What to do after a MAJOR cheat day?



  • Been on here for 11 days now and have also had binge days. They happen, just treat the next day as a regular day. Start again. Being healthy isn't over, and this setback is only a one day setback. I'd also add a little extra exercise, if you can.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    east very few calories the next day. just a couple hundred to get you through the day.

    Or how about no?

    yes is better.

    its a great way to minimize the damage from such a huge binge.

    No it's not, it's worse than stupid.

    it turns your diet into something you can borrow against, like your visa card. what's the balance on your visa card? is it zero?

    Hell no.

    Forget it. Start over. New day, clean slate. NEVER carry anything over mentally or physically from the day before's diet. Every day is a new day.

    to pay back calories to the binge you had last week is to create the next deficit and thus create the next binge. It's turning a relatively flat line with a tiny bump in it into a total rollercoaster whose dips and hollows will only get more and more extreme over time.

    It's psychologically insane, it's physiologically insane. it's completely barking mad. Never do it.

    There. Do you think I said that clearly enough?

    thats loser/quitter talk.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I haz two questions:

    1) where the hell did you put it all??
    2) is chicken salad cheating?
  • I haz two questions:

    1) where the hell did you put it all??
    2) is chicken salad cheating?

    1) I'm a bottomless pit. I can out eat my 50 year old father.
    2) yes, considering it had mayo in it.
    OMGSugarOHNOS Posts: 204 Member
    My advice would be to be aware that with all the sugar you will likely have some pretty strong cravings over the next few days as the sugar leaves your system. Just be aware that it will occur and then you can not fall prey to the cravings.

    LOL WUT?
    OMGSugarOHNOS Posts: 204 Member
    I haz two questions:

    1) where the hell did you put it all??
    2) is chicken salad cheating?

    1) I'm a bottomless pit. I can out eat my 50 year old father.
    2) yes, considering it had mayo in it.

    How is eating Mayo cheating?
  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    I've just come off a whole weekend of "cheating". Far too much wine, fried foods, cream-filled stuff and no exercise (apart from dancing into the wee hours)...didn't track a thing, didn't sweat it...I had a guilt free BALL!!

    The fantastic thing about having a life pass on the MFP Train is I know I get right back on it. Toot toot!!


    This one has the Smarts :) Good call. You still have to live your life.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Was this a special event of some kind? The variety of foods seems like a standard "was at a party/holiday/someone's house" type deal. It happens; it's good to enjoy yourself every once in awhile.

    If it was just at home, I'd ask--why so much? How many calories are you eating usually? A day like that, if you just didn't feel satisfied/full, could be a binge brought on by chronic undereating.

    Regardless of EITHER reason: you shouldn't feel like you'll have a "complete breakdown" from stepping on a scale. Your weight does not define you as a person, and certainly shouldn't hold control over your mental state. Even if you were just exaggerating with that phrase, your other statement that your "weight gain" (which is water retention, not pure fat, I guarantee) affecting your vision of yourself seems a bit suspect.

    It might be a good idea to talk to someone if you feel you have control issues (either "too in control," or too "out of control") with food, particularly since you are young and very clearly at a healthy weight.
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    I've just come off a whole weekend of "cheating". Far too much wine, fried foods, cream-filled stuff and no exercise (apart from dancing into the wee hours)...didn't track a thing, didn't sweat it...I had a guilt free BALL!!

    The fantastic thing about having a life pass on the MFP Train is I know I get right back on it. Toot toot!!


    This one has the Smarts :) Good call. You still have to live your life.

    LMAO I love it!