Safe to lose 8lbs a month while pregnant?



  • cacklingcat
    cacklingcat Posts: 150 Member
    Wow. Talk about rude. Why should I stop eating 1200 calories/day and exercising? I ran an 18 minute mile for goddsake!!! I have been lightly jogging! Why should I stop eating healthy? Drs encourage pregnant woman to eat healthy. Must I reiterate, PLAN on talking to my dr? (And adding cal as needed, I eat when im hungry and eat back my exercise cal!)Btw, I just reread it and I dont want to be 160-165 when I deliver, I want to be 160 after I deliver. I know I wont lose 8lbs every single month, just askong if it is tangeble. Never said ANYTHING about not putting baby first. Its my third. Both other pregnancies went perfectly. Please dont explain that its better to have a healthy baby than a baby that is ill or premature. Im not an idiot. My second had a case of hip displaysia caused by how he was sitting in the womb( not due to anything i did, because I wasnt even exercising , well i did walk a few blocks)and ate what and when i wanted) and had to wear are harness so it would fix it self. We did it for two years a 3 hr trip one way to a great hosp every month. I appreciate answers, but some comments are making it seem like Im not putting the baby first. I did make a mistake in saying I wanted to get down to 160, I meant after delivery, so Id weigh 170-180lbs the third trimester. Most answers were great and appreciated, but a few were kind of offensive. Difference of opinion fine. But lectures on better to have a heathy baby than a nice body or bby with defects? Save your breath. I know that I said 4 times I was checking w dr.

    I dont think 1/2 of them even read your post just the title from there reaction. I think your going the right way, you already said your going to talk it thru with the doctor. The people that say that your baby is going to have problems are wrong (yes maby if you were starving your self and eating crap but you don't sound like that person).
    You probably wont have this but i now the gestational diabetes diet helped my friend loss wait when she was pregnant( of cores she was 250lb and had gd and too the the people that will argue here doctor new about it and theirs nothing wrong with this diet its way healthier than many things).
    Tho i do agree that you should go to maintenance now and just keep active. I believe you can still jog for a few months, then maby just walking(and there are some interesting yoga and fitness videos for pregnancy out now) So good luck and don't let the people that don't read the whole post get you angry your doing this right and getting advice from the doctor.:wink::happy:
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Please please please tell me this a joke thread. I am blown away by this question. You are pregnant. It is no longer your goal to lose weight until after the baby is born.

    Eat healthy and do light exercise. You may lose a little bit early in the pregnancy due to changed eating habits and exercise, but please discuss all of this with your doctor before starting any exercise if you have been sedentary until now.

    Edit: Just read your response above, I hadn't read through all of the replies. No need to freak out on everyone here. You asked for advice on rigorous weight loss during pregnancy...which is completely ridiculous.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I normally don't have a problem with ppl eating 1200 cals a day but NOT during pregnancy. It's just that on that kind of restricted diet, I doubt the baby is getting all the nutrients, protein and fat it needs to grow.
    The kind of weight loss you're talking about is not healthy during pregnancy. I suspect your doc will be ok with you not gaining a whole bunch since overweight women are ok to gain in the lower end, like 10-15 lbs.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    I was overweight when I got pregnant, and here is the advice my OBs gave me when I asked this question.

    Eat to maintain weight up to 20 weeks. There is no real benefit from gaining during the first half of the pregnancy. The baby, placenta and extra fluids only weigh about 3-4 pounds total, and staying at the same weight will not harm the fetus.

    After 20 weeks, eat to gain weight, but do not overdo it. I gained less than a pound a week after 20 weeks for a total of 16 for the pregnancy. That's an extra 200 or so calories a day. It is necessary to gain some weight during the second half of the pregnancy, even if you are overweight.

    My daughter was over 8 pounds at birth, and I walked out of the hospital weighing less than when I got pregnant and was a full size smaller 2 weeks after she was born than I was when I got pregnant. After that, I started my weight loss, and I dropped it very quickly. By the time my daughter was 11 weeks, I'd lost another 20 pounds.
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    Yeah.... I think several people jumped the gun on replying. I don't think it's a dumb question at all. Seems you're just asking if anyone else has experience in losing while pregnant when overweight. So, I get it. Anyways, what I would say is 1200 is too low. 1200 is pretty much the absolute lowest a female should go even when not preggo. And even then, a lot of women stall out at that weight. So like a PP suggested, up your cals to maintenance and go from there. Exercise like you've been doing, drink lots of water, eat the healthy stuff when you can, and carry on. Then when you get into the doc (and it may be a bit if your doc situation was like ours), then just ask him what your cals should be since you were in the process of losing before finding out you had conceived. If eating at maintenance and eating back part of your exercise cals, I'd say he'll say as long as you are eating balanced and not working out until you drop you are fine. All I craved with my first was sushi and fruit so I didn't gain much at all and I was VERY active. Same with my second. I didn't really weigh or look at a scale. Just ate balanced and stayed busy. It ended up being the best thing because when all was said and done after baby, my weight was just a bit under what it was before and it was FINE! But upping the cals up to maintenance for sure is needed because your body is going to be burning more just building baby and you will need the energy! Congrats, good luck, and take everything on here as a grain of salt! :glasses:
  • rahul1987oct
    please talk to your obs/gyn.
    and dont think about wt for the shake of your baby,
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    Wow. Talk about rude. Why should I stop eating 1200 calories/day and exercising? I ran an 18 minute mile for goddsake!!! I have been lightly jogging! Why should I stop eating healthy? Drs encourage pregnant woman to eat healthy. Must I reiterate, PLAN on talking to my dr? (And adding cal as needed, I eat when im hungry and eat back my exercise cal!)Btw, I just reread it and I dont want to be 160-165 when I deliver, I want to be 160 after I deliver. I know I wont lose 8lbs every single month, just askong if it is tangeble. Never said ANYTHING about not putting baby first. Its my third. Both other pregnancies went perfectly. Please dont explain that its better to have a healthy baby than a baby that is ill or premature. Im not an idiot. My second had a case of hip displaysia caused by how he was sitting in the womb( not due to anything i did, because I wasnt even exercising , well i did walk a few blocks)and ate what and when i wanted) and had to wear are harness so it would fix it self. We did it for two years a 3 hr trip one way to a great hosp every month. I appreciate answers, but some comments are making it seem like Im not putting the baby first. I did make a mistake in saying I wanted to get down to 160, I meant after delivery, so Id weigh 170-180lbs the third trimester. Most answers were great and appreciated, but a few were kind of offensive. Difference of opinion fine. But lectures on better to have a heathy baby than a nice body or bby with defects? Save your breath. I know that I said 4 times I was checking w dr.

    No, am sorry -- you don't get to come in and tell EVERYONE how rude they are when you asked if it is safe to LOSE 8 pounds a month while pregnant. And YES, you did do that -- look at your topic subject.

    So one more time: Yes, pregnancy is going to affect your weight loss goals. No, you are not going to be able to roll out of the hospital at your goal weight 160. Sorry. Not at all realistic or healthy.

    Of course people are worried for your baby -- you've had 2 and still asked this question. I have no idea about other people's doctors but mine definitely outlined how much I should eat, how much I should gain etc. Maybe yours did not - but still, how could you possibly expect that PREGNANCY wouldn't interfere with your weight loss goals (which aren't all together realistic for a non-pregnant woman) very much.


    I am not trying to be "rude" but definitely keeping it real here --
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    Nope, the baby needs a certain amount of weight to thrive. Better put that plan on hold until afterwards, sorry it is not about you anymore.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I assume you're choosing to carry to term and become a mom? If so, then talk to your ob/gyn. They will know what is healthy for you and if not, then they can refer you to a nutritionist who can help you out.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    please talk to your obs/gyn.
    and dont think about wt for the shake of your baby,

  • ianthamfyolek
    ianthamfyolek Posts: 21 Member
    Absolutely not. Talk to your OB/GYN, and they will have a good recommendation for a nutritionist as well. Make regular appointments with them throughout the pregnancy but weight loss during pregnancy, ESPECIALLY 8 lbs a month, is incredibly unsafe.
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    Wow. Talk about rude. Why should I stop eating 1200 calories/day and exercising? I ran an 18 minute mile for goddsake!!! I have been lightly jogging! Why should I stop eating healthy? Drs encourage pregnant woman to eat healthy. Must I reiterate, PLAN on talking to my dr? (And adding cal as needed, I eat when im hungry and eat back my exercise cal!)Btw, I just reread it and I dont want to be 160-165 when I deliver, I want to be 160 after I deliver. I know I wont lose 8lbs every single month, just askong if it is tangeble. Never said ANYTHING about not putting baby first. Its my third. Both other pregnancies went perfectly. Please dont explain that its better to have a healthy baby than a baby that is ill or premature. Im not an idiot. My second had a case of hip displaysia caused by how he was sitting in the womb( not due to anything i did, because I wasnt even exercising , well i did walk a few blocks)and ate what and when i wanted) and had to wear are harness so it would fix it self. We did it for two years a 3 hr trip one way to a great hosp every month. I appreciate answers, but some comments are making it seem like Im not putting the baby first. I did make a mistake in saying I wanted to get down to 160, I meant after delivery, so Id weigh 170-180lbs the third trimester. Most answers were great and appreciated, but a few were kind of offensive. Difference of opinion fine. But lectures on better to have a heathy baby than a nice body or bby with defects? Save your breath. I know that I said 4 times I was checking w dr.

    Umm...sorry, but when you come on a PUBLIC site like this, you open yourself up for any sorts of comments, especially when talking about dieting or losing some weight while pregnant. Save your breath and just wait for the doctors appointment instead of coming on a public forum like this asking for the advice that you did. And personally, I didn't see any rude comments from anyone, just concerns for your unborn child. PLUS, in your original post, you DID ask for opinions which is exactly what you got.
  • ahszabo
    ahszabo Posts: 7 Member
    I think you've been given pretty good advice. I know that when people are very overweight in pregnancy then a slow and steady weight loss based upon a very healthy diet and activity levels is recommended. But, depending on where you are, it could be more of a goal to maintain your current weight, or to limit weight gain to 10 to 15 pounds. Most certainly talk with your doctor, but I would try to maybe maintain your weight (calorie wise) until you see them and they can help you set a goal. I am sure you will make a healthy choice for you and your baby. I started my third pregnancy at your same weight, and only gained 10 pounds (which my doctor said was within the healthy range), then lost all that plus more after she was born...and then put all that plus more back on when I stopped breast feeding. Whoops! I've lost it now, and working on losing more.
    At that weight prenatal diabetes is more of a concern, so beware of that with your choices in food and how you're feeling. I made it through okay, but being overweight does increase that risk.
  • lovebig30
    lovebig30 Posts: 167 Member
    it not safe to lose that much I lost weight the first 5 months with both my kids morning sickness and nauseous all day tend to hurt food intake. but gain in the last trimester with both my total weight gain was less than 20 lb. with my second I wore my regular pants until around 6-7 months. eat at level to maintain weight, exercise and be healthy the weigh is just a number on a scale.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    IMHO I think 8lbs a month is quite a big ask for a lot of people and if you are pregnant...maybe it is not such a good idea?

    I agree with the people that have suggested to speak with your doctor/obstetrician/midwife etc.

    They are the ones that are going to be monitoring you and baby.

    Congrats on your new little person that is due x
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    It is possible, but you need to talk to your doctor. I lost 70 lbs in my last pregnancy, it sounds dangerous but I had it to lose. I was losing the weight not my baby, she was born healthy at 7 lbs 9 oz.
  • BabyNurseJen
    BabyNurseJen Posts: 64 Member
    Wow. Talk about rude. Why should I stop eating 1200 calories/day and exercising? I ran an 18 minute mile for goddsake!!! I have been lightly jogging! Why should I stop eating healthy? Drs encourage pregnant woman to eat healthy. Must I reiterate, PLAN on talking to my dr? (And adding cal as needed, I eat when im hungry and eat back my exercise cal!)Btw, I just reread it and I dont want to be 160-165 when I deliver, I want to be 160 after I deliver. I know I wont lose 8lbs every single month, just askong if it is tangeble. Never said ANYTHING about not putting baby first. Its my third. Both other pregnancies went perfectly. Please dont explain that its better to have a healthy baby than a baby that is ill or premature. Im not an idiot. My second had a case of hip displaysia caused by how he was sitting in the womb( not due to anything i did, because I wasnt even exercising , well i did walk a few blocks)and ate what and when i wanted) and had to wear are harness so it would fix it self. We did it for two years a 3 hr trip one way to a great hosp every month. I appreciate answers, but some comments are making it seem like Im not putting the baby first. I did make a mistake in saying I wanted to get down to 160, I meant after delivery, so Id weigh 170-180lbs the third trimester. Most answers were great and appreciated, but a few were kind of offensive. Difference of opinion fine. But lectures on better to have a heathy baby than a nice body or bby with defects? Save your breath. I know that I said 4 times I was checking w dr.

    I was giving you the benefit of the doubt until this post. See my user name? Eat at that large of a deficit during pregnancy and I can pretty much guarantee you we'll be meeting in the NICU.
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    I think perhaps you aren't heavy enough to try for significant weightloss while pregnant. You might check to see if there is a bariatric obstetrician in your area. I know there is emerging research on the subject of obesity and pregnancy, but I think only morbidly obese patients are being advised to lose while pregnant. There are recommendations now far more specific than the overly simplistic ones that were previously being made. So that's my 2 cents, don't just see and obstetrician, see a true specialist that will know more about this subject.
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    I don't need the points for what I really want to say.
  • spookiefox
    spookiefox Posts: 215 Member
    My goal is about 160 by June, I jusy found out Im preg. I will need to lose about 8lbs/month to acheive my goal. Is it safe/ a tangeable goal? Opinions? I will def talk to the dr apt about it when I get an apt, also.

    Yeah, you need to ask your OB/GYN, but usually it's a bad idea to plan on losing during pregnancy. If my math is right, you weigh about 225 now, and that's really not high enough that most docs would be comfortable with you losing during pregnancy. You could probably maintain during pregnancy. I'm sure they won't want you to lose 8 pounds a month during this time.