Why is unhealthy food so tasty?



  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    In the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia,2 they test and tweak the perfect blend of salt, sugar and fat until it reaches something called the “bliss point” – where the taste becomes the most appealing and addicting possible.
    I basically do this in my kitchen... I I am constantly tweaking to get the flavors that my family and I like. And if my family likes a dish so much that it becomes a regular, I consider my cooking a success.

    So, essentially, you are getting your family, 'addicted' to your cooking. For shame.


    First my family, and then the world! Bwahahahahahaha!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I don't see lots of food ads enticing people to get fat, either. Eating food, even junk food with a big advertising budget, does not make someone fat.

    you miss the point totally.

    big food corporations couldn't care less if you get fat or not. They just want you to BUY their products...you said it yourself that their food is 'junk'...
    I didn't miss the point at all. Food companies don't care if you get fat, nor should they. Clothing companies don't care if you get fat, either, as they make clothes for thin people, also. Both companies are in it to make money, as all businesses are.

    And just because food has a budget, doesn't make it junk. I never called it all junk, so don't put words in my mouth, please.
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    I do not eat processed foods. They are just chemicals and junk. When you get away from them and even have one bite, they taste terrible. There is nothing better than fresh foods properly seasoned and prepared.
  • melwa
    melwa Posts: 44 Member
    I don't blame corporations AT ALL and I don't blame ANYBODY, but I think it's a real shame that how to calculate and manipulate your TDEE is not common knowledge. This should be right up there with sex ed. You NEED to know how many calories it takes to run your body... it's like driving a car with no gas guage otherwise.

    [bold]Now that I know exactly what it takes to maintain or lose,[/bold] my life is so much easier and I don't feel guilty about eating any kind of food because essentially everything on Earth is made of the same stuff. The first little while was a learning curve in the sense that some food is more satisfying than others but now that I'm groovin' it's become a piece of cake <- see what I did there? :wink:

    More info please!! Can you point where to learn about TDEE and how to identify what works? Cheers.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    The question is: Are they to blame? According to the CEOs of these food giants, consumers have the power of choice and could simply pick healthier foods if they wanted to. But we know this just doesn’t happens...

    Of course it happens! I'm perfectly capable of walking past the Yoplait, and so is everyone else. The CEO is absolutely right - they are giving consumers what consumers want.

    This is like blaming me that my dinner guests are fat because I'm a damn good cook.
  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
    I really like Margaret Atwood's dystopian future (MaddAddam trilogy) - it has an interesting take on food production. They start mass producing lab-grown meat as a cruelty-free and cost-effective alternative. It tastes terrible, nothing like the food it replicates, but quickly becomes the norm. I can absolutely see that happening in our future.

    Its all personal opinion and blah blah. But there is so much artificial flavouring packed into the highly-processed foods that you become desensitised to it. It takes less than a week of eating fresh, organic produce to realise just how overwhelming those flavours are.

    Side note: I will always try to buy local produce rather than from supermarkets. I don't like the idea of eating an 11 month old apple that's been genetically modified to look pretty and taste sugary-sweet, at the expense of other elements that make an apple delicious. And I hate supermarket bananas - theyre such a vibrant yellow, underripe and hard, because they travel better that way. I prefer the softer, muddier yellow of an organic banana that was picked when it was ripe. Supermarkets and ~~the corporations~~ are so focused on appealing-looking food with a long shelf-life that they don't care about flavour, texture etc. That, imo, is the problem with current food mass production.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Sugar is evil.

    Evil...I keep seeing people say this and I am beginning to genuinely think they don't understand it doesn't mean what they think it means.

    But aside from that...you say it is "evil" but then....
    Sugar is not unhealthy. The quantity of it that is consumed each day is.

    so which is it? Is sugar evil or are people responsible for their own choices?

    Ahhh you're right.. I should have said "added" sugar is evil.
    Sugar in and of itself is not unhealthy. You need sugar for nutrition. It's all the extra sugar that is evil.

    And yes. people are responsible for their own choices. And should choose foods without added sugar. Companies should be *clear* on what it in their food and what they add and what it actually is.