Quitting Sugar



  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    Herbal tea stops a heart attack within 30 seconds. You’ll see how to make it at home for pennies. http://CancerSurvivals.com

    also, DAFUQ?
    drink herbal tea instead of the hospital. ok take your chances.
  • Nouurann
    Nouurann Posts: 183 Member
    Natural sugars are good for you. It's the processed stuff that's bad for you

    both have almost the same proportion of glucose and sucrose. It's just that fruits come with fiber, antioxidants, etc...but the sugars in fruit and candy are the same.
  • darkangel45422
    darkangel45422 Posts: 234 Member
    I know that glucose can also be metabolized from carbohydrates, and about the various types of sugars present in fruits. I was trying to speak on more simplistic terms, because the OP was seemingly confused about sugar as a whole. So, I didn't see the point in going into the specifics of such things, if the OP was already a bit confused as a whole. :)

    If you simplify it to the point of wrongness you do nobody any favours.

    "So by limiting your sugar intake as a whole, you are basically limiting your brain's primary source of energy, which is required for even the most basic of functions" is actually incorrect, not simplified. 0/10.

    My science and cognitive psychology professors taught me otherwise, in my recent courses. I was taught that glucose was the primary source of energy for the cells within the brain, specifically when it comes to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine responsible for memory, learning, and muscular/nervous system function.

    I'm always open to learning new information, since I believe the current educational system merely teaches students what to think, and not how to think. So, I enjoy hearing about/learning about alternative perspectives, theories, changes in theories, etc. How is it incorrect then? Do you have any valid articles/research I could read on such topics? Is there new information, or another perspective on the subject that I'm not yet aware of? Thank you in advance, if you have such. :)

    He may be referring to the fact that the liver can make glucose from scratch and that the brain can also use ketones for energy when a person is in ketosis.

    I agree that it is incorrect to imply that people need to eat "sugar" in order for their brain to function.


    Yes, the brain requires glucose to function - it's the only part of the body that actually requires glucose specifically if I recall (or ketones when in ketosis). And the liver can make pretty much enough glucose for the brain to function, so if I'm remembering my science right, there's actually no physiological need for sugar, or carbs of any kind (since sugar's just a carb) since the only purpose it serves is quick fuel, and you can burn fat for fuel too (thus why excess glucose in your bloodstream is shuttled out by insulin and stored as fat if not immediately used).

    People keep arguing that there's no physiological reason to cut out sugar - well, is there any physiological reason NOT to? Most sugar nowadays comes from less healthy sources like processed foods. I agree that there's no reason to overly limit fruit intake (or vegetable intake, or other natural sources of food that have sugar in them) unless you're trying to lose weight, in which case lowering the amount of sugar you eat (and thus carbs) will help you drop weight since if your body doesn't have glucose to burn it'll have to burn fat (like the stuff stored on your body).

    If the OP wants to limit or quit sugar I say there's absolutely nothing wrong with that; each person has their own style of living and it's not for anyone else to criticize them just because you might really want a piece of cake or scoop of ice cream everyday.