Should I go back to eating crappy??



  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    I have IBS as well, and my experience is, there is no diet, no guidelines, no nothing. There is only what works for YOU through trial and error. Everything the doctors tell me "should" help or "will" help, hurts me. My problem is mostly IBS-D, but dealing with any IBS condition is a system of trial and error.

    I know that sounds completely unhelpful, but that's how it is.

    "It is what it is" I freaking hate that phrase! :explode: :laugh: So, that is why I am wondering if I should just go back to eating how I "used" to... this all started when I got so serious about what I ate. Because, the thing is, I still have a bite of cheesy potatoes or pasta salad or potato chips when that stuff is around... I'll still drink a couple beers on the weekend... which is the weekends... which is when I've been keeled over in pain and start to feel the crappiest and stay that way thru the first part of the week.

    Is my body fighting those foods and turning them to fat because it goes the majority of the time with completely clean, nutritious food and isnt used to junk? Could these stomach problems be causing me to not absorb the nutrition I get therefore putting me in "starvation mode"? Why haven't the probiotics done anything for me?

    you REALLY need to address these concerns with a doctor. Unfortunately, I doubt any of us will be able to tell you what is causing your stomach issues, whether you or are not absorbing nutrients, etc.

    I have an appointment with an allergist on Tuesday. I'll be tested for any food allergies but it is a good friend of my boss's and my boss says he will be able to point me in the right direction for my issues. My boss's mother recently passed away from liver disease (cirosis?). She got sick at the beginning of this year. This doctor saw her one day before she had seen any other doctors and told my boss that his mom had liver disease. My boss was SHOCKED today when I showed him my stomach. I wore a very lose fitting - almost maternity - shirt today and I pulled it tight and said, this is what I'm going through. It literally looks like I am 6 months pregnant! I am so extremely frustrated and to the point where I am depressed. I don't even want to go to my mom's on Saturday for a pool party with my family. :brokenheart: I haven't been working out this week other than my AM yoga and walking 3 miles in the evening.

    Thanks for all your advice and support. :ohwell: I will continue to see doctor after doctor until I figure this out.
  • abricklin
    abricklin Posts: 156 Member
    a swollen belly when you are not pregnant is NOT normal whatsover. I am glad you are seeking out some answers, keep us posted and you will be in my thoughts!