51 yr. old trying to get her groove back



  • kathyt08069
    kathyt08069 Posts: 39 Member
    Joining groups helps you to find friends and keep motivated. I belong to both Over 50 ladies and Woman over 50. Please join us we would love to have you in our group. I have noticed Over 50 Ladies is a bit more active than the other group.

    Happy weight loss,

  • newdoda
    newdoda Posts: 30 Member
    Oh, my heart breaks for you...I know the disappointment! Hang in there, we can do this! I tell myself if I can do 22 hours of labor and delivery drug free I can DO THIS! Think of the hardest thing that you have gotten through and tell yourself, "if I can do that, I can get healthy!" Let's get our GROOVE ON!:wink:
  • newdoda
    newdoda Posts: 30 Member
    Just completed day 2 of kettle bell workout and it is kicking my backside! front side and all the other sides:) Didn't really feel like doing it, had a massive headache...oddly enough... headache gone after workout:smile: Eating oatmeal and getting ready for work. Have a fantastic day all you groovy women! Shine bright:glasses:
  • dietingdebbie
    dietingdebbie Posts: 28 Member

    am in the last month of being 49... the big 50 Nov. Looking for MFP buddies too. :) x
  • james6998
    james6998 Posts: 743 Member
    Get some before pictures happening, you are going to regret not seeing how far you come. You are here, therefore you are 1 step further on your way to your goal.
  • newdoda
    newdoda Posts: 30 Member
    Good idea James, although I'm not real keen on having my picture taken skinny or fat:) Baby steps, I tell my students, you can't eat an elephant all in one bite.
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    I'm 54, and figure this is NOT going to get any easier! I like logging food and exercise to track of what works. Don't try to do too much too fast. We're supposed to have patience at our age, or so I've heard :wink:
  • saxy2014
    I just joined yesterday and to all the over 50 ladies, there is no reason why we can't all be fabulous!! It may take a little longer than when we were 30, but if we stay motivated it will happen. It is more of a "lifesyle change" than dieting.....believe me, no one wants to deal with high blood pressure, diabetes or knee problems so we just keep going.
  • newdoda
    newdoda Posts: 30 Member
    AMEN sister! I just had an epiphany about something that I have been saying to myself. Recently my excuse for not going to the gym is because I am embarrassed about the way I look... but I had no problem going out to eat and stuffing my face. Hmmmmm...
  • margarethepburn1
    Hi you can do it, it took me a few goes b4 I managed to take this seriously last fri and in 3 days iv lost 3lb as I started the gym to. I go an hour a day . My partner of 5 and half years and I split up on the Friday because I put on 21lb since I stopped smoking at xmas he didn't like the way I looked . So this has made me lose the weight for me now so if I can do it anyone can good luck
  • wonders13
    I'm new also and 50 years old. I'm wanting to lose around 30lb. Feel free to add me everyone! :)
  • lila1958
    lila1958 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi, I'm 54, new to MFP and looking for a few friends also.. I am also working with an injury but have lost 3 pounds so far, it's a start. I've never been able to count calories before, and this is a great tool. Good luck to you, you can do this! I'll send friend request..
  • 1yoyoKAT
    1yoyoKAT Posts: 206 Member
    I am 55, and this can definitely be done, it's not too late for us! :flowerforyou: As some others have mentioned, I've also been focusing on developing a healthy lifestyle as opposed to "dieting". I feel better than I have in decades! It's great to have the support of others in a similar age group. Happy to be friends, feel free to add me if anyone would like to.
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    You're welcome to add me as a friend. I'm 52 and have been on this site for a while now. I'm maintaining or at least that's my story. In reality, I am fighting to lose 2.5 lb.s I gained this summer. I know it's not a lot but if I don't get rid of those pounds soon, they'll bring their friends over the holidays!!!:laugh:
  • JennInTx
    JennInTx Posts: 72 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. Your story sounds very familiar to me. And You've come to the right place. I'm a newbie as well, but have found many very caring, supportive people and groups. I don't think I would have come this far without them.
  • newdoda
    newdoda Posts: 30 Member
    This was in my Devotions for Dieters e-devotions this morning and it smacked me right in the face, "I DON'T WANT MY GREATEST SKILL TO BE MY ABILITY TO EAT!" Wow for me that was profound and I will remind myself of that all day today. I don't want that to be my greatest ability; how I speak to others, how I treat others, how I help others, how I love others...that's what I want to be greatest. Let's eat to live not live to eat:) Have a great day all!:wink:
  • newdoda
    newdoda Posts: 30 Member
    This was in my Devotions for Dieters e-devotions this morning and it smacked me right in the face, "I DON'T WANT MY GREATEST SKILL TO BE MY ABILITY TO EAT!" Wow for me that was profound and I will remind myself of that all day today. I don't want that to be my greatest ability; how I speak to others, how I treat others, how I help others, how I love others...that's what I want to be greatest. Let's eat to live not live to eat:) Have a great day all!:wink:
  • newdoda
    newdoda Posts: 30 Member
    CHOCOLATE COVERED STRAWBERRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    My sweet, wonderful, loving, SUPER SKINNY daughters sent me 6 HUGE chocolate covered strawberries for our anniversary! So thoughtful, cuz they are one of my favorites....but... really? Ha ha I'm thankful that they remembered but I need those like I need a water buffalo! What's your idea of a great gift when you are trying to get fit and healthy? Seems like so much revolves around FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member

    Training Sessions
    Gym Memberships
    Workout Clothing
    Workout Equipment
    Workout DVDs
    Mani/Pedis Are ALWAYS A GOOD THING!!! :wink:
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    Hi, new to MyFitness Pal and need all the help and advice I can get (constructive not mean!). Saw my reflection in the window while dining outside yesterday and I have no words (none that I could repeat on here anyway) that would sum up how I am feeling. I am going to use my calorie counter religiously so I can see what is really going in since what I have been doing is not working. I have about 40 lbs. to lose and a lot of toning. Pretty low right now, however, somehow I need to find my inner strength to do this! I just have to do this and now before my weight gets any higher.

    good on you. You really have come to a good place. So many things we eat and we don't realise their calorie counts. I'd say my biggest shock and biggest enemy has turned out to be cheeeeeeeese... sob.

    weighing food, measuring food, identifying high calorie food - that's what it's all been about for me. Working out that 3500 cals = 1lb fat. So I have to be at a weekly deficit of 3500 cals to lose 1lb of fat a week.

    Simple science. Simple mathematics, simple physics... getting all the facts and then being able to choose among them. This has been empowering for me. I have moments of crisis when I work out how many calories are in that packet of ginger kisses I just accidentally inhaled, but knowing helps me in the long run. Just plain knowing has made a huge impact. :)