Boobs getting dramatically small after loosing 30 lbs



    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    BOOB JOB!, go get yourself some big jugs
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member's really sad. I went from measly B to a pathetic A. Seriously thinking about buying some.
  • wjstoj
    wjstoj Posts: 884 Member
    so...what you are saying is....boobs !
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    No response?
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    It just depends, but there's no way that your boobs weigh more than a few pounds so the weight is definitely mostly coming off in other places!

    I am 5'6" started at 185 wearing a 36DD, I'm now 120 and wear a 32C (and sometimes the 32 band is a tiny bit loose but I can't find anything smaller). It's actually a big difference, but the rest of me has shrunk a lot too so it's proportionate to my body so I don't mind at all!
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    BOOB JOB!, go get yourself some big jugs

    But it's so expensive :sad:

    Like how many beers would I have for the same amount, you know? :drinker:
  • thesophierose
    thesophierose Posts: 754 Member
    I am an A, I was a D. I lost 86lbs. Lol. But Im getting fake boobs.
  • wjstoj
    wjstoj Posts: 884 Member
  • Leather_N_Lace
    Leather_N_Lace Posts: 518 Member
    Only my back boobs did... ??? Made the ones in front look that much bigger:)
    Not lost any cup size.. Have had to go down on the measurements from a 40 to a 36 C..
  • irunforcookies
    irunforcookies Posts: 111 Member
    Try going from chubby and breastfeeding, to not breastfeeding and lost 24 lbs :). 6 months ago I was a 36F, and now I am a 34B. I think my hubby is a little sad, but I feel better without being so top heavy. I am considering a boob job because I want to restore my chest to its pre-baby glory. I wouldn't get bigger than a medium C.
  • Kellllog
    Kellllog Posts: 81 Member
    I've got the same problem; lost 30lbs and gone from a *tight* 40E to a loose 38C. But I've also lost a couple of inches from waist and hips, just not enough to look balanced!
  • Unfortunately for me, and it seems for many women, that was one of the first things to go. :grumble:
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    Unfortunately it doesn't depend on how much weight you lose but mostly on how much of your bodily fat is stored there. Any woman has a different amount of fat and mammary tissue on her breasts. Maybe you just lost that fat easily, it doesn't mean that you won't lost any fat anywhere else. It's obviously harder to lose fat on hips I guess, but you'll see the difference if you keep going and just wait. Plus thank god pushups exist! I guess my boobs got somewhat smaller as I lost around 10 kgs but what really grinds my gears is that even if they're not small at all they don't look that big compared to my stomach or thighs. They won't probably be that big when I'm done with the weightloss but I hope they'll still look big enough compared to my overall appereance.
  • jeffn9
    jeffn9 Posts: 21 Member
    I ain't even mad about this thread.
  • earlyxer
    earlyxer Posts: 240 Member
    Doesn't seem funny to me.. just saying.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I'm sorry for your loss.
  • terem00
    terem00 Posts: 176 Member
    I went from a 38D to 32A after losing 35lbs
    My boobs were the first to go and they are still shrinking unlike my hips and stomach which just won't shrink!