
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    NSV for me! I put on my heeled boots which used to be really tight on the calves and there was a great big gap!:bigsmile:
    Also , when I got dressed up for the lunch, DH said, "Anyone looking at you would think you were only about 42." ! ! ! :blushing: :love:
    I must say I felt pretty great in my new pencil skirt.
    The lunch was terrific. I often just have two starters and I did that today. Mussels and scallops. Yum! I reckon 450 calories, but it's only a guess.
    DH is having a good birthday. Feeling quite relaxed.:blushing:

    Love from Heather in mild and sunny Hampshire UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I went in for jury duty, signed in on time, and sat in a room with the other jurors for a couple of hours. Eventually the judge came in to talk to us. Evidently the defendant brought in a surprise witness that even his own attorney didn’t know about, so they had to reschedule the trial to give both sides time to interview the witness and prepare their cases. We were sent home with a thank you for doing our civic duty. No trials are scheduled for the rest of this week, and I need to call in next Monday evening.:ohwell:

    We’re having lovely fall weather this week, a bit of Indian Summer for us, and I went walking with my neighbor. It was very pleasant and made me grateful for my blessings. :bigsmile:

    Rita form TN: I am amazed that you’re finding time for us at all, with your move coming ups so quickly. I hope you’ll have access to the internet when your computer room is all packed up.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    October goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    WHAT a difference a day makes---yesterday I saw blue skies and SUN, SUN, SUN!!!!! Whenever there wasn't a runner coming in at the h.s. cross country meet finish line, I swear my head was just tilted back enjoying!!! It was great!!!

    On a more somber note, my friend Gin (the woman I take food to occ.) has her scan today to see how well the chemo for her lung ca. is working; please send up some good thoughts for her.

    Linda.........I really don't decorate much; it takes maybe 5min.; finding the stuff every year is the hard part!!!

    Gail..........Let me echo Pat and ask for pics of the Atlanta meeting; hope you all have a great time.

    Heather...........A very happy birthday to your dh; sounds like the trip to Bath was great...thanks for taking us along. Great NSVs today for you!!! Congratulations!

    Meg........Wow, spicy bean soup sounds really good!

    Sandy.........I'd suggest to go by your clothes rather than the scale for the time being.

    Sylvia...........YAY!!!! New jeans!!

    Taz........Sent you a pm with fast food ideas that I've used

    grandmallie...........vacation sounds like it's going very well. Have fun!

    Hello to everyone else; hope you are having a good day.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Bump. photos later of my wonderful visit with Andelane and Olivia. I am back on track with excercise and eating. I will lose some weight before Christmas. Be back in a lttle bit.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Had a bad night with this inflammation.Dr said to cut ex in half.
    Off with hubby to do some errands and have lunch.
    Have a good one.
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thoughts and Prayers to all, bumping to find my place later

    Juanita in sudbury
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies! Thank you for all of your good vibes, they must have worked because I had a wonderful night's sleep! :smile:

    I made another discovery last night. It is possible to overeat on foods that are extremely healthy. The turkey, peppers & corn soup turned out wonderful! OOOps..... ate way too much of it. Then, instead of getting control, lost it completely and finished off a box of gluten free ginger-spice cookies. So, today I go back to measuring my food, and the ginger-spice cookies are on the "not-in-my-house" list. I can't believe I do this to myself. Two weeks ago I broke into the 170's.....haven't seen those numbers in years.... and it is like something inside of me is trying to make sure I go back up instead of continue going down. I really hate this weakness in me.

    I also hate sounding like a weakling.....geez. I'd better go find my big girl panties, I seem to have lost them.:huh:

    So, I woke up this morning, stretched, yawned and looked at the ceiling fan. Y'all know where I am going with this, don't you! Yup, I swear, it looks like I am hanging dust webs for Halloween! I guess while I am looking for my big girl panties I should look for my extension duster! :bigsmile:

    Oh, crap on a cracker! :mad: I just lost all of the notes I had typed for you on my notepad.:explode: They are floating in cyberspace
    somewhere! I think it is time to get off the computer. I will return later and try to go back and remember what I said to everyone. Dang! It's going to be a long day.

    Pat (Phoo in Az)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    Bump......:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:

    Lin in Central Iowa
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    TTYL (bump) :smile:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Me and my newest.

    And my two little sweethearts this morning. I miss them already.

    I am so motivated to do the eating and exercising thing again. I have it all mapped out and I am sticking to it!!!!!

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Robin,your sweethearts are adorable.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Robin........They are both gorgeous!!! And the baby has so much hair!!! (my dd didn't have that much at 2!!)
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Robin- :love: :love: :love: Congratulations! They are beautiful babies. Blessings for baby, big sister, parents and You! :flowerforyou:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    katla - congrats on the skinny jeans. How I wish I could wear them! The last time I was called to jury duty, I wasn't on a jury. That would be most intresting. Hope everything goes the way you want it to.

    puzler - I've done the same thing -- gone to restaurant's websites and picked out what I want

    CaroleAnn - I'm impressed, not only with your determination but also with your daughter's. Kudos to you both

    Renny - your potluck sounds like it has lots of room for variety.

    Pat - I so agree with you about fruits ripening naturally tasting better

    Leaving for the deep water right now. Tomorrow I'm planning to do Jillian Michael's Power Sculpt DVD

    Linda - I don't think you can stop a man from overfeeding a pet. I certainly can't. I do try to give weight management food only, tho, in the hopes of counteracting this somewhat. I don't think we go out to a restaurant even once a month. Vince just has no desire, it really doesn't bother me. If I eat at home at least I have control of what goes into the food. When you said that lemon in the water is good for inflammation, do you mean only fresh lemon juice or can you use that "True Lemon" powder?

    Sylvia - so glad the hairdryer worked for you. Admitted, it's temporary, lasts only a few hours. But when you have a bad itch, it's great relief. I know, we were skeptical, too. How could this work? When Vince first read about it, it didn't mention why this worked. We tried it, and it worked. Then he looked further and found out that the heat releases the histamines. Now we use that all the time. So sorrry about hubby's tooth, but glad you could get into see a dentist and get it taken care of. Woohoo on the smaller pants!!!! You go girl!

    Heather - Your entire trip sounds so fascinating. Thanks for sharing it with us. Happy birthday to your dh. Congrats on the boots. Your hubby knows when he has a good thing

    Suzy in DE - yes, one of my daughters still lives in Kennett Square

    SSCartright - welcome! Have you told your family how determined you are and asked them NOT to give you snacks. Whenever there's an occasion where I'm going to get a cake or something like that, I usually ask for an "Incredible Edible" (fruits cut in the shape of flowers) arrangement. I think at one time or another we've all been up that creek, but everyone here is so supportive and nonjudgmental, you'll love it

    Jill - you're right, smokers don't realize that they smell. I remember years ago a friend of mine(who since gave up smoking) asked me "do I smell". Many many years ago I worked at a paint factory and do you know that people used to smoke in the bathroom? Even tho smoking wasn't allowed there. Meg - maybe you can suggest (on a nice day) that the meeting be held outside?

    I had to laugh at this. Vince got a postcard from this auto dealer wanting to buy his 2005 Hyundai Tiberon. The only problem is that he sold that car to this dealership four years ago and bought his Genesis!!!!!

    Sandy - don't get discouraged. It's totally normal to gain weight when you first start exercising, totally. The real thing that you're seeing is that your clothes fit better and you're stronger, you can do lots more. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat.

    barbie - wonderful lunch!

    Susan - are you going to make the frosting for cakes from scratch, too? I was TOLD that you can freeze a cake even tho it's been iced. I try very hard not to do that, but I do freeze the cake. Your menu sounds delish. Your dad sounds like my children, how many times we've "forced" them to do something they said they didn't like and in the end they wound up really enjoying themselves.

    Well, did 50 minutes of Jillian Michael's Power Sculpt DVD today (Thurs). I'd really like to know how the people who are in these videos don't need to constantly drink water. Never fails that when I do a DVD or take a class I have to stop and drink, I usually go thru 24oz.

    I have my annual physical tomorrow but I'm planning to do a Leslie Sansone Ttoal Body Slim

    yanniejannie - I do hope everything goes well for Gin. Good thoughts being sent her way

    Gail - I'm another one who wants pics!!!!

    Robin - absolutely adorable pic.

    Michele in NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    afternoon ladies- have had a wonderful time down here in Florida, we will be leaving early Saterday a.m. to fly back home..Have friends coming down from about 3 1/2 hours away tomorrow morning for a visit.. told them to bring there suits, becuase there pool isn't heated. dont know how long they will stay.. came down with 2 carry-ons and going home with 1, leaving the summer stuff I brought down here,because I wont need it in Connecticut.we will be back down the last 2 weeks of december anyway...
    went down to help DH's aunt and uncle, his poor uncle though only 71 has stability problems has fallen twice and is black and blue all over,poor thing, he had a friend there and Tom so everything that needed to get done was done, Took Aunt to Publix for groceries, so they are all set for now.. found out the AC isnt working in the car,down here you need the AC, wasnt feeling so hot by the time we made it back here.. so sitting icing my foot for a bit, then off to the pool.late afternoon and will walk for an hour.. boy does that burn the calories, and probably a bike ride tonight...
    I get alot more outside time down here that is for sure... love it, and all the birdies, I am in my element down here.. but miss my furbabies..
    haven't gained any thats a good thing...
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello again. I'm sitting in the lobby of the conference hotel, waiting for hubby to finish. I just spent three hours at the mall, and BOY am I tired. I hope I can find a way to log that as exercise. And I went to an arts and crafts gallery that I have been wanting to visit. Bill went with me to the nature park earlier and we hiked for what seemed like an hour but actually was just 30 minutes. We also ate lunch at a BBQ place, and I had their smallest sandwich. It was heaven! I was gushing about how delicious it was and Bill told me that if you give a starving person an old boot he would think it was delicious. I got some really good deals at the mall and even found a new swim suit! It's an 18! I just love vanity sizing.

    Have a great evening.

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Just saving my place!

    Robin:smile: those babies are gorgeous :love: :heart: !!!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I am awake and I don't like it. I usually sleep for close to 24 hours straight after a really busy trip like I had. I know it wasn't busy according to some peoples standards but mine it really was busy. It has made me some what worried about Christmas which is always at our home but one thing that wears me out is the actual driving, or rather riding in the car. We traveled about 700 miles in the two days. But at a holiday I'm not the one traveling and the younger generation now handle most of the cooking. Everyone knows I am not known for good housekeeping and still come anyway!!! It's not messy but just not precise housekeeping. But we are all used to my 6 year old being the oldest child but now we have 4 under 2 years that will be here.

    Anyway, back to my being unhapy about being up. My stomach hasn't woke up yet, the brain is awake but that's the only part and we are going to Cracker barrell tonight and I know I will not eat the right things. But supper will be my first and onlymeal today except an evening snack.

    I have tried to read back through the posts. So much going on with my Vit F friends. Wow, to go from size 30 to size 20, how wonderful. See you later.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    Robin - such beautiful children!

    Well, I managed to get through the day of two celebration meals with wine for 1850 calories. That is only 150 above my allowance. Hooray! I must say the lamb was absolutely fabulous and as you all know by now I am a fishy person! ! ! DH was beside himself with delight.
    Off to London tomorrow. DS will be working late so we won't see him, but the main idea is to give DDIL a break and help with lifting after her caesarean. We will be bearing sushi, as usual.

    Love Heather UK
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Robin- The babies are so cute!! Glad all is going so well for you!

    Need to grade and write lesson plans. Will try to get back tomorrow with more comments. I am struggling with both food and exercise right now. Work is incredibly busy and can't shut my brain down to sleep. Lack of sleep makes my brain fuzzy- not good when teaching pre-calculus for the first time!

    Have a great evening!

    Deb A in CNY