October 2013 Move Your *kitten* Challenge



  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,157 Member
    Ending with 1.5 miles. I had to wait for the sun to go in - had my pupils dilated at my eye exam today and sunlight is not my friend. I would have looked like a vampire waving at the evil sun. As it is, I still look like I'm on something. :smokin: :noway:

    I knew my four days at the resort mid month would give me extra miles I normally wouldn't have, but I know it wasn't 25, so I'm pleased with having gone over my goal with or without the trip.

  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,341 Member
    The spreadsheet is experiencing a minor technical glitch that you may or may not have noticed. Do not be alarmed. You have not been selected for gender reassignment in case you notice an errant M-for-Male beside your name if you're female (or missing if you're not). :bigsmile:

    We are aware of it and should have it "fixed" soon. (Pun not intended, but noted :laugh:)

  • JTH11706
    JTH11706 Posts: 2,947 Member
    Well life got in the way of moving my @ss yesterday but I fixed it by getting in 7 miles today. And with that I am at 150! That is the most miles I've ever done in a month and I'm awfully thankful to you all for pushing me to get there.

    This thread moves so fast it took me a while to catch up after my "vacation" yesterday and there are so many comments I could make, but I'm just going to close October with this:

    I LOVE YOU PEOPLE!!!!:heart::heart: :heart:

  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,463 Member
    Got a great ride in today. I have ridden more than I ever had. Great challenge, keeps me motivated and gets me out of the house.

    10/29 - 13.5 miles biking
    10/30 - 10.5 miles biking
    10/31 - 13.0 miles biking

    Total: 327.5 miles


  • itsfruitcake
    itsfruitcake Posts: 146 Member
    Ladies and gentlemen, you're all superstars for making me get my bum off the sofa this month. I looked at my miles this morning which were so close to my goal and I was gutted I'd miss the target again. So I fought very very hard with my sleepy self, got up, fixed my glasses to stop them from slipping (I've got conjunctivitis at the moment so can't wear xontact lenses which is part of the reason why I didn't run a lot), went to the gym, and did 4 miles of intervals on the treadmill (while singing along to my awesome new playlist... And without glasses after a while because they kept slipping so I had to bend over and squint to see the display... What a run! :D). Wooo!

    02/10: 3.5 miles (running + walking)
    04/10: 4 miles (running + walking)
    08/10: 4 miles (running + walking)
    09/10: 3.5 miles (running + walking)
    22/10: 2 miles (walking)
    23/10: 2 miles (walking)
    24/10: 2 miles (walking)
    25/10: 1.5 miles (walking)
    27/10: 4 miles (running + walking)
    28/10: 1 mile (limping to the doctors... :D)
    30/10: 1.2 miles (walking)
    31/10: 4 miles (running + walking)

    Total: 32.7 miles
    Goal: 30 miles
  • kakiem
    kakiem Posts: 183 Member
    Final up date: 20.27 miles in last 4 days :-)

  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,341 Member
    Ladies and gentlemen, you're all superstars for making me get my bum off the sofa this month. I looked at my miles this morning which were so close to my goal and I was gutted I'd miss the target again. So I fought very very hard with my sleepy self, got up, fixed my glasses to stop them from slipping (I've got conjunctivitis at the moment so can't wear xontact lenses which is part of the reason why I didn't run a lot), went to the gym, and did 4 miles of intervals on the treadmill (while singing along to my awesome new playlist... And without glasses after a while because they kept slipping so I had to bend over and squint to see the display... What a run! :D). Wooo!

    Total: 32.7 miles
    Goal: 30 miles

    That is so awesome, ITSFRUITCAKE!!!!! CONGRATS ON MAKING YOUR GOAL!! And thank you so much for sharing the story of how this challenge helped get you out of bed and you ended up enjoying yourself!! WIN!

  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    Ok, things have been hectic, but I would like to participate next month. I am also backing the mileage down to 20 miles to see if I can achieve it.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Two short walks between rain showers and a bicycle ride this evening. +11.4, so my total for the month is 320.95 miles!
  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    Got in another 20.5 spinning miles this morning

  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    2.5 miles walking to end the month


    Goal was 150 so I definitely moved my *kitten* in October. And it hurts. (Lots of lunges yesterday.)

    Great job everybody breaking the old record! Love how everybody rallied to get in some extra miles. (Especially those of you walking in the rain!!!!!)
  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    So excited to hear that we have all pushed so hard this month that it became the highest mile month ever. You have all done great and you should be proud of what you have done. Marathons, Half Marathons, bike races, and over all getting your bum off the couch have been accomplished this month.. That is awesome!
    Done let anyone tell you that how you earn your miles is a waste of time, or that you are not strong enough or don't have enough fight in you.. You are doing this and they are not!!

    Great job everyone for a great month!!! Now onto next month!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I did get in 1 mile on the elliptical before my 2 T25 workouts!!!


    Thank you EVERYbody who takes care of this thread! YOU are AWESOME!!!
    Happy trick or treating & I will see ya in November!!!
  • kewpiecyster
    kewpiecyster Posts: 154 Member
    And BOOM - Trick or Treating done...just decided to add up everything from the last update...and I am OVER!!!

    120.5 TOTAL FOR OCTOBER!! (I had 6 miles just today)

  • clepant
    clepant Posts: 3,408 Member
    Okay...was about 25 under what I hoped to reach this month but with two surgeries, I can't feel too bad about my miles. Next month will be better for sure.

    Oct. 31: 8 miles

    TTD: 275 miles

  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    2.74 miles walking tonight truck or treating

    205/200 total miles for October.
  • Lovemyalex
    Lovemyalex Posts: 3,852 Member
    Exercise total for

    Thursday 10/31

    (Exercise bike 20.33 miles & walk 2 .0 miles)

    Total 22.33 miles for today

    **749.47 miles done ...:happy:
  • ElliInJapan
    ElliInJapan Posts: 284 Member
    Final post for October: 122.2km (goal was 100km)! :drinker:
    Good job everyone!
  • CeeCeeMee
    CeeCeeMee Posts: 356 Member
    This was my first month trying out this challenge but I will be back for November!

    My goal was 60 miles but I didn't make it. I will be better than this though.

  • phytogurl
    phytogurl Posts: 671 Member
    13.81 miles on the trainer tonight, mtd 237.86. Great month @ss movers!!