Starting a 40 Day Fast



  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    We surely need to improve science education, critical thinking, and valid research collection in our education system. I feel so sad about this.
  • mcjmommy
    mcjmommy Posts: 148 Member
    My boss did 40 day fasts before for spiritual reasons. He drank only water and occasional fruit juices. He shrank like crazy, BUT as soon as the fast was over he would put the weight lost right back on.
    Doing this to lose weight sounds unadvised.
  • spookiefox
    spookiefox Posts: 215 Member
    Hi SoupandCookie, thank you for your concern. For about 15 years, I was on a lot of medication, haven't been on any for 5 years now but the damage is done. I also have several mercury amalgam fillings.

    Yes, I am doing this under the care of several health consultants who helped me wean off the medication and lose 20 lbs. It is not their recommendation that I do the fast, however they are supportive of my decision.

    Are these health consultants licensed medical doctors whose MDs come from established medical schools? If not, you are not "under medical supervision."

    It is not necessary to "cleanse" the body. It cleanses itself. It's what your liver and kidneys do.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    We surely need to improve science education, critical thinking, and valid research collection in our education system. I feel so sad about this.

    It is Darwinism at work. Observe real life science happening before our very eyes.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    This is dangerous. Food is not your enemy. It is fuel. I hope you will reconsider.

    Let's pretend, just for a minute, that you DO have toxins that have built up in your organs. You don't, but pretend you do. How will essentially starving your body of nutrients get rid of those toxins?

    There is no logical reason for you to do this. You are going to harm yourself.
  • samammay
    I just want to point out that if you cant eat at a deficit long enough to lose weight, how do you expect to fast for 40 days?

    And ignore all of the naysayers... you probably wont die. You'll wish you did though.

    Your friends are morons. Just sayin. Seek REAL professional help. From REAL doctors.
  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    Before you do this - at least do some real research:

    FWIW - a coworker did this and was rushed to the hospital after collapsing at work on day 8.

    ETA: Do at least read through the thread, as the OP adds to it.
  • SunnyDuckling
    SunnyDuckling Posts: 204 Member
    Oh Sweets,
    Can't you see this is a terrible idea? It really is.

    Mercury fillings are safe. Really. You could have had them changed out if you really wanted to a long time ago. Painful, but possible.
    You can't possibly have
    years of ... a lot of food that is sitting in my stomach rotting away and blocking the nutrients from entering into my bloodstream
    Human body doesn't work like that.

    Listen, while natural therapy 'doctors' have one approach, they also talk about holistic healing. I suggest you complete the holistic research and get a second opinion from a GP (medical doctor). ALWAYS get a second opinion. Especially one that will be independent/impartial and not tainted by the fact that 'they know you' (ie - your friends).

    All we have is concern for you.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Can't you all just be supportive?

    Good Job OP...Super Idea!
  • spookiefox
    spookiefox Posts: 215 Member
    To those of you who think that my doing a 40 day fast is a bad idea, I understand your concern and a long time ago, I would have agreed with most of you. However, I have tried normal dieting and exercise, and it is only prolonging my suffering. For those of you who recommend I see a doctor--several of my friends ARE doctors, REAL doctors that have studied natural medicine and have healed many people the correct way.

    For those of you who recommended Intermittent fasting, thank you, this is also a great idea, however I am looking for something more drastic and more cleansing. Perhaps this is not true for all of you, but after years of overeating, I have a lot of food that is sitting in my stomach rotting away and blocking the nutrients from entering into my bloodstream. I also have a steady dose of mercury going into my blood on a regular basis due to my mercury amalgam fillings. After 15 years of being on medication, 15 years of having a steady dose of mercury everyday, and 23 years of eating unhealthy foods, the toxins have built up in my organs and have caused an accumulation of toxins and gallstones that are blocking the proper functioning of my organs-- which yes, can lead to serious health complications, which is why I have decided to do this fast. Eating more and taxing the body further will only make matters worse.

    As for magnetically correct water-- I'm not sure where you are doing your research, however magnetic water ( filtered first, of course ) is excellent for reducing contaminants in the water. I took this straight from the website I obtained my magnetic water filtration system from: "The PiMag® Waterfall® is certified to meet contaminant-reduction specifications of ANSI/NSF Standards 42 and 53 in reducing compounds including aesthetic chlorine, chloramine, mercury and volatile organic compounds."

    And for those of you who hope I fail-- what goes around comes around. Be careful what you hope for. I know your intentions in hoping for my failure are good, however to hope for someone else's failure is never a good thing to do karmatically.

    The purpose of this post was not to obtain criticism, but feedback from those who have already fasted-- regardless of the timeframe. I appreciate CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, but criticism without proper research is somewhat worthless to me-- no offense to any of you. Thank you everyone, again, for your input.

    There is no such thing as magnetically correct water. Water is a polar molecule--that's why ice has more volume than the same weight of water and what causes the surface tension that bugs walk on--but magnetically correct water is simply impossible. Water isn't "magnetic." You are spouting medical woo, and harmful woo at that. And food cannot and does not build up in your system. Nor do medications. Anyone who told you they do has not got a good science education.
  • natalia616
    natalia616 Posts: 34 Member
    You know, it's the "magnetically correct water" that is a tip off that this is something you got from a nonsense website. LOL

  • I'm going to be blunt with you. By no means am I trying to be mean but you seem too convinced that this is the right decision.

    It isn't.

    I myself did a juice cleansing. I did nothing but spend a ton of money on organic vegetables and drank juice breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, every single day for 3 days straight. My goal was to make it to 10.

    What you consider doing to clean your body with is not going to work. Period. You will be putting those vital organs that are designed to detoxify your body under great stress. You will most likely be hospitalized because of it. What's more important? Doing this and shutting down your body or doing it the right way?

    If you are seeing several consultants that agree with this, dump them. They are not looking for your best interest.

    If you're really determined to do this, don't ask people on here what they think and then try to throw rebuttals to their arguments.

    If you do it, you're putting yourself in danger.

    Do raw juicing with raw food dinners to detox your liver. Then get onto a reasonable diet with exercise. Low impact, if possible. 30 minutes of walking is just fine until your body is readjusting to the changes.

    Throwing it into a shock will do no good and will not detox.
  • KathleenMurry
    KathleenMurry Posts: 448 Member
    Oh I get it! This fast is supposed to cleanse us of you! Because you definitely won't be here much longer if you stick to it which means you can stop posting your poorly researched fake bullsh*t which by the way is considered triggering to people suffering from eating disorders.

    Shame on you.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Take a pregnancy test before hopping into this fad. If food is making you sick, there is something going on that a REAL doctor needs to look into..

    Can you name 5 toxins that you will be getting rid of? Please? If you've done all of this research, this should be easy for you!
  • natalia616
    natalia616 Posts: 34 Member
    I think that this idea isnt going to do you any good, if you want to cleanse, cleans your body by eating UNLIMITED AMOUNTS. Of fruits amd vegetables ONLY for 40 days, your body digests fruits and vegetables in only 20 minutes while eating meats and other products that arent fruits and vegetables take 4 hours, maybe even days. If you eat only fruits and vegetables this wouldnt be a fat but more of a cleanse. And you also wont have to deal with being hungry! Hope all goes well OP!
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    To those of you who think that my doing a 40 day fast is a bad idea, I understand your concern and a long time ago, I would have agreed with most of you. However, I have tried normal dieting and exercise, and it is only prolonging my suffering. For those of you who recommend I see a doctor--several of my friends ARE doctors, REAL doctors that have studied natural medicine and have healed many people the correct way.

    For those of you who recommended Intermittent fasting, thank you, this is also a great idea, however I am looking for something more drastic and more cleansing. Perhaps this is not true for all of you, but after years of overeating, I have a lot of food that is sitting in my stomach rotting away and blocking the nutrients from entering into my bloodstream. I also have a steady dose of mercury going into my blood on a regular basis due to my mercury amalgam fillings. After 15 years of being on medication, 15 years of having a steady dose of mercury everyday, and 23 years of eating unhealthy foods, the toxins have built up in my organs and have caused an accumulation of toxins and gallstones that are blocking the proper functioning of my organs-- which yes, can lead to serious health complications, which is why I have decided to do this fast. Eating more and taxing the body further will only make matters worse.

    As for magnetically correct water-- I'm not sure where you are doing your research, however magnetic water ( filtered first, of course ) is excellent for reducing contaminants in the water. I took this straight from the website I obtained my magnetic water filtration system from: "The PiMag® Waterfall® is certified to meet contaminant-reduction specifications of ANSI/NSF Standards 42 and 53 in reducing compounds including aesthetic chlorine, chloramine, mercury and volatile organic compounds."

    And for those of you who hope I fail-- what goes around comes around. Be careful what you hope for. I know your intentions in hoping for my failure are good, however to hope for someone else's failure is never a good thing to do karmatically.

    The purpose of this post was not to obtain criticism, but feedback from those who have already fasted-- regardless of the timeframe. I appreciate CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, but criticism without proper research is somewhat worthless to me-- no offense to any of you. Thank you everyone, again, for your input.
    this cant be real.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Ironic username is ironic
  • natalia616
    natalia616 Posts: 34 Member
    Also if you feel ill after exercise you may be over- exercising and your body cant handle it try doing only calisthenics while doing the fruit & veggie cleanse :)
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Yes, I just looked up magnetically correct water. No scientific support, at least among real scientists. The owner of the company that will sell you the equipment must have superior training. Then there is the part about how our fillings are going to kill us.
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