Getting tired all the comments



  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    No one is jealous, they are just shocked at the change. There are so many misconceptions about weight loss and nutrition that people assume that unless you're eating salads for 3 years you cannot lose. And when they see someone successfully lose, especially if they are still enjoying food, they feel insecure about their own inability to manage their fitness.

    you don't think envy is a common outcome of that insecurity?

    Sometimes, but I think it is a bit more complicated than that. I think that it can make them feel bad about themselves and to combat it they decide that the person MUST have "cheated" somehow or are ill, because that is the only way it is possible for a "normal" person.

    agree with that for sure.
  • greattimes
    greattimes Posts: 123 Member
    Just to let you know 27 lbs is just what I have lost since being here. All together I have lost 73 lbs in 9 months. My boss defended me because it was said to her.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Well done with your acheivement. I suspect these comments feel like they are diminishing the hard work you put in. I understand being bothered by the comments.


    What other people say about you reflects on them, not you. Try to take nothing personally as it does no good. They live in their perceptions and filters just like you do. What they say reflects their stuff. How you react reflects your stuff. We all have stuff. We get happier sooner when we stop getting discombobulated by trying to figure out other people's stuff and instead start figuring out our own.

    Again, it us about boundaries. Other people's thoughts and comments don't have to sink so deeply into your Psyche. You could develop a thicker skin through the conscious choice repeated over and over that you have a right to peacefulness and happiness and thus bunch of BS is sucking the joy out. So don't let the BS stick. Wipe it off your shoe and leave it behind.
  • idahoprincess72
    idahoprincess72 Posts: 48 Member
    You know that YOU WORKED HARD, and you can now ENJOY THE BENEFITS! Focus on the positive responses from everyone. It may be hard to ignore the negative ones, but keep in mind where they are coming from....especially as they are chowing down & over indulging on their meals!

    I am so proud of you and your accomplishment. Now you can go on a cruise with me and show off your new bod! ;)