What's your biggest problem?



  • Kabiti
    Kabiti Posts: 191 Member
    isn't the biggest problem always in your head? :P

    I think so. My genie solved that problem... though it gave me 100 new problems to go with it ;) But the weight is coming off now!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I still really crave things like chocolate/sweets. Although I manage to fit them into my cals/macros, and don't see a big negative effect (the scale's moving and I am losing inches too).

    I also wish I had more time to exercise. I do fit it in...but when I was unemployed for awhile I could take much longer walks, swim, etc, and now I just do not have the same amount of extra time and I miss it.
  • PilgrimPT
    PilgrimPT Posts: 4 Member
    I'm really impressed that you lost so much weight. This represents a real commitment by you day-by-day and week-by-week. I wish you the very best and continuing your healthy lifestyle. God bless!
  • I'm totally impatient, that's a big problem for me. I get annoyed when I don't see results straight away and then occasionally self-sabotage as a result. I also occasionally binge eat and adopt this 'all or nothing' attitude- I eat one thing off plan and that turns into a massive feast. Not cool!!
  • I would wish for a different relationship with food :tongue:

    You know those people who never have to worry about calories? Who can eat what they want and how much of it they want, because it averages out to what their body needs? That can just unconciously moderate what goes into their bodies?

    Yeah. I wish I could be one of those people.

    Yes! That's the dream.
  • Tania4955
    Tania4955 Posts: 7 Member
    My Starbucks addiction! At 350 calories for my white chocolate mocha......it puts a dent in my calories for the day!! Ok, so maybe adding Bailey's to it on the weekends doesn't help either :drinker:

    Lol. Bailey's is my favourite beverage if I'm having a drink...and almost fell over when I found out how many calories are in it. 327 per 100mils. OUCH! My other problem is cola...I've cut down from a bazillion a day too two....but every day I work out....I curse it.