Alcohol Conundrum



  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member

    I think it's really rude of you to feel the need to point out that I made this "assumption." This is suppose to be a positive and encouraging website.

    You must be new here
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member

    Just out of interest, why would looks come into this? Do people that are not the best looking cut down on their alcohol intake, too?

    I'm talking lookswise in the sense that when I drink, my face gets bloated, my skin looks reddish & I generally look way crappier than when I don't drink. Probably due to dehydration & your body compensating by retaining water.

    I don't mean that people who are prettier don't drink, I didn't phrase that in the best possible way.

    I always found people got better looking the more I drank ;)
  • steffij100
    steffij100 Posts: 85 Member
    Empty calories

    But oh... so much more fun than a carrot.
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,857 Member
    Thanks for all the help!

    For everyone getting offended about the "we all" statement-

    I think it's really rude of you to feel the need to point out that I made this "assumption." This is suppose to be a positive and encouraging website.

    Instead of being helpful or not saying anything you decided that it was more important to try and make me feel negative about typing 5 letters on a keyboard.

    Don't let her comments bother you. I'm sure that a lot of her 10,000 posts are unsupportive and mean spirited as this one was. There are more than a few people here that don't give any type of positive feedback ever.

    Not sure who you're talking about but (a) I don't see anyone with 10,000 posts and (b) everyone on this page is trying to be helpful (and those you single out are often helpful in previous posts, too!). I posted similar threads in the past asking about alcohol consumption, & I totally missed what the majority of people were saying - that it's fine to drink if you fit it into your cals & your goals, that you can choose lower-calorie options, and that a couple drinks a week won't kill your diet.

    However, what I found myself thinking after reading the responses to these threads was "oh cool! all these people are skinny and they drink - I must be able to do it and lose weight too!" What I failed to notice was that the majority of people (and the vast majority in this thread) are relegating their alcohol to one or two days a week, and offsetting it with less calories and extra cardio.

    So yes, I DO appreciate the perspective that not all of us drink (even though I do). In fact, MOST of the best-looking, in-best-shape people I know have either cut the booze out entirely & have significantly scaled back.

    I'm off my soapbox, but I get annoyed (1) when people get easily offended and (2) when people miss the forest for the trees.

    People may be trying to help - just because you didn't get the answer you wanted doesn't make their point invalid.

    Just out of interest, why would looks come into this? Do people that are not the best looking cut down on their alcohol intake, too?

    Ay ya yay
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Rum & diet! Wooooo!!!

    And based Martin has some good words on this subject:
  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
    I have found to reach my lifestyle goals, alcohol had to be limited, but not eliminated. When I do decide some cocktails would fit my goals, this is my favorite drink.

    1.5 oz. vodka
    4 oz. low sodium club soda
    generous squeeze fresh lime

    All for a grand total of 97 calories, plus a few for the squeeze of lime.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I don't do it often enough to kill my deficit for the week. A bottle of wine has 550 calories, it's pretty hard to not find a way to work that in the odd time tbh. So you kill a day or two of deficit, no biggie. Or you could drink so much you barf??? :tongue: :drinker:
  • Ignaura
    Ignaura Posts: 203 Member
    I don't drink as much as I used to three months ago. If i;m having a drink during the week is usually rum or whiskey with diet coke. When it's a night out with my friends, and there's wine... well... i'm so sorry for my calorie count LOL give me all the wine!!!
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Lots of good advice here. I just wanted to add that ever since I cut back on alcohol (just back, never entirely out -- I'm half French and couldn't live without my vin rouge), I only need a glass or two (ok, three) before I'm done. I don't drink to get drunk, but I find that my tolerance has dropped so that more than three glasses makes me stoopid and really ill the next day. Bonus: fewer calories, fewer hangovers!
  • nanadeek
    nanadeek Posts: 13 Member
    Indeed, BUT you have to be super careful about which *kind* and how much champagne you drink. Regular serving size of champagne is 4 oz. where a regular serving size of wine is 5.

    If you can get it in a proper champagne flute and stick with a Brut or a Brut mix you should be fine, but I find a lot of places may not be properly stocked. They either don't have proper champagne flutes and/or serve you in a wine glass (tacky!), they are a strictly moscato or a higher sugar content sparkling wine (no champagne :( ), or they serve you the mini bottles which, I mean, who's going to throw that away?!

    Unless I know for sure that I will get a brut champagne or a similarly dry champagne (and not wine) in a champagne flute - I just stay away.
  • DChristi77
    DChristi77 Posts: 18 Member
    Well crap. I'm new to this and I never thought to take alcohol into account. Now I have to do research on my wine collection? So no drinks tonight. Extra workout tomorrow.
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    I work it into my cals...but also try to get in a workout earlier in the day. I also dance while I'm out...helps burn those alcohol calories.

    I will tell you wine coolers seem to have a ton of cals...I stick to vodka and cherry coke mostly..unless I have a ton of cals available.
  • WestCoastWild
    WestCoastWild Posts: 147 Member
    Lemon lime sparkling water w gin and a slice o' lime! Just as delicious as a G and T with a fraction if the cals :D
  • edreyrey
    About a month ago I got really disgusted with myself and I knew in order to make some drastic changes I needed to make some drastic measures. I made a deal with myself, and it was tough because I love beer. I brew my own beer and I am good at it. It was hard, but I decided to quite drinking untill I lost 30 pounds. I totally believe my drinking got me this way, along with some other choices but honestly a six pack a night is not helpful at all. We It's been one month today and I am down 14 pounds as of today, so I know it's working. I am eating healthier and exercising everyday too, but the drinking has really helped with the weight and other things too.
  • x2greenxeyes
    We brew our own beer too. My boyfriend is really great at it.. He even built a kegerator to put it in so we always have it fresh on tap.. (we used northern brewer kits)... But I feel relieved I am not the only person with this beer problem. I love beer... My boyfriend and I both do. Porters and Stouts mostly. I know that the discovery of good beer accounts for at least 10 of the 20 pounds i've gained over the past two years.

    I had a hard time at first. My boyfriend and I used to split a 12 pack saturday, 12 pack sunday, and then usually 3-4 beers a night before bed... Yes.. we consumed A LOT of beer. I miss it, but I told myself it's not forever. It's like drinking a milk shake twice a day everyday. It's something i'm going to have to give up for a while, then keep in check when I lose the weight...

    ...dammit you tasty beer you..
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    Vodka or light rum with seltzer, then I add a squirt of the Crystal Light liquid I carry around with me, any flavor. Or a light beer or glass of wine (pinot grigio or pinot noir have less calories) as long as you've saved up calories from the day. The key is keeping it to a few. Try having an alcoholic drink, then a glass of water, then another drink. The water keeps you hydrated and stretches out the drinks over time.

    all wine (except for ice wine or other similar dessert wines are fairly low in calories and carbs.) just about any normal kind of wine will set you back about 250 calories for half a bottle of it. the carbs are also low this link doesn't have all wines out there but it gives a pretty consistent picture against normal red and white wines and dessert wines (if you don't know wines it's all the high calorie ones that are the dessert wines) Any normal white or red is going to fall into that picture of between 85 and 100 calories per glass.
  • mag131
    mag131 Posts: 542 Member
    Your profile picture is cracking me up!

    I try to keep the drinking to one or two nights a week, and if possible I fit it into my calories. (742 left for rum, OJ, and a snack tonight! woohoo!) I make sure to exercise during the day to help make room so that I don't end up starving, get lowered inhibitions, and then binge. That hurts my weight way more than the alcohol itself.

    My go to drink since I started on MFP is rum, a splash of Trop 50 OJ, and calorie free flavored seltzer water. The seltzer water really helps cut down on the calories and it tricks me into thinking I'm drinking more than I actually am.
  • spookiefox
    spookiefox Posts: 215 Member
    Who is "we all", some of us can unwind in other ways

    All of us CAN unwind in other ways. There is no reason to rule out that one.
  • Elliesque
    Elliesque Posts: 156 Member
    Shots have the least calories, or drink alcohol with diet soda. When I know I'm going out I just save up more calories to blow on booze, cause I like to drink what I like to drink lol.
  • PauliePCC
    PauliePCC Posts: 32 Member
    What I normally do is have a caloric budget, or deficit for nights where I'm going to be out drinking. I allow a deficit of 1k calories or more sometimes. That said, I'm a big beer drinker and easily drink 6-8 in a good night out (only on the weekends). However, if you can't budget out calories, then just have a few, and do an extra cardio session the next day. As others have said, if you drink in moderation, and plan it out, you should be fine.