SAHMs 8/2 - 8/8



  • Tandksmommy10
    hey everyone! Today I am taking hte kids to the county fair....should be interesting!

    Tand K- Did you go to Knoebels? We always loved it there! We would take the kids every 4th of July and had a blast!As for the ice cream, I am send you strength!!!!!!

    We did go to Knoebels. I love that it's free admission, free parking and pay as you go. Wed is bargain night, so it was only $7 for a kids handstamp, and $9 for an adult. Usually it's $38 for an adult! I don't go on many rides while toting 2 kids around so I just do the pay as ya go with tickets. Only bad thing is their food options!

    Ice cream isn't real hard for me to resist. I'm lactose intolerant so I could say no. If it's homemade, it's a bit harder..haha. I wonder if Rita's is any better, I can stop for that on the way home as a treat.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Thanks for the welcome back ladies!

    TandK ~ I am no stranger to the north, I'm so excited to be back where there is a winter! Ha! I'm originally from ND, and spent time in WA state before moving ot Oklahoma. Now we are in OH :) We plan on going through PA next summer on our family excited to see that side of the country, this is the furthest East I've ever been!

    Nicole ~ Sorry about not being preggo, I hope it happens soon

    So I know I jsut got back, but I'm leaving again! We are going down to GA to pick up Jason's car from my in-laws and spending a few days there. Here's to eating healthy while I'm gone...again!! ;) It was easy when it's just me and the boys, but with my husband thrown in the mix, he's always like, let's get eat here and here, and I can never control myself enough to be good and order something healthy!! LOL

    I'll try to check in while I'm down there, going to try to stay active and play in the pool all do to burn calories ;)
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Katie~have fun in GA! Good luck with the eating healthy. I find it hard too at certain times.:smile:

    Tand~It sounds like a lot of fun.

    Well today was weigh in....I didn't lose but I didn't gain either. Of course TOM decided to come early this month so that might be masking any loss. I have got a bit to share with you me and the kids were watching the hubby do his P90X workout (I haven't quite got the guts to do it yet)...well the baby (11 mo) picked up the 3 lb weight completely unassisted. He was sitting half on my lap and half on the oldest daughters lap and he was throwing a fit that he wanted it. So we set it down in front of him and he took both hands and just picked the darn thing up. Talk about a shock. He didn't even struggle with it. :noway:

    Hope you are all having a great week and meeting your goals.
  • blessdmomof4
    Hi Everyone!
    Welcome new moms!

    I've haven't been great about logging in everyday but did manage to loss a little this month! I'm so excited to have reached 35lbs lost. 5more lbs and I have reached my 1st goal of being "healthy weight" Even my wii mii is shrinking lol.

    Ntm going on around here, headed out for vacation Sunday and can't wait! We're going to the coast of CT. Really excited that I don't hate myself in my beach attire this year. that hasn't happened in about 9 years!

    Stacey, I love your dog walking idea from last week's post and we always tithe 10% to church and then whatever else we can do to other missionaries etc. We learned a lot about Biblical giving from Crown Financial Ministries. It is a Christian ministry but digs deep into the Old Testament principles of giving and tithing.

    Goals- no gain on vaca and try to run at least 10 miles while there. Drink more water, stop eating so much ice cream and cookies!!!!!
  • Tandksmommy10
    Melissa- Great job! Enjoy your vacation, and I hope you're able to stay on target. It's definitely tempting when on vacation, maybe it's a good thing we don't go..haha.

    Katie- Wow, you've really been all over. My husband is in the Army Reserves so we never get to travel to different bases or anything. Sometimes I really wish we could have, just so I could see more of the country.

    Went for a walk today, and realized- I need new sneakers! The in-step of my right foot was killing me, but I pressed on and did 2.15 miles in about 35 minutes. We live in such a rural area, that it's not all flat- and boy is that a killer. As soon as I walk out the door, it's right uphill. Felt good to get out there though, now I just need to find new sneaks.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    lots of good posts! great work ladies!

    vacation girls--good luck on staying with the plan!

    and melissa, hear ya on the cookies and ice cream! what's with that>!

    drive went great and haven't heard anything bad from the camp. going with no news is good news. my mil is here with us this weekend. it's been great! she helped me get some flowers for the kids to plant and watched them last night so dh and i went out to eat. :)
    i did pretty well--had parmesan crusted chkn breast--2 on plate and brought home one. ate 1/2 the mashed potatoes--left the rest there. and had extra side of broccoli. :)

    next goal--fit in the exercise. find the place in my schedule for it.

    as for the junk food--i don't know what to do. i really want sweets every day. but i don't know what to sub for them. pudding? sneaky chef kind of recipes?
    for those of you who crave fatty carbs (w/choc)--what do you do to meet that? do you make it a once a week thing? what foods do you use as healthier subs??

    i've been at this for over a year, and at bottom, i haven't made some key changes to my habits. and that's what is slowing me down and/or reversing things.

    ok. gotta update the budget. thanks all for your input!!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Stacey, have you tried chewing gum when those sugar urges attack? It makes it more bearable for me. Other than that, just find it in yourself not to give in, or get rid of it altogether, and don't buy/make more. It's hard, and it sucks, but there it is.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Stacey~For the most part I am able to stay away from that tempting stuff by just not buying the things that are my weakness (cookies). However I take a different stance than most....there are times that a girl just needs to have a "pick me up" (for me that is TOM). So my alternative is Dove dark chocolate curbs the craving and gives you the taste of the chocolate w/o being a boatload of calories. Most of the time I can get away with one piece of it which is around 40 cals there are those extreme times where more is needed but even at that I have never ate more than 3 in one day. Granted I don't do it everyday but my thoughts are this....this is a LIFESTYLE change for me not a DIET so if I expect myself to keep it up I need to indulge myself in the things that I like every once in a while to keep myself from binging on it later. :wink: The key is finding something that will help you with the craving but not be a TON of calories for me it was the Dove dark chocolate. Here it is just down the regular candy aisle. Hope you can find a alternative for your self.:smile:

    Well I didn't do as well as a hoped on my water but I did get in more than one workout this week. I am quite proud of myself I went for a bike ride with the work out pal and then on Friday I worked out by myself and went for a bike ride with the hubby as part of our date and that was nice. Haven't done anything since I have been a bit crabby...TOM! Well I hope that you all met your goals this last week.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    thanks ladies!
    the best is to not have it here at all. or buy my kids stuff i really don't like --fudge stripes or thin mints....

    pudding and gum will have to be my substitutes.

    thank you! gotta go be w/dd2