Over-Value Exercise in Weight Loss? And More Stuff.



  • thedarkwombat
    thedarkwombat Posts: 123 Member
    I have had a ton of protein in the morning at times (40g+ in one sitting) and I am still hungry all day if I eat breakfast.
    There is no blueprint except the one that works for YOU.
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    One more thing nikkylyn, I think some us don't care if we look look.and feel flubby (which we can fix later) as long as we are not dead.
    You have very little weight to lose. Some of us have our life to lose...

    I like that....it's all perspective.

    @ OPosting....I agree. I do believe that exercise is important but it isn't the most important thing if you want to lose weight. I see so many of my friends on here constantly posting about all the workouts they are doing and how worn out they are between that and their life obligations and I don't understand why they are killing themselves. I wonder if they are going to keep up this routine for the rest of their lives because I don't see that happening and I guarantee that when that happens they will then be all upset because they aren't doing the activities that they used to. That is why I haven't been going balls to the wall with my exercise. I know I won't keep up the routine if I was working out 5-6 times a week. I'm trying to make a change that I can sustain not a change just to lose some weight right now.

    I do disagree on breakfast though. Once I started eating a proper breakfast, I could never not eat until lunch time again. The right breakfast makes all the difference....high protein.

    I think going in stages is also the best way to get started. Too much all at once is what makes most people quit because they are too overwhelmed. Food first then work in the exercise slowly. My first 10lbs lost was due to food changes and just light walking but then to truly start transforming the body different exercise needs to be incorporated....not necessarily more just a little more intense like strength training.

    To OP, you have a great attitude and I think you'll be very sucessful. Good luck!
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    I have had a ton of protein in the morning at times (40g+ in one sitting) and I am still hungry all day if I eat breakfast.
    There is no blueprint except the one that works for YOU.

    I don't think that I used the word "breakfast". I used the term "first meal of the day". For a big guy such as yourself, you are probably not getting enough protein, total, regardless of when you consume it. Run the numbers to find out. The RDA should be the bottom point for someone who is in a deficit. You might want to eat more.

    Eating more protein just means eating more protein. It does not mean that you have to go all crazy Atkins or Dukan and restrict carbs. It means getting more protein. It really does have an affect on appetite and satiety.
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    I went ahead and ran the numbers for you. For a man of your present size, you should be getting around 113g of protein each day, just to meet the RDA for protein. This 0.8g protein per kilogram of body weight is the amount of protein recommended by both the National Institute of Health and the World Health Organization as the amount of protein required to maintain health.

    It looks like you are not getting anywhere near that amount and it may be contributing to your feelings of being hungry all day on some days.

    Edited for spelling.
  • thedarkwombat
    thedarkwombat Posts: 123 Member
    I went ahead and ran the numbers for you. For a man of your present size, you should be getting around 113g of protein each day, just to meet the RDA for protein. This 0.8g protein per kilogram of body weight is the amount of protein recommended by both the National Institute of Health and the World Health Organization as the amount of protein required to maintain health.

    It looks like you are not getting anywhere near that amount and it may be contributing to your feelings of being hungry all day on some days.

    113g of protein is insane. I would basically have to eat chicken and meats all day long.
    I am only hungry on days when I eat breakfast. When I skip breakfast (WHICH MEANS EVEN LESS PROTEIN!I am not hungry all day. SO I don't get what you are selling me.

    I have solved my hunger issues, and I am losing weight. Losing weight means I am not going to die prematurely anytime soon.

    See the priorities here?
  • thedarkwombat
    thedarkwombat Posts: 123 Member
    I bet you also believe in the 8 glasses of water thing too? This is a borderline myth as well. All the food we eat has water in it. Take that, and have 3 to 4 glasses of water per day and you are good to go.
  • thedarkwombat
    thedarkwombat Posts: 123 Member
    This is why i didn't want to make my diary public.I have lost 29 pounds, and I have someone going through my diary telling me what I am doing wrong.

    I could die in my sleep from sleep apnea. I am losing weight. Losing weight is priority right now.

    I am not tied down to some US recommended protein BS, I assume based on ways to keep us eating expense meats. The US RDA is a joke. The whole food pyramid is practically upside down anyway.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Weight loss is simple take in less calories than you use.

    Fitness requires exercise.

    It's 2 different things.

    Yes, fitness and weight loss are different things. But sometimes exercise is ALL that's needed to create a calorie deficit.

    While I totally agree with the OP, that for obese people exercise is less of a factor for weight loss. For those of us that are guilty of the slow creeping weight gain. Exercise may be everything.

    My story as example: I lost almost 30 lbs by not eating any differently than I did when I gained those pounds. It took me over 6 years to gain those 30 lbs. All I needed to do was burn a few more calories each day to get rid of it.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    This is why i didn't want to make my diary public.I have lost 29 pounds, and I have someone going through my diary telling me what I am doing wrong.

    I could die in my sleep from sleep apnea. I am losing weight. Losing weight is priority right now.

    I am not tied down to some US recommended protein BS, I assume based on ways to keep us eating expense meats. The US RDA is a joke. The whole food pyramid is practically upside down anyway.

    29 lbs down. You are obviously doing something right!!
  • FitCanuckChick
    FitCanuckChick Posts: 240 Member
    op. I agree with some of your points. I love the gym. I love to run. Sweat ur *kitten* off cardio relieves stress for me the way overeating used to. I wish I knew where I read it but if u keep cardio to 30 mins or less it won't increase ur appetite. I have tested this. For me the magic number in 45 mins. A personal trainer at the gym I go to told me that you can have the most perfect workout/weight routine but if you have crappy nutrition, your not gonna reach your goals.

    In terms of your weightless vs fitness goals I urge you to incorporate a bit of exercise now. Otherwise you will not be happy with the excess skin once you reach your goal. If you exercise (walking, biking, swimming, anything) and do a bit of toning along the way, the skin has a better chance to keep up with your weigh loss. Trust me on this.
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    I have to completely agree on the exercise. I am an absolutely firm believer in that "you lose weight in the kitchen and you get fit in the gym." You can lose every last pound without working out once, however, your end result will look MUCH better if you exercise while you are losing weight. Exercise has so many valuable benefits, both mentally and physically, but if you don't control your food intake, you can exercise until the cows come home and won't lose an ounce. As someone once told me, you can't outrun your fork.
  • thedarkwombat
    thedarkwombat Posts: 123 Member
    Yes, fitness and weight loss are different things. But sometimes exercise is ALL that's needed to create a calorie deficit.

    While I totally agree with the OP, that for obese people exercise is less of a factor for weight loss. For those of us that are guilty of the slow creeping weight gain. Exercise may be everything.

    My story as example: I lost almost 30 lbs by not eating any differently than I did when I gained those pounds. It took me over 6 years to gain those 30 lbs. All I needed to do was burn a few more calories each day to get rid of it.

    When I get to my ideal weight, I am going to have to face the fact that to stay at that weight, fitness will have to become a permanent addition to my lifestyle.
  • FitCanuckChick
    FitCanuckChick Posts: 240 Member
    I went ahead and ran the numbers for you. For a man of your present size, you should be getting around 113g of protein each day, just to meet the RDA for protein. This 0.8g protein per kilogram of body weight is the amount of protein recommended by both the National Institute of Health and the World Health Organization as the amount of protein required to maintain health.

    It looks like you are not getting anywhere near that amount and it may be contributing to your feelings of being hungry all day on some days.

    113g of protein is insane. I would basically have to eat chicken and meats all day long.
    I am only hungry on days when I eat breakfast. When I skip breakfast (WHICH MEANS EVEN LESS PROTEIN!I am not hungry all day. SO I don't get what you are selling me.

    I have solved my hunger issues, and I am losing weight. Losing weight means I am not going to die prematurely anytime soon.

    See the priorities here?

    Two words. Beef jerky. That is the way I protein boost and it is a tasty treat (and only 80 cals per serving). I have been borderline anemic though and I always have worked with my doc to fight off the aweful iron pills
  • FitCanuckChick
    FitCanuckChick Posts: 240 Member
    I have to completely agree on the exercise. I am an absolutely firm believer in that "you lose weight in the kitchen and you get fit in the gym." You can lose every last pound without working out once, however, your end result will look MUCH better if you exercise while you are losing weight. Exercise has so many valuable benefits, both mentally and physically, but if you don't control your food intake, you can exercise until the cows come home and won't lose an ounce. As someone once told me, you can't outrun your fork.

    You can't outrun your fork. Love that line!!! I can only outrun my fork when I am long run training. I think the 18km plus runs I could eat til I felt Ill and still not gain an ounce. :).
  • meskew87
    meskew87 Posts: 27 Member
    I just wanted to chime in on the whole skipping breakfast thing. I, too, get ravenous when I eat breakfast and find that I often spend the rest of the day hungry and miserable. I have vascilated between believing what I have always been told, that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and that I will never lose any weight without it, and also believing that breakfast isn't the golden rule and I'd be better of totally skipping it.

    There is a lot of good evidence out there in support of the intermittent fasting theory, and for some people it really works. I know I am much happier having two big, satisfying meals a day than eating like a bird all day long and never feeling full. The more that I learn about health and nutrition though, the more I realize how little we truly understand about how the body works. All we can do is try our best each day for our health and do what works best for us. Congrats to everyone who has lost weight and gained health by whatever method they find most sustainable. We are all in a better place now than we were when we started!
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    I have to completely agree on the exercise. I am an absolutely firm believer in that "you lose weight in the kitchen and you get fit in the gym." You can lose every last pound without working out once, however, your end result will look MUCH better if you exercise while you are losing weight. Exercise has so many valuable benefits, both mentally and physically, but if you don't control your food intake, you can exercise until the cows come home and won't lose an ounce. As someone once told me, you can't outrun your fork.

    You can't outrun your fork. Love that line!!! I can only outrun my fork when I am long run training. I think the 18km plus runs I could eat til I felt Ill and still not gain an ounce. :).

    Maybe I should have said "Most of us can't outrun our fork." :wink:
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    113g of protein is insane. I would basically have to eat chicken and meats all day long.
    I am only hungry on days when I eat breakfast. When I skip breakfast (WHICH MEANS EVEN LESS PROTEIN!I am not hungry all day. SO I don't get what you are selling me.

    I am not trying to sell you on anything, other than getting adequate nutrition to meet the needs of a large man eating at a deficit. I am merely pointing out the protein amount that governments around the world suggest as appropriate for health.

    113g of protein is hardly insane. There are plenty of folks who try to meet the 0.8g of protein per kilogram of body weight goal. I happen to meet or beat 1g of protein per pound of lean body mass, but i am less than half your size and I am certainly not suggesting that you, or everyone needs to do that.

    Protein helps to moderate your blood sugar. A protein rich meal does not cause as much of a spike in blood sugar or insulin levels as a carbohydrate heavy meal will.

    I don't eat chicken and meat all day long. I am able to reach 113g of protein easily, with dairy, legumes, nuts, and yes some lean meat and fish.
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    I bet you also believe in the 8 glasses of water thing too? This is a borderline myth as well. All the food we eat has water in it. Take that, and have 3 to 4 glasses of water per day and you are good to go.

    Nope. The whole 8 glasses thing is a pet peeve of mine. I believe that we get adequate hydration from the food we eat plus drinking to thirst. The only exception is if you exercise excessively or are in extreme heat and humidity. In those cases thirst does not always kick in quickly, so it is good to make sure you have an extra glass or two in those cases.
  • shaydon80
    shaydon80 Posts: 138 Member
    In my experience, diet is about 80% of the equation and exercise is 20%. During my peak weight loss I was more focused on what I ate and I was exercising 6 days a week, but mostly low impact like pilates (150-175 cals per day). I stopped tracking my food and started eating whatever I wanted for about a year and gained back 17 of the 102lbs I had lost. I was exercising like a fiend at least 5 days a week during that time (running, spinning, pilates), but I was still gaining weight.

    Now I'm back to tracking and hoping to lose that 17lbs again and never forget the lessons that I've learned in the last year.
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