Boobs getting dramatically small after loosing 30 lbs

It's funny but It seems like most of the weight I lost came from the boobs, My boobs weren't big in the first place. they were DD's then D's, but my boobs were pretty flattish in the first place so the size seems like they are bigger than they are so since I lost weight they are pretty small compared what they used to be, I think i'm going to a c soon or already a c basically.

It really doesn't bother me at all, smaller boobs makes me look thin and i've already wanted small boobs all my life.
You're probably wonder why i'm complaining.

Well, if I loose more weight It's basically coming from my boobs not my body and I wont see a body difference is that true?

When I'm 120 lbs will my boobs vanish completely I would like to have some boobs, but I don't want them to go away.

I'm just curious.


  • notdieting
    notdieting Posts: 116 Member
    The answer to that is, how big were your boobs before you put on weight? You will lose the fat from them and be left with what nature intended for you to have before you gained weight.....assuming you are being sensible with your weight loss and not doing a mad calorie defecit, in which case, you could lose LBM from them too.

    I have to accept mine will disappear. When I weighed 120lbs, I was barely a B cup. At 227lb, I was up to a D. Now, 40lbs down and I'm already back down to a small C so 'ironing board look' here I come! Hey, better slim and flat chested than big and booby!
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    Yes, the curse of the shrunken boobs..but I try to think of it as I look better all around so that is a small (excuse the pun) price to pay...although I continue to hope that a rich family member gives me a boob job as a "good job" gift for losing weight...I must be
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Naw, your boobs won't vanish completely. That just happens to be one of the first places your body is losing fat. For me, it's my bootie. I get all thin and ripped in the ab section before it finally starts coming off my derriere.
  • FrauHaas2013
    FrauHaas2013 Posts: 615 Member
    Boobs are mostly fat, so it goes to figure that when you start losing fat and weight, the boobs get smaller, too...sadly.
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    I think everyone is different....I've lost 35 lbs since 2010 and not an OUNCE of it was boob! I was a C cup before I had my son and I grew to a DD and never went back down, even with losing weight....
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    In your profile you state that you are "very muscular". Perhaps your muscular chest is making your boobs look smaller?
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    I've lost over 60 lbs and have lost nothing in my cup size.
    Yay, win!
  • IamOnMywayNow
    IamOnMywayNow Posts: 470 Member
    Yeap I am in the disappearing boob club:( But I will take the smaller boobs if it means the *kitten* and thighs eventually disappear as well:)
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    I have lost 45lbs and not one cup size

    I'm ok with it though

    They go well with my *kitten* that's also not shrinking.
  • iamihobo
    iamihobo Posts: 232 Member
    You can still work your chest to pull what you do have tighter and higher up
    But I had the same thing. Keep in mind too, the small you get the smaller your "girth" will be so the number will go down and you can adjust cup size from there. Boobs have lots of fatty tissue so when that starts to get smaller they shrink.
    Some women do, some women don't :)
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    My bras are starting to get looser but I'm still good in the boob department
  • My boobs shrink too... I think if you're at your ideal weight and your boobs have shrunk, you're just a small boobed person... Thank your genes!
  • Naener
    Naener Posts: 167 Member
    As long as you arent doing like some crazy body building routine, you wont lost them completely... maybe lay off the pull ups/push ups or bench presses till you lose more weight in th ebody.. focus on your abs and legs instead of your chest and arms...

    in 2011 i got sick and dropped 20 lbs and im sure it all came off my boobs and behind.. i hardly have a butt anymore!
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    As long as you arent doing like some crazy body building routine, you wont lost them completely... maybe lay off the pull ups/push ups or bench presses till you lose more weight in th ebody.. focus on your abs and legs instead of your chest and arms...

    Yeah sorry but you can't spot reduce. Boobs go as the overall BF% goes down. Working your chest and arms have nothing to do with this...

    @OP, some unlucky women lose some of their little ones, like me. I went from C to a small B. But then again, I have a nice squat *kitten* to show for, it balances it out nicely :wink:
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    As long as you arent doing like some crazy body building routine, you wont lost them completely... maybe lay off the pull ups/push ups or bench presses till you lose more weight in th ebody.. focus on your abs and legs instead of your chest and arms...

    in 2011 i got sick and dropped 20 lbs and im sure it all came off my boobs and behind.. i hardly have a butt anymore!


    What does the routine have to do with it? You can work out hard and still not lose your boobs if your body fat % is high enough (if genetics doesn't deem you small breasted to begin with).
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    As long as you arent doing like some crazy body building routine, you wont lost them completely... maybe lay off the pull ups/push ups or bench presses till you lose more weight in th ebody.. focus on your abs and legs instead of your chest and arms...

    Yeah sorry but you can't spot reduce. Boobs go as the overall BF% goes down. Working your chest and arms have nothing to do with this...

    @OP, some unlucky women lose some of their little ones, like me. I went from C to a small B. But then again, I have a nice squat *kitten* to show for, it balances it out nicely :wink:

    Hi5! I'm working hard for a squat booty myself and I've gone from DD to D but love how push ups, chest presses, etc are also tightening that upper area.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    Hi5! I'm working hard for a squat booty myself and I've gone from DD to D but love how push ups, chest presses, etc are also tightening that upper area.

    Ha yes! I have seen a difference too since I have been Benching/pressing. The whole area is perkier :flowerforyou:

    Keep on lifting them weight! :drinker:
  • Happens to me too. My husband just made a comment about not having big boobies anymore last night. I said rather smaller boobies than obese with big boobies!
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I've gone from a full C to a deflated A in the last 45 pounds. I'm in the works to buy new ones.
  • lucystacy71
    lucystacy71 Posts: 290 Member
    Everyone is different. I've lost almost all of my weight from my hips.

    The oddest thing happened yesterday, in fact. My bra felt a little loose so I dug out an older one and found a better fit. The one I had been wearing was a 40G and the one that fits better is a 38I. Obviously I'm smaller around, but the boobs themselves remain the same.

    I figure I won't change that much there. When I was 120 lbs I was a 34E - and that was when I was a teenager.