

  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    high gi rice is not clean? WTF?

    Every Japanese person I met told me to wash the rice until the water runs clear. Then it is clean and good to cook.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Wow. This is all sort of like going onto a low carb support site and telling everyone :"Eat some bread!!" Chances are, it will go over like a fart in church...
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Cook your own meals and you eliminate the problem.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    i am just concerned that i might overestimate or underestimate calories in which will distort the entire entry >< its quite hard for me to estimate calories spot on.

    Then you don't need to stop counting calories. If you are still trying to lose weight (ESPECIALLY if it's only a few kgs or lbs), and you find it difficult to estimate calories with a reasonable degree of accuracy, then calorie counting is going to give you better results than not counting calories. What kind of food you eat is completely irrelevant to this discussion.
  • berrydana7
    berrydana7 Posts: 78 Member
    I think eating healthy food where you know what is in the food, rather than processed food, is a very good idea for you. You obviously have decent habits already: according to your ticker you want to go from 50 - 45 kilos. Unless you are very small - I don't know how tall you are - that is pretty low, so starving yourself to lose is not a good idea.

    So yes, go for food rich on nutrients and well-balanced meals. It will keep you healthy and strong. And if those five kilos don't melt off, it may be that you're actually at a healthy weight at 50 kilos, and you are simply maintaining your health.

    yep that's what it is! just eating clean and wholesome food that are full of nutrients :) i am 5 ft 3 so because i weigh 53kg, my weight gain is very noticeable! if i was 47kg i would be quite happy :smile: no i am not going to starve myself, i love food too much!! :wink:
    my weight has always been fluctuating between 49-55kg. i want to lose weight because i always gain weight on my thighs which is not flattering when i'm wearing shorts or jeans
  • berrydana7
    berrydana7 Posts: 78 Member
    high gi rice is not clean? WTF?

    Every Japanese person I met told me to wash the rice until the water runs clear. Then it is clean and good to cook.

    i know it's not :smile: i didn't say it was? i don't eat rice too often. if i do, i eat black or brown rice and i watch my portion.
  • KristysLosing
    What are you doing here if you don't want to count calories? It's not for everyone. If you don't want to do it...then don't! But eating clean and healthy doesn't mean you won't gain if you are over eating.
  • KristysLosing
    Wow. This is all sort of like going onto a low carb support site and telling everyone :"Eat some bread!!" Chances are, it will go over like a fart in church...

    :laugh: I love you!
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Eating "clean" isn't going to cause you to lose weight unless it makes it easier for you to eat at a calorie deficit. Counting calories really isn't that difficult, doesn't take that much time once you figure it out, and allows you to know exactly where you are, so that you don't over or under eat. If it doesn't work for you, that is no one's business but your own, but I do wonder why you are on a site built around a calorie counter. You might as well walk into a WW meeting and tell everyone that you don't like the food. It may be true, but it's not a good way to start a conversation.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    maintaining weight requires you to eat clean

    Lying is bad, mmkay?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My mother has the healthiest diet of almost everyone I know and she has been obese most of her life.
  • berrydana7
    berrydana7 Posts: 78 Member
    What are you doing here if you don't want to count calories? It's not for everyone. If you don't want to do it...then don't! But eating clean and healthy doesn't mean you won't gain if you are over eating.

    i just began calorie counting again after a yr of not counting calories. after two days of doing so, i remembered why i stopped counting calories last yr and i thought about it so i decided to bring this rather controversial topic up. whether we should count calories or not? if you went to a friend's house and ate dinner there, would you ask their family, how many calories is in this and that? or would you just choose healthy selections to eat? sure calorie counting is great, i must admit, i used to be addicted to calorie counting in every single thing i ate because at the end of the day, it comes up to calories in and out. i didn't come here to offend. i just want to make some suggestions and ask for some advice that's all.
    that's true, if you overeat, of course you will gain weight, that's why you stop eating when you are nearly full or you have finished the portion you have given yourself and you eat when you are hungry.
  • MrsSpindler
    I like counting calories. It's like a mini goal everyday that I can set and achieve. I try to eat somewhat clean., i.e. more organic foods, less processed, etc. As long as I eat portioned controlled meals, I'll be fine. You do what works for you. Please don't try to shove your lifestyle down our throats!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I never count calories. Ever!
    I do NOT log my food here.

    I simply eat correctly. Meaning I don't eat garbage, I watch portions, I don't snack, I don't use sugar of ANY kind. Not even the fake crap. I drink water, water, water. And only water. When I think I've had enough water, I drink a few more cups of water.
    I exercise 3-5 days a week. I never eat fast food, candy or processed crap.

    Every morning I drink an 8oz glass of water with 1oz of Lemon juice in it within the 10 minutes of waking up.
    I NEVER, EVER skip breakfast. In fact, within 1 hour of waking I eat a 3-4 egg white omelet along with 6oz of Chobani Plain Fat-free Greek Yogurt and 1/2 of an orange, every single day..

    Lunch is usually a large salad with chicken and Fat free Italian dressing. And an apple or something. I'll snack on carrots or other veggies through out the day.

    I drink half my body weight in water every day minimum.

    Dinner is similar to lunch.

    This is my daily routine.

    I never log it and I've lost 40+ pounds. As long as you eat right, exercise and font snack on crap, drink sugary drinks and exercise, you should be fine. You know what you shouldn't be eating or drinking.

    FYI, fat free foods like your FF yogurt and FF salad dressing are very processed. They almost always contain extra chemicals, sodium or artificial something to make up for the fat that is removed...
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    true, clean eating is more satiating but by eating clean, you are basically filling your body with good nutrients. for example vegetables, chicken.
    you can eat 'dirty' by eating junk food once in a while in a clean eating lifestyle however, you will need to control portion size.
    i am tempted to count calories but sometimes it is just very hard to estimate calories in the food you consume as i said, my parents cook several different dishes during dinner and i basically have to estimate the calories in each dish... so what i am saying is that i want to stop counting calories and eat wholesome, clean food

    Please stop regurgitating what someone wrote in a book t make herself money. "Clean" or "dirty" calories are calories and you can, and will gain weight over eating "clean" foods. It's all calories in vs. calories out plain and simple!
  • berrydana7
    berrydana7 Posts: 78 Member
    Eating "clean" isn't going to cause you to lose weight unless it makes it easier for you to eat at a calorie deficit. Counting calories really isn't that difficult, doesn't take that much time once you figure it out, and allows you to know exactly where you are, so that you don't over or under eat. If it doesn't work for you, that is no one's business but your own, but I do wonder why you are on a site built around a calorie counter. You might as well walk into a WW meeting and tell everyone that you don't like the food. It may be true, but it's not a good way to start a conversation.

    i didn't mean to offend calorie counters out there... like i said, i was just curious and wanted to seek advice on times i didn't want to record my calorie intake or simply times when im uncertain of calories in a certain dish like the ones my parents make. i know how to count calories and its very effective. this app makes it so much easier which is why i am using it right now. the thread title may have been misleading.. i don't want any calorie counters out there to stop counting calories calories. i am rather just bringing this topic up. i have read many articles against calorie counting and for clean eating. i'm sorry if i made a bad impression. ofc on a calorie counting app like this i would have thought many were devoted calorie counters, i just wanted to see what people thought or what they would do if they stopped counting calories and just started eating clean. sorry again
  • berrydana7
    berrydana7 Posts: 78 Member
    true, clean eating is more satiating but by eating clean, you are basically filling your body with good nutrients. for example vegetables, chicken.
    you can eat 'dirty' by eating junk food once in a while in a clean eating lifestyle however, you will need to control portion size.
    i am tempted to count calories but sometimes it is just very hard to estimate calories in the food you consume as i said, my parents cook several different dishes during dinner and i basically have to estimate the calories in each dish... so what i am saying is that i want to stop counting calories and eat wholesome, clean food

    Please stop regurgitating what someone wrote in a book t make herself money. "Clean" or "dirty" calories are calories and you can, and will gain weight over eating "clean" foods. It's all calories in vs. calories out plain and simple!

    i wasn't regurgitating.. it's what i know :smile: yep it is.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Eating "clean" isn't going to cause you to lose weight unless it makes it easier for you to eat at a calorie deficit. Counting calories really isn't that difficult, doesn't take that much time once you figure it out, and allows you to know exactly where you are, so that you don't over or under eat. If it doesn't work for you, that is no one's business but your own, but I do wonder why you are on a site built around a calorie counter. You might as well walk into a WW meeting and tell everyone that you don't like the food. It may be true, but it's not a good way to start a conversation.

    i didn't mean to offend calorie counters out there... like i said, i was just curious and wanted to seek advice on times i didn't want to record my calorie intake or simply times when im uncertain of calories in a certain dish like the ones my parents make. i know how to count calories and its very effective. this app makes it so much easier which is why i am using it right now. the thread title may have been misleading.. i don't want any calorie counters out there to stop counting calories calories. i am rather just bringing this topic up. i have read many articles against calorie counting and for clean eating. i'm sorry if i made a bad impression. ofc on a calorie counting app like this i would have thought many were devoted calorie counters, i just wanted to see what people thought or what they would do if they stopped counting calories and just started eating clean. sorry again

    I'm not offended personally but can't speak for anyone else. I calorie count most of, but not all of, the time. Being incredibly detailed about over time though has allowed me to adjust my perception of what a portion looks like and what it feels like to be truly hungry (vs. bored) or satisfied (vs. stuffed).

    The only thing that I will point out is that it is a factual error to say that one must "eat clean" to lose weight or that "eating clean" is "better" than calorie counting. The irrational fear of "chemicals" displayed by so many in the clean eating movement never fails to amaze me. The body needs certain nutrients and we can feed our bodies in a variety of ways. Many of us have been quite successful at body recomposition by eating diets with a good mix of what many would define "clean" along with plenty of "processed" foods, along with a fair amount of added sugar. If you want to look at the reality, you can't overlook this counterexample to the claims in all of those clean eating books that are marketed to the dieting public.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    Clean is subjective in nearly any context. What is "clean living"? What is "riding dirty"? Depends.

    My definition of clean eating is consuming food with as few artificial ingredients as possible and high quality (natural / organic / minimally or unprocessed).