Do people treat you differently -- or is it you?



  • BeckyMBisMe
    BeckyMBisMe Posts: 215 Member
    This topic is one of great interest to me personally. I have lost my weight several times before, only to allow it to slowly pile back on. Part of this is due to never really figuring out maintenance. However, because I've always had weight problems, I was at a loss on how to cope with physical attraction by other men, besides my husband, once I reach a normal weight. Every time it was very awkward to me. So I guess that in my case it would be a difference in the behavior of others which came first and somewhat frightened me. I was never there long enough to get comfortable in my new body. I hope at this point in my life, I'll have the confidence to coolly rebuff them and make a joke of it, instead of insulating myself by adding some poundage. Curious to see if anyone else has felt this way.
    Yep, I could have written this verbatim. Great thread!

    Ditto & Ditto
    and in this same line of thinking, the less obese and healthier I would get, the more insecure my husband would get. I can't let either scenario stop me this time around.

    And regarding the OP's question, I think it's a little of both. I'm more confident in myself (which others pick up on) and I'm more "acceptable" to society which is a damn shame on society that so many feel this way about people. Another weird thing I've noticed after having lost weight is people staring at my face. I'm in my 50's, normal looking, no facial tats or piercings, no scars or disfigurements, and I don't wear crazy inappropriate makeup for my age so I can't figure it out! Actually I'm totally bewildered by it! Maybe I remind them of someone else????? Just something to get used to I guess.
  • NinjaMaid
    NinjaMaid Posts: 48 Member
    After I lost over 100 lbs, guys started to notice me. I was invisible with the weight, but now guys take notice. I would have never ended up with my current boyfriend without losing the weight. People can say looks don't matter, but they do.
  • vanessalillian82
    vanessalillian82 Posts: 350 Member
    I think a lot of it has to do with the vibe you put out there. I'm nearly 6'2" so I carry the weight well and can gain 10-20kg without anyone **really** noticing... but I feel crap about myself when I'm heavier. I've only lost 3.5kg so far (and am quite a bit fitter) but have noticed that I **feel** a LOT better about myself, and am putting a lot more effort into my personal appearance when I go out because I feel like I'm becoming worth looking at, which in turn makes you more approachable. That's how I see it, anyhow. I've noticed girls who do put more effort into their appearance (nails, hair done, nicely pressed clothes etc) tend to get more attention than those who do not (tracksuit pants, a wrinkled t-shirt and hair in a bun), regardless of their size, so I think a lot of it is the sense of self-worth you project.
  • tulsaBill
    tulsaBill Posts: 84 Member
    I noticed after I had lost about 50lbs I got more looks and smiles. Strangers, esp women, smiled and were friendlier to me. At first I thought I was imagining it but after watching closely for a while it's real.

    I also noticed how easy has been for me to judge those that have not yet made the connection and continue to live unhealthy. Really that shocked me more than anything else.
  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    "I also noticed how easy has been for me to judge those that have not yet made the connection and continue to live unhealthy. Really that shocked me more than anything else."


    And I am ashamed to say that I feel less respect for those who don't respect their own health. I didn't respect myself when I was fat and unfit and sick from so many ailments. I've had to earn my own respect. I'm learning to be more tolerant but can also relate to other posters on this thread who have shared their experiences; with people being curious and congratulatory at first but then dismissive and actually mean when you don't fail like they expected you to.

    Despite several people asking me how I have achieved my transformation so far, they don't like my response. Discipline, no dieting, exercise, eating clean, no situ far, no gluten. I explain its different for each person and they should conduct their own experiments with food and record the results in a journal but that seems like too much effort! They seem disappointed I don't have a magic pill!

    Men haven't changed in attitude towards me but women have. A few have started to tell me not to lose any more weight because I'm already skinny. Er no I'm not. I'm thinner that them, but still firmly in the overweight range for my height. I'm aiming for a UK size 12-14 which is a perfectly healthy goal as I'm 5ft 8". I'm only just into size 16 clothes now. I let them sabotage me before and i stopped doing my healthy regime for fear of being too extreme and getting too skinny (I had anorexia athletica when I was 16-18). Now I'm firmly in control and need to stay true to how I feel in clothes and the tape measure regardless of whether I feel fat or thin!

    I need to ignore the sabateurs!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    In the past 5 years, I have gone from 307 to 272, then 262, and now 218.

    I notice more men checking me out now, in a way that is surreptitious and when I look at them they look a bit "caught", yet it's very different from when I was heavier. I can see a shift in the type of guys who look at me. They're all types and ages. When I was heavier, it was mostly guys who looked like they would share my taste...vaguely hipster, nerdy and/or gamer guys who were more likely to be checking out the chubby girl with funky glasses and clothes/shoes. Now I think more men in general are looking at me, and although it makes me feel a bit odd...probably looking more at my body. I am sure the weight change is a big factor, and I do dress slightly more figure-conscious. SLIGHTLY...I don't wear anything revealing. However I do wear knee length skirts and I never used to. And I have shirts that hit more at the waist, instead of at the bottom of my hip. So my body is more visible than before.

    The bigger change though is a response I've seen from women. I am beginning to feel more appealing to women of all sizes. It kind of disturbs me, but whatever. For example in the past when I would meet friends of friends (women) they would often be nice to me...but now I'm finding I get more of an enthusiastic response, more invitations out, more friend requests, etc. I honestly think it's more the physical change than my own mental changes or the way I behave. I've always come across friendly and confident and I am not the type of person who felt super ashamed of my larger body.
  • samammay
    Might just be my imagination, but I think my wife's friends smile at me and hug me more.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I am noticing more waves, more people approach me for conversation (one being a parent of my son's friend... and I've been in other situations with her before, now she speaks to me).

    I thought that everyone out there were rude jerks. But then when I started losing, I started learning that it's my outlook on the world that sucked. I'm much happier, and I'm going to assume that is why I'm seeing these changes.

    In the last 4-5 months, I've been told that I was very approachable. That means more to me than someone noticing my weight loss!
  • KoRnKraZy
    KoRnKraZy Posts: 69 Member
    Yup, more attention from guys which is nice but annoying because I am really not interested at the moment lol

    But I'm such a happier person now, about to turn 21, happy, healthy and know what I want from life.

    It always puts a smile on my face when I think about it :smile:
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    I also noticed how easy has been for me to judge those that have not yet made the connection and continue to live unhealthy. Really that shocked me more than anything else.

    That is very well put.... I am very shocked with myself that I feel that way. Then, I realize that maybe that is how so many people were looking at me. It was like someone but a 100lb anchor on me even before I got out of the starting gate!

    --> You can rant about how "unfair" that is, but that is just how it is unfortunately.

    I really try to be "compassionate" and think to myself... maybe they are really trying and they haven't found the answer yet. (Like I did for 20 years). But then, I will be in the airport and see a guy wolf down two pizza hut personal pan pizzas and carry 3 bags of Mrs. Fields cookies on the plane while drinking 3 regular cokes... and I go... Ok then! LOL

    One thing that I learned after being so fat and out of shape all these years was to really appreciate people who were kind and forgiving. I had to learn to be easy going, more thoughtful, and not so self-centered. --- That was just to "survive". Then, I realized that it was a good "pay it forward" way to "be".

    One secret fear I have as I get fitter and healthier is that I will become more arrogant and self-centered. A little ego and self-confidence is good.. but it can be taken to far.... just sayin'.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I have in the past few months been noticing more attention from females. I've been told by friends that some flirt with me but I frankly don't see it. I always assume they are just being really friendly, smiling a lot and that's it. I was pretty much invisible to the opposite sex in the past and don't have much experience with getting attention from girls, reading the signals, etc etc. Also it doesn't help that I am shy around girls I do like and/or find attractive. I tend to be quiet, avoid eye contact, barely smile, etc etc which with my physical size, my friends tell me I give off a "don't talk to me/I'm having a bad day" sort of a vibe which makes me less approachable. :laugh: I'm working on it.

    Also, I used to to go a 24/7/365 type of a gym and I didn't want to be seen by others so I'd go either really, really early, or super late at night. Now I'll attend fitness classes at my gym and not care one bit who sees me. I've had both men and women approach me letting me know that they have noticed a difference with me the past few months.

    Socially I am a bit more outgoing as well and I don't spend all of my free time infront of a computer at home anymore.
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    It is me that has changed. I used to walk shoulders hunched avoiding eye contact and automatically giving way to anyone walking passed me. I now hold myself with confidence, I look people in the eye and smile, I own my space! It is this change in how I present myself that has changed the way people respond to me.
  • mousemom18
    mousemom18 Posts: 172 Member
    There are some great answers here.

    Surprised there aren't more threads on this topic.

    But for sure there are inner changes. I'm still me - just WITHOUT the added weight of feeling inferior to everyone who is thinner than I am.

    The outside world doesn't know about my inner feelings of shame and inferiority so they just notice me being more friendly and sociable. That is probably a more remarkable change than my pants size.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    The outside world doesn't know about my inner feelings of shame and inferiority so they just notice me being more friendly and sociable. That is probably a more remarkable change than my pants size.

    Very well said! :drinker:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I'm far more confident and outgoing than I was when I was bigger...essentially, I got my old self from about 15 years ago back. People respond to confidence. I was never comfortable being larger and my self esteem was in the toilette...that affected my interactions with others and thus they way they treated/viewed me. It really wasn't the was me. I have large friends with a lot of confidence and charisma and people respond very well to's not their size, it's their personality and charisma and confidence.
  • tasharock
    tasharock Posts: 136 Member
    Both. But I am a heck of a lot more pleasant to be around, so maybe it's the hotness, maybe it's the attitude. Don't care because I'm awesome and it finally shows.
  • 2b_perfect00
    2b_perfect00 Posts: 24 Member
    Yes people treat you differently. Seems like the more you lose the nicer everyone gets. I hate it when people who knew me when i was fat talk to me. Why? Because they suddenly act like my friends, like they have known me for a long time or something. I'm still the same person just smaller. Yet now you want to be "friends" **** off.

    I have come out of my fat shell a little, more talkative.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I've been seeing a therapist for a few years to work on depression/anxiety and self-confidence issues. From my perspective, I believe that working with her and the increase in my self-confidence is what allowed me to then lose the weight. From everyone else's perspective I've lost weight and then become more confident. I find that really interesting.

    According to my friends, my weight loss has done everything from make me pretty (or prettier, or I mean you've always been pretty but, depending on how they catch themselves and rephrase it) to increasing my singing abilities when we play Rock Band. It seems that everything that has changed about me in the last couple of years is thought to be a direct result of my weight loss.

    Salespeople tend to greet me in stores now before my overweight sisters. Very close friends have drunkenly confessed that they want me to stop losing before I get skinnier than they are. People treat me differently. Some of it is about me and some of it is about them.
  • shellbatronic
    When I was like 60 pounds down I started noticing a difference. Like, people would hold open doors for me now, and when I was very heavy men and women both would just let a door slam on me. I definitely get a lot more attention now, but honestly I would always get a relative amount of attention, but there would always be angel/devil voices in me going "They are looking at you because you are pretty and nice" and then "They are gawking at you because you are so fat." It's really a trick of the mind that I still fight.

    Since I've gotten pretty fit now I don't really notice too many changes with people who knew me "before", but when I'm around people who didn't know the old fat me it can be very strange for me. I went to a dinner meeting with a bunch of people I didn't know and there was an obese couple sitting across from me. I explained I wasn't eating because it was my boyfriend's birthday and we had plans after the meeting. The couple both ordered very large meals and then an order of cheese fries on top of it. I would never have eaten any of it, that stuff just isn't my style anymore, but of course I didn't say anything (how rude would that have been!) They kept mentioning it to me, though- "You would never eat this stuff, would you? That's how you stay like that and I'm like this." Just comments like that, obviously (to me) projecting their insecurities on to me. I had never been in that position before, the fit person making someone feel bad by just being there, but I'd definitely been on the other end of it. Too weird.
  • SugarBaby71
    SugarBaby71 Posts: 3,630 Member
    People treat me way differently. Men are far more courteous. Women I don't know are friendlier, the women I do know are less friendly. I am in the middle of a fundraising campaign for one of my kids' activities. I wasn't getting a response from an automotive shop by phone or email. So on Friday I dressed nicely and went to the store and asked for the manager. He signed my little letter and then asked what he'd just signed! :laugh: This was a first. It used to bother me because I'm still basically the same... but I've been trying to let it go and not let it go to my head.
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