Running protection



  • mcgeorge5
    mcgeorge5 Posts: 92 Member
    I would worry about the affect of my body's sweat/moisture on the metal of the gun. It wouldn't take long for it to start to rust/corrode.

    When returning from a run, if the gun is wet from rain or perspiration you just wipe it down with a dry cloth.
    Clean and maintain your weapon and rust and corrosion should never be an issue. Soldiers and cops carry 24/7 in all types of weather and exposed to the elements.
    Rust and corrosion on a handgun that is well taken care of is the least of my worries.

    true, I just thought of that and didn't think it through before running my mouth.
    You're correct.
  • spookiefox
    spookiefox Posts: 215 Member
    Thanks everyone for the responses. I am very well trained with a weapon as I've been shooting since elementary school. I would be carrying a kel-tec pf 9. I don't believe anywhere is totally safe so while I live in a nicer neighborhood, anything can happen anywhere. Most running holsters I've found are from online sites where returning would be tedious and include shipping costs if returned. I'm a big fan of America and couldn't leave it. My freedom to own guns makes me feel safer:)
    Thanks again so much for all of the responses. If I find a good running holster, I will update for anyone interested!

    Kinda depends on what you mean by totally safe, I guess. I live in the US and am disabled, so I can't run as I walk with a forearm crutch, but I do walk for exercise and I ride a motorcycle (not for exercise--for fun). And I do both of these with no "protection" at all. (Well, I wear a motorcycle helmet.) There is no need here--REALLY. I walk at any time of day or night. Alone. I wear headphones and listen to audiobooks and/or music. You do not have to go through life afraid. Really you don't.

    I acknowledge that I could get hit by a car or any of a number of other things. One of my neighbors was hit by a train a few years ago. So there is no "totally safe" but you really do not have to go through life afraid.
  • tattoo_mommy
    OP- would something like this be practical for you?
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    I definitely don't want to start a political debate, just wanted some information from others out there like me. I am a female under 5 feet tall and I'm pretty obsessed with running. Because of my husband's work schedule, my job and our son, I have to run early in the morning. Most days I run alone but some days I run with others. My question is if anyone on here carries while they run? I found some running holsters but am leery of purchasing something expensive ($50) to have it be uncomfortable or just not practical. Anyone have any advice or recommendations?

    I respect anyone who does not carry. I respect anyone who does. Please don't preach if you don't like guns, just ignore and move on as I'm sure neither of us will change our minds;) I'm not out to shoot for no reason, I just want to be safe. I carry pepper spray but due to some terrible events in my family background, would feel safer to have a weapon when I'm running alone. Obviously, I have a permit. Thanks in advance!

    It is ironic I read this post because just yesterday I was thinking of doing the same thing. I would prefer some type of nonlethal long range weapon instead of a regular gun.. but I carry a knife on my husband' insistence and don't think it is that effective if a someone wanted to really overpower me. Too many people stop or go real slow and just stare and wave when I am jogging and it weirds me out. I live in Florida so you never know who might try to kill me then say it was some stand your ground reason.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    Recommend pepper spray. I think that would be much better than self defense if you're not highly trained with a weapon (not only target shooting, but close quarters so you don't get disarmed and weapon used against you). Bear spray or a Taser might be another option if legal for self defense -- more disabling and longer range -- I think it's still safer than carrying a weapon. So many people hurt themselves with weapons if they don't practice using them in different tactical situations frequently.

    The more I think of this subject.. I like this idea. I just told my husband that I want some. Too many weird people lately when I am running has me thinking of this exact thing. I carry a knife but I think the response time could possibly be too slow if someone were to really attack me.
  • dm_bootcamp
    dm_bootcamp Posts: 3 Member
    You could train to run quicker, lol! I went out in the dark for the first time this year and chose to wizz down a footpath with no lighting beside a playing field, I sprinted all the way ????

    I have one of those loud alarms but I'm not sure where it is, this thread has made me glad I live somewhere where I feel relatively safe and its not the norm to carry guns, that's a scary thought..
  • HeyGoRun
    HeyGoRun Posts: 550 Member

    besides, the 2nd amendment was misinterpretted. 'the right to bare arms" was about being allowed to wear sleaveless tops.

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