Thoughts of cheat days?



  • mtnhiker1
    mtnhiker1 Posts: 114 Member
    Yes, cheat days seem to work for me but within limits/rules I originally set up.

    1. absolutely count all calories

    2. Do not add back exercise calories (I never even put them on MFP)

    3. Keep a running total of number of calories not used (number under)

    4. On weekly weigh in day, subtract 30% of the calories not used - these are calories available for a cheat day ( cheat days should be rare).

    This works for me.
    N0EXCUSE Posts: 23 Member
    I have one cheat meal a week or one cheat night out per week. Usually the night out, because alcohol has LOADS of calories!
  • Itsallbs15
    Itsallbs15 Posts: 262 Member
    I did the "cheat day" for awhile and it turned into a cheat month. So, I don't limit what I allow myself to eat, I just eat in moderation and stay within my calories so I don't have a need for a cheat day.
  • Aparz1
    Aparz1 Posts: 949
    I do a cheat meal but I think it depends on what your normal day looks like..., most of my MPF friends while they stay under the cal goals eat less clean foods so their norm food would be a cheat meal to me. Guess there should be some point if reference?
  • suzyfj8
    suzyfj8 Posts: 257 Member
    I have a cheat meal not cheat day, as then I add in extra calories every week but its not too many to ruin the rest of the week's work.
  • gringuitica
    gringuitica Posts: 168 Member
    I have a cheat day about once a month. Since this is a lifestyle, not a diet, it's a cheat because I don't count calories, not because I binge. This is the day I go out to eat with my husband, to a nice restaurant. I act like a normal person (again, lifestyle not diet) and order a moderate meal. I don't go overboard, but it's a restaurant and I know the cals are much higher than making my own food.

    I make sure to "bank" a few calories (100-200) in the days leading up to the restaurant meal, and try to get in an extra workout or two. I don't stress about it. And if I lose less than my target 1 lb/week, I forgive myself. I went out, had a great time, lived my life, and didn't gain. That's different from who it was just a few months ago.

    For me, a cheat day is not the same as a binge day. I think that makes a difference.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    Some people can do them and some cant. I have one once a month. I do the entire day and eat whatever I want. I dont conserve calories in the week prior either. For me, I think I would have failed at this whole process long ago, if I didnt have them. It helps me.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    Go to the maintenance thread and there's an awesome post.. "in defense of cheat days" that.
  • ritalvsfer
    ritalvsfer Posts: 27 Member
    I don't have cheat days. I eat what I want and record all my calories! Then I bust my butt on my elliptical! This works for me!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I have a cheat meal once in a while but I still keep it under 1500 calories (usually much less than that) and eat almost nothing else the rest of the day. The key for me is to have it in the morning or at lunch.

    Cheat days are way too dangerous, it's like going back to your old eating habits or something...
  • MintBerryCrunch21
    I would never do cheat days. After I lost weight last year I decided to have at least 2-3 cheat days a month. On those days I gained weight so quick I don't know how bodies work but I've learned from my lesson. I believe it's to do with body types as my body type says that I can gain fat or muscle easily.
  • Wildflower0106
    Wildflower0106 Posts: 247 Member
    I lost weight while having no log Saturdays. It never hindered my weight loss.
  • Wildflower0106
    Wildflower0106 Posts: 247 Member
    I would never do cheat days. After I lost weight last year I decided to have at least 2-3 cheat days a month. On those days I gained weight so quick I don't know how bodies work but I've learned from my lesson. I believe it's to do with body types as my body type says that I can gain fat or muscle easily.

    It was most likely water weight...
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    I don't view a cheat day or cheat meal as the opportunity to eat something of which I've been depriving myself. I use it as a metabolism boost. After a few weeks on a consistently low calorie diet, if I start to struggle completing a couple consecutive workouts, I'll have a "Cheat Meal". To me that will not mean unlimited pizza or ice cream, but a few additional calories, 500 or so and mostly carbs with my last meal of the day.
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    I eat what I want all the time, within my calories.

    My only "cheat days" ( I HATE that expression! ) I call them " I'm going out and dont give a **** today " days.

    Anyway, the only time I go over is when I go out with friends and I know we'll be at a restaurant or having a drink at the pub. I log every single thing, but I dont care how much I go over.

    This has happened 3 time in 3 months and has done me no harm thus far. If I let go a little more Im sure I would find it hard to get back on track. Especially if I didnt make myself log it.
  • glitterstreet
    I have a cheat day once a week but I ensure that it fits into my weekly deficit.When beginning my weight loss journey I made the mistake of looking at my calorie deficit on a strictly daily level and I found that I never allowed to indulge once in a while because I was so terrified of being over my calories for the 'day'. However, now I've started looking at it from a weekly perspective, I lower my calorie intake on days I don't feel particularly hungry (Mostly Mondays) and a little bit the rest of the week so I have room on the weekend to eat more, but within limits.

    I think a cheat day can have alleviate the psychological impact that a diet can create, it can make you feel less restricted and more inclined to carry on the diet for a longer time. However, the impact of a cheat day, in my opinion, depends entirely on the basis on the weekly deficit you have incurred. For example, you could eat 2500 calories on a cheat day but cut out calories during the week and still maintain the week's deficit, or have 5000 calories and maintain an average calorie intake that causes you to maintain.

    Occasionally, I'll allowed myself little treats during the week like a small chocolate bar but I find that this isn't the best method for me because they tend to trigger me to eat more.

    Yes, I find that for a few days afterwards my weight is up a bit but it has always dropped back to normal after a couple of days. Remember, this is a lifestyle change and having some flexibility is what is going to make it easy to stick to :)
  • thoshowski
    thoshowski Posts: 135 Member
    I have a cheat day once a week. I work until that day. This past cheat day, I didn't really eat bad, but it was the fact that I could enjoy the food with out wondering how many calories are actually in this. It's there to keep my sanity. I still eat anything I want in moderation, as long as it fits in my calories, but it's nice to not think about calories once in a while.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    Allow yourself a "cheat day", but spread it out over a week - enjoy 3 cheat meals on 3 different days. It will give you something to look forward to on 3 days, you probably won't gain very much weight, and you won't be as likely to veer out of control into a period of binging.
  • MatthewLewis81
    MatthewLewis81 Posts: 59 Member
    I don't do scheduled cheat days or cheat meals, but I occasionally do one or the other. Often if I know a special food occasion is coming up, I'll eat light the rest of the day so I can still at least stay under maintenance for the "treat" meal(s). Very rarely I go ahead and let myself go for a whole day, depending on the situation.

    I find the emotional need for "cheats" is greatly mitigated by making room each day for some foods I really enjoy eating. (Avoiding, however, a handful of "trigger" foods that somehow create a vicious craving as soon as I finish one bite.)
  • crempel83
    I don't do cheat days I don't really like to limit what I can or can't eat. Instead I focus on making sure to eat lots of veggies and whole foods, the more that I do that the more the cravings for those other processed crappy foods has diminished. I find that when I eat them I tend to be disappointed. I do like to treat myself but it's more just part of the way of eating, I believe in an 80/20 kinda thing. As long as 80 percent of what I'm eating the other 20 percent can be whatever. Mostly I try and keep them homemade healthier treats but sometimes I do go for that leftover pizza in the lunchroom or the store bought cake and I don't feel guilty about it. I guess it helps that I've gotten better over time and limiting my portions, where a slice of cake used to be almost a quarter of it, now it's just a tiny wedge because I know I'll feel sick and gross if I eat more and I like the way I feel when I eat healthy.