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  • tomwatso
    tomwatso Posts: 1,304 Member
    Buy a wii.
  • gibbsedward
    gibbsedward Posts: 11 Member
    I Grew up on comic books and cheap Sci-Fi books.
    I had both a CB radio and a Ham license.
    I saw the original Star Wars prolly 20 times in the theater.
    I watched the original Star Trek when it was new.
    Been on the net since the early 80s (my first browser was Lynx).
    My first PC ran at 4.77 MHz, and with special software at 8 MHz (NEC Multispeed).
    I don't game anymore because I have an addictive personality and I know if I ever started again I would disappear down the rabbit hole.. But I have played Leisure Suit Larry, Leather Goddess of Phobos, and the original DnD on a micro-vax.
    I'm currently using a Polar H7 with Polar Beat app to feed Virgin Healthmiles and iCardio to feed MFP, both running on My Nexus 5. I do about an hour of cardio per day - 30 minutes on an elliptical and 30 on a treadmill.
    I also have endomondo, Runkeeper, and a few others that I don't use much anymore.
    I also have a Fitbit (Zip) linked to MFP.
    I hate to say this but my main motivating factor is guilt. There is always a ton of junk food lying around in the break areas and labs at work, and I eat it. Then I walk off the calories. Then I eat more junk, and walk it off again.