Getting chased by a dog during my run...



  • Nooditaur
    Nooditaur Posts: 10 Member
    There are a lot of dogs near my neighbourhood, and I tend to run when a lot of dogs are having their morning walks (there are a lot of grassy fields near my house so they are usually off-leash), so I get followed and pounced on almost every time I go out to run! I'm not afraid of dogs so this is okay for me, but I can see that this would be a scary experience for people.

    When dogs (especially young dogs) see a person running, their natural instinct is to chase after them, as they think this is all a fun game of tag, and they may pounce on you if you turn around and fuss because it's like an invitation for them to "play". My advice would be to stop running if you see a dog, walk at a normal pace and ignore them if they chase you. Once they realise you're not interested, they will stop bothering you. I wouldn't recommend using pepper spray unless they become obviously aggressive, usually ignoring them or putting them down with a firm "no" will do.
  • crackur
    crackur Posts: 473 Member
    a nice rock would do.
  • 1capybara
    1capybara Posts: 162 Member
    Do not keep running that to a dog makes you prey. Think tigers, cheetahs, and loins yea they are cats but pretty much the same instinct. Dogs are hunters and have no problem running down its "food". I ride bicycles and have had to jump off and stand strong against dogs, everything from ankle bitters to pit bulls(not an attack on pits). Stand strong and do not turn your back to it.

    Some suggestions are:
    Mace small and I have had pretty good experience against a neighbours dog.
    Ammonia in a spray bottle. I have heard it works but seems heavy and bulky to carry.
    Knife range is limited and getting bit before you get to stab is going to happen.
    I would also suggest that if you are chased or feel you are in danger call your local animal control or non emergency police line(911 if you are attacked). If the dog stays within its yard then there isn't much you can do. I am not sure but leash laws seem to be pretty standard most places.
    imho, stand strong is good advice. I used to live near 3 dobies who would always run after me. I would turn around and threaten to throw a rock at them (even if my hand was empty) or a stick, even a little one. they always stayed back. my roommate, on the other hand, showed his fear and got bit bad. fwiw. but pepper spray is a more reliable solution. or ammonia spray in states where pepper spray maybe illegal.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    He was probably just trying to motivate you!
  • grum84
    grum84 Posts: 428 Member
    When I go out for a run or walk through my neighborhood, I always have my large pocket knife with me. More than once I have grabbed it as a dog has taken off but stopped at it's invisible fence. I like dogs a lot, but if it came down to it and I was bit, the knife is coming out.

    Thankfully it has never gotten to that point.
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