Did you keep or get rid of your fat clothes?



  • AegisAngel
    When I lost weight the first time I got rid of everything. Gained a bunch of weight back (I know, terrible) and ended up having to buy a bunch of bigger clothes. Soooo not a good feeling. This time I am keeping all of my fatty mcfatterton clothes until I have proven to myself that I can carry on this healthier lifestyle for ever.:embarassed:
  • kjbarone
    kjbarone Posts: 12 Member
    For years I hung onto my skinny clothes in the hope that I would lose the weight. Well, I'm finally losing it and now my skinny clothes look dated and out of style (not vintage, just unfashionable). So I've donated the old skinny clothes to Goodwill and I've taken my better quality plus sized clothes to a consignment store (where they have a high demand for plus sizes). Now my closet is nearly empty!
  • Kakalina2
    Kakalina2 Posts: 26 Member
    I put all my fat clothes in big plastic bags and shoved them under the bed. Since I have gone from a size 28 to a size 10 I have tons in different sizes.

    I feel that this is a forever change but just to be safe I will keep them for one year and then donate them. I have some fabulous cruise clothes and formal wear.
  • jerendeb
    jerendeb Posts: 55 Member
    I am 'supposed' to be a size 34' waist. I had a bunch of 36" and I donated them. I'll be damned if I buy a 36"! I suffered too, because this past last winter into early summer I was wearing pants with no belt and shirts that didn't have to tucked in to work. Felt awful and really focused on that too. So that's an example of relapsing during a year of loss. Now I am back on track.
    Oh, I do own one pair of 32" just for when I feel really lean. But that's a little extreme for me.
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    not only did I keep them, but I still wear them! yeah!!!..

  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I kept my largest pair of pants as comparison. I keep clothes that are within 1-2 sizes.
  • Naomi0504
    Naomi0504 Posts: 964 Member
    I donated them right away :smile:
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    I lost weight at a slow pace so most clothes wear out before they were to big to wear. The ones that were in good shape I gave away.

    I only own clothes my size or maybe one size bigger. I need to have clothes that look good oon my now. Not yesterday. Not tomorrow. I like spaced wardrobes, not ones bulked with clothes I mostly don't wear.
  • enchantedgardener
    enchantedgardener Posts: 214 Member
    I've been getting rid of them as I move forwards. It kind of hurts sometimes to part with my more expensive items, but I know someone else is going to enjoy them (and look good in them) and that makes me feel a little better.

    If it's too big, donate it!
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    This time, I've been giving them away and donating them on the way down.
  • tdfarmer
    tdfarmer Posts: 176 Member
    Got rid of don't plan on going back.
  • andromedasuite
    I strongly recommend that you get rid of them. Don't try to "help out" friends and family by letting them go through your closet before you take the stuff to ARC or Goodwill. In my experience, it only creates resentments.

    I have always been smaller than my sister. Since she always complains about never having money, I thought i would help her out by giving her my clothes that no longer fit. I never crowed about my weight loss or tried to rub it in her face. She went through them, took what she liked, and I thought that was the end of it.

    WRONG. She waited until I regained some of the weight and then "helpfully" gave me the clothes back. I thought she was going to dance a jig, she was so smug. It really made me sick, but my family has never supported me anyway, so par for the course.

    save yourself the trouble, just give them away to Goodwill or a similar organization. If you do regain the weight, you won't want to wear styles that are several years old anyway, you would want to buy and wear new clothes.
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    I tossed all mine when I lost weight. However, now that I'm pregnant I wish I'd kept some of my fat pants :tongue:

    That being said - I tossed them (or gave them away, or something!) because it meant to me that I wouldn't EVER be back in those clothes again. And I've succeeded - although I've obviously gained weight from being pregnant (~9lbs, + a good 5lbs when I stopped taking my BC) I still think I look better at this weight than I did before losing weight. So yes - get rid of those clothes.
  • sun_fish
    sun_fish Posts: 864 Member
    I have a bag in my closet and as soon as something is too big to wear it goes in the bag. Once the bag is full, it goes to a thrift store. Now that I have changed my lifestyle in regards to food intake, I know I will never go back to my previous weight.

    I have also used my basic sewing skills to alter a few items.
  • lupinibean
    In the past, I've usually hung on to my larger clothes, but we moved earlier this year (always a great reason for weeding things out) and I donated/sold nearly all my old (fat) clothes. When I started to pack on the pounds again, I knew I had two choices: buy new stuff in a larger size (expensive and depressing) or buckle down and get my eating habits under control. I did relent and buy a few larger things, because I went up a size and otherwise looked like a stuffed sausage. But I would say *definitely* get rid of the larger clothes; if I hadn't I'd be schlepping around in my 12's, making excuses and telling myself I'd lose the weight again "someday".
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    In the last 4 months, I went from a 35 to a 29. One of my sons is larger than I am, and got my bigger pants, and my younger son fits in my new jeans. They pretty much shop for shirts in my closet, except for the "Do Not Touch Without Asking" section. I must say, having to buy slim, athletic cut shirts is a HUGE ego boost. My shirts still fit, I just feel good enough to start tucking them in again, and can look straight down and see my belt buckle.
  • Kukenan
    So far I've kept most. I didn' really have that much to lose, so most t-shirts still fit right, if a bit looser. The only really big thing I've kept is a pair of jeans I got at my fattest. I love them now because they are really comfortable, specially when I'm feeling bloated, and putting them on reminds me of how far I've come.
  • HeyGoRun
    HeyGoRun Posts: 550 Member
    Shirts i use to sleep with and make me feel good that they are loose!
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    In the past, I've always kept fat clothes because, deep down, I knew the changes I was making in order to lose weight simply weren't sustainable. That's all changed this time. I know I can live this way forever so will never go back to the way I was.
  • TitaniaEcks
    TitaniaEcks Posts: 351 Member
    I'd to get rid of the really fat clothes because that would send me a message that I won't ever allow myself to get back to that size. This is in theory. In practice, I have no fat clothes because when I got fat I didn't buy any new clothes to fit. I just wore pajama pants or stretch pants and my boyfriend's shirts all the time. Because I was disgusted at my weight and I refused to dignify it by buying clothes for it. I didn't plan on staying at that weight. So I was just like, "Nope nope, you don't get to wear any regular clothes until you knock this extra weight off. If you don't like it, go ahead and wear your regular clothes (if they'll even button) and shame yourself with that overflowing muffin top."

    Hey, it worked. I knocked the weight off and I didn't spend a dime on clothes :-D

    But I've had "fat clothes" at my skinniest times (weight 115 and under) and what I did then was alter them to fit. I'm pretty handy with a sewing machine. Waste not, want not. I've also given away too-big clothes to my friends.
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