underweight. Healthy actually.
  • rhileyschubbygranny
    I would be 1) filing a complaint with my union rep, assuming you are in a nuses union and 2) filing an official complaint with Human Resouces immediately for harrasment/bullying. Don't worry about getting in trouble with your supervisors for getting them in trouble. They deserve it and if they start treating you like dirt for it (nitpicking about how you do your job, etc) just tell them that they are setting themselves and the hospital up for a really nice lawsuit.
  • JoyeII
    JoyeII Posts: 240 Member
    You have a valid complaint. You need to file a formal complaint with HR. This is a hostile work environment. If it continues after the complaint, file a law suit. It's bull**** what they're doing to you. They're probably jealous. You look great!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Is your profile picture a current picture? I am just wondering. What is your present height and weight?


    If you're of a healthy height and weight, then I agree you need to file a complaint with HR. The "eat a cookie" comments are unbelievably rude, and way past the point of concern for you.
  • jessready
    jessready Posts: 129 Member
    I think you look wonderful keep with it! This happened to me at work even though they all seen me eating small snacks all day long. I finally started telling people you have a little pudge or yes I'm not as big as you but that is because I chose to be healthy. My family wasn't even being supportive (besides my hubby) It's crazy how people assume you have a eating disorder just because we want a fit healthy lifestyle that takes work.
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    Tell them your BMI, then ask if they still think your underweight.

    We all know BMI is rubbish, but it's kind of good for this kind of ****.
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    you look fantastic! I think I would be bringing some complaints against them. Clearly they are jealous of your success and are afraid you will better yourself further with your new found confidence and they are trying to knock you back down so you will be stuck there. Keep on keeping on and if it continues.... harrasment suit. then you will have money for a new wardrobe... LOL! They'll be paying to further your happiness... what a great backfire.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    To lazy people, dedication looks like obsession. You're showing them up big time, they're jealous because you have the strength and courage to do what they can't and they want to bring you back down to their level. Go over all their heads and file a harrassment notice with your HR dept.

    You should be dang proud of what you've done - you look fantastic!!!
  • salsera_barbie
    salsera_barbie Posts: 270 Member
    These comments come from my director of nursing, her assistant, my immediate supervisor, and a few fellow co-workers. I even told my supervisor I felt like everyone was ganging up on me, and although I appreciated their "concern," that I was pretty sure telling someone they look awful wasn't the right way to go about anything. I realize no one has ever seen me at this weight. I didn't even weigh this when I first started 8 years ago. I just want to be happy. And I want people to support me. I feel like I have no one except the amazing people I have met on here.

    Honestly if you so upset over it, I would file a complaint with HR. It's none of their business what you do with your body (unless your doing something that can cause harm to yourself or other. i.e. drugs or alcohol).

    You don't need other people for reinforcement. Be proud of what you have accomplished and don't let other put you down.
  • BobcatGirl110
    BobcatGirl110 Posts: 364 Member
    Jealousy is a nasty little disease most often exhibited by women.....sigh....imagine what we could accomplish if we'd stop being so incredibly catty.

    Ya look great and the best way to deal with it is to get to a place mentally where you smile, say something polite like "I'm sorry you feel that way", and kill 'em with kindness....not because you are mean but because you are seriously, truly, and honestly happy within.

    Best of luck to you and take care of yourself :)
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I am five feet tall. Weigh 143lbs currently. That picture was taken after I completed insanity. I have facebook for anyone who believes I am a "troll." Geez.

    I certainly wasn't implying that you are a troll. I was just gathering the information because it doesn't make sense that so many people are harassing you. You look perfectly healthy.

    I would tell the people to stop commenting on your body. If they don't, I'd go straight to HR.

    They are making the comments because they remember her at the heavier weight (so she looks diminished by comparison) and because they wish they could put in the effort it takes to take control of your fitness.

    Someone in my extended FB circle of friends sent me an artice on Exercise Nervousa because the see on FB that I am "always exercising"
    I am training for a half marathon and I only get 30 minutes of exercise a day if I'm not running for longer.


    I take a rest day just about once a week. After my half that might change to 2 days. I'm maintaining now so I don't have to kill my self at the gym to have a beer or glass of wine with dinner.
  • Sweetredpoison
    Sweetredpoison Posts: 66 Member
    Wow, that's pretty messed up. The only thing I can think of is concern and jealousy are mixing together. But truly, its your body and you can do what you want with it. And if you are a nurse your know your nutrition.. so they should mind their own business!!