How do you do it?

Everyone is busy these days. How do all of you fit workouts in and stay healthy in your eating habits? Not having time to work out is my biggest problem!


  • strikerjb007
    strikerjb007 Posts: 443 Member
    NO. You do have the time. We all have 24 hrs a day. Simple, if you don't have time, organize yourself. If you have to much on your to do list, prioritize. That's all. You don't need to workout 3 hours a day. 30 mins or an hour will do.
  • jrbadabing
    You probably heard this many times before but it's basically making the time for it. It has to stay on your mind at all times to ensure you keep at it. Little things such as walking, taking the stairs instead of escalators. Also, it's 75%-80% what your eating.

    Keep it up
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    NO. You do have the time. We all have 24 hrs a day. Simple, if you don't have time, organize yourself. If you have to much on your to do list, prioritize. That's all. You don't need to workout 3 hours a day. 30 mins or an hour will do.

  • Whiskeygirl3132
    I make the time when i can't get to the gym after after work. I get up and go to the gym in the early morning. Most gyms in my area open really early. I also walk every day at lunch. Have you tried doing a WII workout like Zumba or something similar at home? Just some suggestions :smile:
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    Hard, fast, and until I'm breathless.

    And to answer you seriously:

    I MAKE TIME. It's a tricky concept, but it's been working for the last year so I'm gonna sick with it. I have 4 kids and a husband who is only home 2 days a week, and I workout almost everyday. I like to rest and be lazy one day a week, my couch misses me, you know.

    So you can make up all the excuses you want, but you're in charge of you. IF and WHEN you're ready, you'll make the time.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    NO. You do have the time. We all have 24 hrs a day. Simple, if you don't have time, organize yourself. If you have to much on your to do list, prioritize. That's all. You don't need to workout 3 hours a day. 30 mins or an hour will do.

    May sound like tough love but it's true and I agree. We all have busy lives, I average 5 hours of sleep per day between home life, kids, 2 jobs, working out, volunteer work and whatever else gets thrown at me. I also just ran my first half marathon this past Sunday which required intense dedicated training the 4 months prior. Either you make the time or you don't. Good luck finding a balance!
  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member
    Hard, fast, and until I'm breathless.

    And to answer you seriously:

    I MAKE TIME. It's a tricky concept, but it's been working for the last year so I'm gonna sick with it. I have 4 kids and a husband who is only home 2 days a week, and I workout almost everyday. I like to rest and be lazy one day a week, my couch misses me, you know.

    So you can make up all the excuses you want, but you're in charge of you. IF and WHEN you're ready, you'll make the time.

  • SugarBaby71
    SugarBaby71 Posts: 3,630 Member
    I told myself for years that I didn't have time. It's about deciding you're worth it. You can find the time if you want it badly enough. I had to teach myself that nobody was going to die if I wasn't there to take care of their every whim. Everyone's still alive and I'm much more pleasant... and I now have something of my own that I love.

    You are worth it.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    NO. You do have the time. We all have 24 hrs a day. Simple, if you don't have time, organize yourself. If you have to much on your to do list, prioritize. That's all. You don't need to workout 3 hours a day. 30 mins or an hour will do.

  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    NO. You do have the time. We all have 24 hrs a day. Simple, if you don't have time, organize yourself. If you have to much on your to do list, prioritize. That's all. You don't need to workout 3 hours a day. 30 mins or an hour will do.

    But it's the Fall season and all the new channel lineups are starting?
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    NO. You do have the time. We all have 24 hrs a day. Simple, if you don't have time, organize yourself. If you have to much on your to do list, prioritize. That's all. You don't need to workout 3 hours a day. 30 mins or an hour will do.


    I always told myself that I didn't have the time to work out. Then when I got serious (again) about losing weight, I looked at where my time goes. I found that I spent lots of time in the evening just hanging out with my husband. I ended up never exercising in the evenings, so instead I get up at 5 AM so I can get my workout in.

    If it's something you want to do for yourself, you just have to find some time when you can do it. It's there, you may just have to move some things around.

    Good luck!
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I have a schedule and I follow it. I also pre-plan my meals (nothing crazy, just the day before) and that helps me stay organize. I'm also not militant about my food as long as I'm hitting my protein macro and calorie goal so about 2x/week we eat something quick like pizza or McDonalds
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    The first thing I do when I register for a new term is to figure out where I'm going to fit in my workouts. It's a priority and it's non-negotiable. Sometimes I get home later than I would like, but that's just how it has to be.
  • brownheart
    Are you trying to lose weight? Then it's all diet. Clean up your diet and the weight will come off. No exercise needed.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Exercising doesn't have to be going to the gym or a class. If you have kids, take them to the park and run around with them for an hour or so - great for the kids and for you.

    If you're working full time take short walks at lunch or during breaks. For loo breaks visit the loos a bit further away or on another floor to get you up and walking about. And think about how you get to work - if you drive think about parking further away and walking some of the way, or if you live close enough try cycling or walking to work.

    As others have said, planned exercise doesn't have to take up much of your day. A HIIT workout can be done at home in about 20 minutes. Think about how you spend your spare time. If you ever have time to sit down and watch a TV show then you have time to workout.
  • IronCakes
    IronCakes Posts: 317 Member
    Everyone is busy these days. How do all of you fit workouts in and stay healthy in your eating habits? Not having time to work out is my biggest problem!

    You think all of us just magically have time to work out? Wrong, we MAKE time!

  • ashleypashley77
    ashleypashley77 Posts: 15 Member
    Everyone is busy these days. How do all of you fit workouts in and stay healthy in your eating habits? Not having time to work out is my biggest problem!

    I would have to say ROUTINE!!
    1) Routine in exercise - I get up and do an exercise DVD every morning, 6 days/ week. Then breakfast and onto my day! That way, there are no excuses, and it becomes a habit!
    2) Routine in food - this is more a personal preference, but maybe it'll help you? I have porridge every morning for breakfast (I vary toppings - fresh peaches, apple and cinammon, almonds); lunch is always protein + veg (so salmon/chicken breast/tuna etc, plus any veg in my fridge, which I generally just stir fry - believe it or not, it takes me 7-13 mins per day to make my stir fry! so quick and easy and healthy!!) and then for dinner I have cereal and a yoghurt. I love cereal!

    So the food routine means that I don't worry at all about going over calorie limits, plus I'm getting all my nutrition for workouts, plus with a SUPER BUSY schedule, it is just SO quick and not time consuming in the least!
    But others might find my way boring :)

    Good luck! :)
  • adepko
    adepko Posts: 57 Member
    NO. You do have the time. We all have 24 hrs a day. Simple, if you don't have time, organize yourself. If you have to much on your to do list, prioritize. That's all. You don't need to workout 3 hours a day. 30 mins or an hour will do.

    Awesome answer. Thank you very much!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Find what is most important to you, instead of sleeping an extra hour, I get up to workout. I'm a SAHM but my day is pretty busy, chasing after a 2 year old ya know lol. I have to get up before she is up so I can get it in, if not then I won't get it in. I'm committed to my workout though.
  • matabill
    matabill Posts: 19 Member
    I work out M - F during my lunch hour. I am lucky enough to work for a company that provides exercises classes and equipment to get my burn it.