I'm new...........will take any suggestions.



  • dawndovell
    dawndovell Posts: 48 Member
    Welcome! You took the first step. You signed up! You took a second step and introduced yourself. You took a huge third step and told everybody about you and took accountability! Everyday will be choices to take steps towards your goal. And you can do this!
  • Hiker_Rob
    Hiker_Rob Posts: 5,547 Member
    Every day is a new day! I watch my weekly stats as much or more than my daily ones so that I don't get so fixated on each day. It's a lifestyle change that flows over days...weeks....months....years. Set your goals on what you think you can attain and then work up from there.
    All the best!
  • 2015KMV
    2015KMV Posts: 40 Member
    I can't believe how easy it is. I should have started last year when I signed up but was not sure I would figure it out. So much support thru all the posts. I can't wait for my lifestyle change to fall into place and take over :smile: